Category Archives: Wordpress


HEY!! HEY!! KIDS!! #MondayMatchUps (the regular one) Is back and better then ever! I Recentley announced some changes to the weekly event. First of all, instead of just one battle. I’ve decided to post 4! Normally I would post a single battle, 3 to 4 times to insure everyone gets a chance to vote when they can. But instead. I shall only post each battle only once! Voting will still last all day, so you would have enough time to get your vote in. But, the results will come a little earlier when possible. Well.. I guess that’s about it! Lets meet our fighters shall we?!… First up, for battle 1. We have..

KRATOS: image

THE GOD OF WAR!! Armed with an array of Magical, Death dealing weapons. Chief among them, His Blades Of Chaos! KRATOS is a Demi-God. With Superior strength of that of an ordinary man. KRATOS has faced all manner of beasts. Ranging from Gorgons, Hydras, Cyclops’, Gods themselves! Heck! He’s killed TITANS!! But he’s never faced a Titan such as…

THANOS! image

A being that has laid waste to entire PLANETS! All in the name of his love for Mistress Death! Thanos has known Godhood, and unlimited power! Vast intelligence and advanced weaponry at his disposal. Thanos’ strength matchs that of The Hulks’! To challenge him.. Is to court oblivion itself! (See what I do there!..)

MY THOUGHTS: HOLY FUCK! I really can’t decide a clear winner. Both are complete savages in battle. The only edge I can give KRATOS is his Blades Of Chaos! Those are what can either win him the fight.. Or! Get him in to trouble. Thanos knows how to use his enemies strengths against them. Thanos can get in to his opponents head and get them off balance. KRATOS is much like Hulk, in the fact that pure Rage! is what drives him. That’s a plus and a negative in this fight. To win, KRATOS would have to use every truck he knows. Cause if he doesn’t.. Thanos would emerge the victor!

THE RESULTS: Apparently, Thanos has met his match! KRATOS emerges victorious thx to your votes.. 13 Fav’s to Thanos’s 9 RT’s


DR.DOOM! imageLord of Latveria! Master of Science and Magic! Doctor Doom has faced many of Earths mightiest Heroes and emerged victorious in one instant or another. Doom is no light weight.. But he will need everything in his arsenal to best..



(Well.. What can I say.. I wanted the return of #MondayMatchUps in the new year to be.. EPIC!) Darkside! Ruler of Apokloypse! A “New-god” and for fucks sake, one really bad mother (shut yo’ mouth!) I’m just talking about Darkside! DARKSIDE, can take Superman, and wipe his ass with him. Nuff said!

MY THOUGHTS: HMM.. This is Darksides battle to lose! But I would not immediately cast defeat upon Doom! Doom, at one point, was able to syphon the power of THE BEYONDER!a god-like being of unlimited power. And lived to talk about it. He’s possessed the power COSMIC on many occasions. Meaning, he’s defeated the likes of The Silver Surfer. He has, if I’m not mistaken, bested Thanos himself at one time or another. (I might be wrong… SOMEONE GET ME A FACT CHECKER, PLEASE!!) DARKSIDE’S OMEGA BEAMS and emensie strength make him an incredible force to recon with. But.. I don’t like Darkside, so my money would be on Doom to take the win!

THE RESULTS: I guess Darksides Omega Beams aced the victory for him, 12 to 6! But no worries! It was only a DOOM-BOT that was destroyed. For Doom is too smart to rush in to battle, against an unknown foe! But data has been collected and for if they meet again.. “Doom will be the victor!”



I don’t know I damn thing about the new God-dess of Thunder and current wielder of mighty MJILNIOR! Only the fact that she’s Worthy to hold it, and she’s freaking Hot in that outfit! (I wouldn’t mind if she put the hammer down on me if ya get my drift! Huh! Huh! Huh! Yeah.. You get my drift!) Clearly a possessor of great strength. This Thor is by no stretch of the imagination, a pansy!

Her opponent..

STARFIRE..  image

One of the original members of The Teen Titans! STARFIRE! An alien princess is a current outlaw and hangs out with a couple of guys who have a thing for the color red! She herself is very strong, fast and deadly! Able to launch energy projectiles from her hands and what-not! STARFIRE, is one chick you don’t want to piss off!

MY THOUGHTS: I love STARFIRE.. I really do.. But there ain’t no damn way my girl Thor is gonna lose this fight! No way! No how!.. Unless you JERKS vote wrong!…

THE RESULTS: And you JERKS voted wisely! My girl THOR, whooped STARFIRES ass!.. 20-16.. Close my beautiful alien princess.. But not close enough.


POWER GIRL!  image

What’s in a name?!.. Uhm.. POWER! Probably the strongest female character in the DC UNIVERSE, Besides Wonder Woman. Power Girl is one of my favorites. She’s strong, fast, and very hard to beat!

