Tag Archives: Batman

What I Hope To See/Not See In BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT!


I had a brain freeze for the next blog so i put it out on Twitter for anyone to give me some suggestions and ideas. So, Good Buddy and Twitter follower (@Zeroreax) suggested I tackle, BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT! I decided to make it a list of what I hope to see/not see in the upcoming game. Lets get started.

1. I WANT TO SEE.. More multiple playable storylines with different characters!


ARKHAM CITY Is my favorite out of the current line up of Arkham Games. One of the main reasons was because of the CATWOMAN angle of the storyline. It was really cool following an interconnected story within a single game. And the bonus HARLEY QUINN’S REVENGE, We got to play as ROBIN. Which was really fun. I hope to see that aspect of the game return for this installment. And not only as a bonus DLC add-on. If this is to be the last ARKHAM game. I want a massive, Multi-layered story. One in which that incorporates many of the members of the  Bat-Family. As we approach the games release, It’s been announced that a DLC Bonus story featuring The RED HOOD, is available and a Game Stop exclusive Harley Quinn “Chalange Map” (if I’m not mistaken) is also out there. So, so far so good in that department.

2. I DON’T WANT TO SEE.. A rediculous amount of unnessesary upgrades! He’s BATMAN! Just how much more perfect does he need to be!? I understand the need to increase the amount of playtime you want a player to invest in to a game. But hot damn! That has to be one of the things I disliked about AC and AO! Upgrade the gadgets, the suits, and some of the takedowns. But please, keep it to a minimum.

3. I WANT TO SEE.. A real Two player experience. Not a lot of folks liked the multiplayer aspect of ARKHAM ORIGINS. But including an actual story centric two player mode where you can team Bats with, Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, hell I want BATGIRL in this jam! (But, Barbra is ORACLE in the game?!) So what!?! It’s a game! Put her in the suit and let her kick some ass! [ Now I know there is no chance in hell that they will include ANY form of Two Player Mode in AK. But a nerd can dream can he?]

4. I DON’T WANT.. The Riddler to have so much shit stashed around the city! Please.. Three games and I’m alittle Riddler-Fatigued.. (Although, I enjoy every minute he’s in the Gotham TV series) What AO did right and improved/repeated from AC, was mix it up abit with the amount of non riddler tasks that littered the city. If that to be done again. Bring in new villains. I think we’ve taken cared of MadHatter, DeadShot, Killer Croc, and Poison Ivy and Zazaz Two times too many. Lets switch it up abit more with this one.

5. I DO WANT.. More BatSuits… Nuff said!

6. I DON’T WANT.. Hard as hell trophy tasks! My goodness. AO made me do so much crap to get one trophy it was rediculous! Go back to the simple trophy achievements of AA and AC! And PLEASE! No more freeflow combat ones! It’s next to impossible to do an 80x FreeFlow Combo! SO DON’T ASK ME TO DO IT TO GET A DAMN TROPHY!


8. I DON’T WANT.. The ARKHAM KNIGHT to be a throw away Villian. Or a lame one at that. They are not giving us too much info about AK, but here’s hoping its something really unexpected.

9. I DON’T WANT.. ANYMORE FREAKING CONCEPT ART! I mean, for shits sake, give it a rest! If your gonna give some kind of bonus prize for completing a certain task. Give me an unlockable character!! (See number 1 on this list for further details.) Just please. No more concept art!

I guess that’s gonna do it for me. If you agree or disagree with anything here. Or if you have anything to add, please feel free to comment below or hit me up at my usual haunts.

I admit it. Not my strongest article. But fuck it. Take it or leave it!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!





WHAT IF?!?.. Batman Belongs In The Marvel Universe!!


I for one, believe in the “multiverse” theory! The theory in which there are and or IS a series of alternate earths in which every road that was not traveled, is traveled. For every action there is a reaction. Therefore for every other action, there is yet another reaction. Lets say you went to NYU, found a good job, married, had kids and so on and so forth.

image OR! perhaps. You had went to University Of Miami. Fall for a bad woman. She gets you in to the drug trade. Several murders disappearances and back stabbings later. Your the worlds most profitable drug dealer with a cartel that spans from Cuba, to the great white north and beyond!image In one such reality, I can imagine. Every month a comic book company, called Marvel Comics publishes one of the greatest characters to ever grace the world of comics.. BATMAN!image

*SCREAMS OF PURE HORROR* “BLASPHEMY!!!!”, “HANG HIM!” “HOW DARE YOU!?” “KILL HIM!!” “BURN HIM!!”imageWhoa there! Hold your horses. Before you grab your pitch forks and torches. Please allow me to indulge in my innocent little fantasy!

I LOVE! Batman. Just as much as I LOVE Marvel! So, in my twisted little mind. I can picture Batman, living within the Marvel Universe. It would be pretty damn epic! I mean, lets face it folks. Batman is probably the most “Marvel-esque” character within DC Comics. He is as interesting and intriguing as a Marvel Character. He’s as complex as a Marvel Character. And he’s as Bad Ass as a Marvel Character!

“BATMAN IS DC! He would never fit in with Marvel! It would never work! Plus, he could kick every Marvel characters ass! So shut up and die!”

Okay.. Well. Lets examine your, claims. Shall we. “BATMAN would never fit in theMarvel Universe.”

On many occasions, DC and MARVEL have collaborated together, to put together some of the best inter-company crossovers. Some, on Epic Scales, like…

MARVEL vs DC:image


Other stories were on much smaller scale. But still pretty cool, like…





And last but not least, BATMAN/CAPTAIN AMERICA!


The beautiful thing about The Bat, is that, he’s.. Somewhat, a universal character. Put him in the right situation, with(or without) the right people. And it WORKS! To say that BATMAN wouldn’t fit in because of the type of character he is. You might as well include the DCU for that matter. His character doesn’t completely meld with some of all the bright and shininess that makes up the DCU. In my opinion. The DCU had to darken itself up, just to fit in WITH BATMAN. Where as the MCU has a perfect balance of both Light and Dark. Could you just imagine! BATMAN vs DOCTOR DOOM! BATMAN and DR.STRANGE take on the deadly alliance, of RA’s AL GOUL and MORDO! Come on!! Every issue would be one epic after another! So many possibilities.


Not at all! Gotham could easily co-exist with New York! Probably the city itself, could be an extension of New York State. Perhaps another island city off its coast perhaps?! And Arkham Island could be an extension of JERSEY!? (Hey! That could work! 😝) And to your comment about kicking everyone’s ass! Batman could easily defeat the entire DCU… Literally.. He can. So…. Your argument is invalid!

Please! Do not mistake these words as a slight to the DCU. Not at all! I LOVE and RESPECT DC! No matter what! I Just Think God should have placed BATMAN in the MARVEL universe!

I REPEAT! This is just me and my stupid fantasy! (Which happens to be a pretty awesome fantasy!!) Well! That will have to do it for me folks! If you have something to add to this. Please feel free to comment below. Or hit me up on Twitter (@GonzoNeo) or Instagram (@Neophoinexdragon) and if you haven’t already. PLEASE FOLLOW OR SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG! I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!


“Hmm, Odd?! I wonder who that could be, at this time a night? …..  …

“OH! FUUUCK!”image