Her opponent…


My personal favorite from within the Thor Universe! Beta Ray Bill’s power rivals Thor’s. wielder of the enchanted hammer “STORMBREAKER” he can call upon storms and lightning bolts to power his attacks. Brute strength doesn’t discribe the power this guy has!

MY THOUGHTS: It’s a toss up for me. I love them both. Ether of them can pull out a victory. Pound for pound they are evenly matched. STORMBREAKER, I Bill’s ace in the hole though. If Power Girl can get him away from it. It would be a knock down drag out fight until one of them goes down for the count!

THE RESULTS: Clearly The Breast of the Best.. I mean, The Best of The Breast… I mean The Breast of The Breast. FUCK! YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!! POWER GIRL takes the fight, 14-9!

Thank you to all who voted! See you all next week, when #MondayMatchUps returns next Monday with FOUR all new battles. If you have any battle suggestions please feel free to send them my way!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!



WOW!! WHAT A START TO THE YEAR FOR THE MULTI-VERSE TWITTER PAGE! We kicked things up to a thousand. With The First Annual #MondayMatchUps #TagTeamTournament

“The fuck is that?!”

It was a tournament in which, 32 people selected a Tag Team of Fighters. Made up of characters from Movies, Comics, Cartoons, Video games anything from the world of Geek! We saw some really awesome teams. The Teams were then placed in to two Groups. GROUP A and GROUP B. 16 Teams in each group. I then randomly placed them in to battles. In which the results/Votes were counted from who got the most Favorites or Retweets in that battle. The winner would advance to the next round. There were 4 Rounds in total. The 5th and final Round being the Championship.


Along the way. There were some surprises. Some upsets. And some very very close calls. In the end, it came down to two Teams!

The Team Of DR.DOOM and MAGNETO represented.. image

The master of magnetism. Magneto is considered the most powerful mutant, ever! DR. Doom. Tyrant, dictator, mystic.. All around badass! Lord of Latveria, Doom is a brilliant mind. Able to blur the line between Science and Magic. He is one of the few villains in comic history to have been able to single handedly take down both The Fantastic Four and The Avengers.

@Geometrick1598’s team swiftly beat almost any team it went against. Only a few came close.. But not close enough. What helped this team get to the Finals, Was the Power they possessed, and the Popularity they have among fans.

But Doom and Magneto, wasn’t the only team in the tournament that had those same qualities on their side.

Meet, Team Mean and Green! HULK and GREEN LANTERN! Representing.. imageGREEN LANTERN: The wielder of the Green power ring of WILL! Part of an intergalactic police force. Green lantern can project from his ring anything he can imagine. HULK… Is the HULK! An unstoppable force of Rage! The madder he gets, the stronger he becomes.

@GenteelSteel’s team.. Honestly.. DOMINATED his division. Nothing could withstand  the combined power of Rage and Will!

These are the powers that went against each other at the CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS!

“Are you getting to some kind of a point?!”

MY THOUGHTS: Looking at it from a completely unbiased perspective. (Although I already know the outcome.) Magneto could take Green Lantern, any day! No doubt about it. Doom, if given time to understand what Lantern’s Ring can do. He could come out on top. But that’s if he had time. Although Doom has a built in Computer in his mask that can record and analyze any opponents maneuvers. It would still take him time to put any strategy in to motion. This being a straight up fight. A Lantern/Doom fight could go either way. HULK on the other hand, given his frame of mind at the moment of the fight. If he was on rampage mode, good night Magneto. Doom has faced Hulk on many occassions and has had an upper hand in the fight thanks to his knowledge of magic. The enhanced strength he receives from his suit would help him face the hulk one in one. But not for an extended period of time. With Hulk on his side, Lantern would be golden. Probably would mostly have his hands full with Magnteo. But, depending on the scenario. Lantern could come out on top. Hulk is the Ace of this fight. He’s the winning card.

THE VERDICT: @Genteelsteel’s TEAM MEAN AND GREEN IS THE FIRST EVER #MondayMatchUps #TagTeamTournament CHAMPION’S! The votes were very close the first time out. But by days end. An overwhelming number of votes went in their favor.image

Making @Geometrick1598 THE FIRST EVER #MondayMatchUps #TagTeamTournament DIVISION CHAMPION!!image



@Vigilantesinc, @Rodakgunzrilla, @Comix4life, @Omegaslayer1011, @CastilloBobbi, @Malevolent14, @Joaghn_, @TravelByBubble, @Ozzyugi, @ColonelWoytuck, @TwimFan, @MrWadeWinWilson, @GirlsThatLift_, @Fangasmogoria, @The1stBat, @SupermanDc94, @BigJerm95, @wmking2425, @TheRapGeek19, @Zeroreax, @FunnyGuyChris, @xBaroothx, @MikeSchmidt09, @MarkVicFerrer, @StonedShaggy27, @Call_Me_Epic, @LuluSketches, @Sgsonny70 and @TheAngelicNerd A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL THESE FINE PEOPLE!

This was a great start to the year! Next Years Tournament will be even better! Stay tuned for March’s Singles Tournament!

So, until next time folks.. Peace out!



image Greetings folks, I am The Speculating Nerd! And today I want to take a moment to ponder aloud with you, the possible origins behind MARVEL STUDIO’s versions of QUICKSILVER and SCARLET WITCH!


Now, I say “Marvel Studios Version” because as most of you know. Marvel Studios shares the rights to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch with 20th Century Fox. The latter, being the current sole rights owners to the X-MEN UNIVERSE. Which means, anything MUTANT, belongs to FOX! Which is what Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are.. MUTANTS!

Then how can MARVEL use them in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON?! Its a rather weird loop hole, but since QS and SW spent most of their comic book lives within the pages of The Avengers.. Then, I guess, that gives Marvel co-ownership of the rights to them. Only one problem with that. THEY CAN’T BE MUTANTS! AND THEY CAN’T BE RELATED TO MAGNETO!image

But, that’s who they are?! How can they truly be QS and SW without that history?! How is Marvel going to explain their extraordinary powers?… WHAT THE FUCK?!?

One of the after credits scenes in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER was an underground HYDRA base under the command of BARON VON STRUCKER and they had two individuals locked up, and Baron called them ‘Miracles’!image That scene made all of us wonder if QS and SW are creations of HYDRA! But!.. Another theory has come to mind.. QUICKSILVER and SCARLET WITCH are INHUMANS!image

“But Mr.Speculator, sir.. How the fuck do you make that conclusion?!” Very simple Billy.

if you’ve been paying attention to MARVEL’s AGENTS OF SHIELD, you would know that this season has been laying the groundwork for the world of The Inhumans.

SPOILER ALERT!!!! WARNING! DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! LOOK OUT!! HEADS UP! GRENADE!! HIT THE DIRT! YOU MUST BE THIS TALL!! CAPACITY OF 3000 POUNDS!! I’ve run out of ALERTS! So… You’ve been warned damn it! In AGENTS OF SHILED’S mid season finale, SKYE was subjected to the TERRIGEN MISTS and obtained powers.. Just like all real Inhumans! In case you missed it..


Realizing that we are in fact 4 months away from AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON. I got to thinking about QUICKSILVER AND SCARLET WITCH and thier origins. And I had a thought. They never said nor implied in that short scene at the end of WINTER SOLDIER, that HYDRA had a direct hand in creating or giving QS and SW thier powers. Remember, HYDRA was SHIELD! They knew what they knew. They were ahead of SHIELD every step. Who’s to say HYDRA didn’t already discover a TERRIGEN MISTS chamber before SHIELD did?!? Hence “THIS IS AN AGE OF MIRACLES!”

HYDRA, may have been the first to discover the modern ages first set of Inhumans. I wouldn’t be surprised if its mentioned in AGENTS OF SHIELD in some fashion.

“But Mr.Speculater, Sir… I still don’t understand the shit your saying!” Well, Billy,  if you’d stop interrupting me you would get it! You little shit!

QUICKSILVER has had a very longstanding connection with The Inhumans, especially the Royal Family and Marrieing Black Bolts cousin Crystal and sireing a child with her. And basically it’s the most logical thing to do with thier back story. The Inhumans are the closest things Marvel Has to Mutants! It. Just. Makes. Sense!

Let me know what you folks think. Would it be Marvels best move to make thier QS and SW Inhumans? Do you have any other ideas or theories?! Let me know,.. You know where to find me..

(CLOSING SPECULATION: Quicksilver will be the one to die in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON!)

So! Until next time folks… Peace out!



THE FIRST ANNUAL MONDAY MATCH-UPS TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT! Is about to get under way! Now, Before I introduce the Teams, and who they are fighting for. A few last minute details..

To insure that the first round battles and group assignments are completley fair and random. I will write down the names of the participants on pieces of Paper and toss them in a bag and pick the names at random. Thus not only assigning the group placements. But also determining who faces who.

This Tournament is purely based on fun. Lets keep this clean, friendly and above all, RESPECTFUL!! So no name calling, No Bitting, No hair pulling, No eye gauging, and (more likely) No mean teasing! Lets keep this clean and friendly. Friendly ribbing is allowed! New Followers and New friendships are bound to be made in this Tournament!

With that out of the way, lets meet the Teams and Thier Creators! Lets, start with my team!..































Alrighty then! THE RESULTS FOR GROUP A’s FIRST ROUND… Can be heard on an upcoming Podcast! Cause for shits sake it’s going to take too long to do it in BLOG  format! So stay tuned for that! Here’s some kind of a link to it in case you need to find it later or something!…



So, Until Next time folks… Peace out!



Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Keep it on the low flow! Howdy everybody! Greetings and salutations! Hello, Ladies and Gentelnerds! Multi-Verse Neo here to poison your minds and melt your eyes!

This is my first “Official” Blog of 2015! “HEY! I thought we had enough signatures on that petition to get your ass off the Internet?!? WTF!?”

Sorry to dissapoint you folks! But I made it through!



2014, was a pretty awesome year for me… Blogging wise. Of course I had no idea just how awesome it was. Until the very nice people over at WordPress sent me an email! image

According to my “ANNUAL REPORT” my blog has been ‘VIEWED’ over 2,500 times! Now, by most blogging standards. That’s not even a drop in the bucket. “It’s barely a sneeze! Jerk face!”

Who lets you hecklers in here?!? “We are Legion! We are everywhere!!”

(Fucking weirdos!) tell me about it! Oh hey, Look everybody. It’s the VOICE! I didn’t know you’d be here! (Seriously?… I don’t, you know what? I’m on the hecklers side on this one!) *Door slams, car engine starts and tires screech off in to the distance* hmm, strange. Bye ttyl!

Although it may not be a big number for most. It is a GIGANTIC number for me! Some fat fuck, Puerto Rican nerd from the Bronx. Has a few thing on his mind and over 2,500 people pop in to take a look?! That’s amazing to me! It’s humbling and darn right nearly brings a tear to my eyes!

I don’t want to take up to much time with a whole bunch of thank yous! But to all YOU wonderful people on the interwebs (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and WORDPRESS!) I just want to say..imageLMFAO! But seriously..

Now that all that mushiness is out of the way! Lets get down to business! “WHAT DOES 2015 HAVE IN STORE FOR ‘INSIDE THE MULTI-VERSE’ ?!” Well.. The fuck should I know!? It just started. But why I do know!

Im starting the new year with a bang! The First Ever “MONDAY MATCH UPS TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT!” Is set to begin as soon as I have enough teams. (As I write this, we have a total of 16 teams and need another 16 to get the tournament underway!) THE SPECULATING NERD, was a surprise hit at the turn of the new year. You folks seem to like him.. I think!.. And he’ll make weekly posts when he can. Also, Once the tournament is said and done. I’ll make sure to have a MONDAY MATCH UPS after battle blog every Monday or Tuesday, when I can. I’ll try to feature more reviews, (Movies, Games, TV shows.) whenever possable. So don’t hold me to it! And if anything else comes to mind, that can make this blog more fun and worth a few seconds of your time. If you have any suggestions. Feel free to hit me up and let me know.

“Here’s a suggestion!… STOP!”

Again, Thank you to all of you for a really cool 2014, and I hope we can make 2015 even better! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!





As I mentioned in my last post. Once the New Year has been ushered in and we’ve all recovered from our massive hangovers and cleaned the puke from our bodies. I will kick start The 2015 “MONDAY MATCHUPS TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT!”

Here’s how it works!..

Much Like the 2014 “MONDAY MATCHUPS TOURNAMENT” we will have a bracket of Two Groups. GROUP A, and GROUP B. In each Bracket, there will be a total of 32 Fighters. Ranging from genres of all types within GEEKDOM. Games, movies, comics and or cartoons. The Fighters will be paired in to TAG TEAMS, (Hence the whole Tag Team Tournament!) Heres the catch! IT WILL BE YOUR TEAM! YOU MAKE IT! You Win, or You Lose!

For Example: Lets say, good pal of mine… @SQUISHYNOSINC creates the team of THANOS and KRATOS. And another good pal @OZZYUGI creates the team of WOLVERINE and GREEN LANTERN and by some chance I put them to face each other. (ALL FIRST ROUND BATTLES WILL BE ASSEMBLED COMPLETLEY AT RANDOM! I’ll probably do an enny, menny, minny, moe kind of thing!) It’s up to the votes on who’s team advances to the next round! Whomevers team wins, moves on and becomes that much closer to being the champ!

REMEMBER, IT’S NOT THE CHARACTERS that will get the glory.. BUT YOU! YOU will be considered the Tag Team Champion of Monday MATCHUPS! You’ll have bragging rights all over twitter! IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE VOTES!

Again. The brackets are assembled much like an NCAA BASKETBALL March Madness Bracket. There will be a series of 5 rounds, up to the FINALS. Where the champs of  both Group A and Group B will square off!

ALSO! BATMAN and other characters like him, will be prohibited to only ONE TEAM! ON BOTH GROUPS! ONLY ONE! So please, NO TEAMS OF BATMAN/BATMAN. Or BATMAN/BATMAN BEYOND! Yes BATMAN can kick anyone’s ass.. But lets try to be fair folks.. Or else you will force me to ban THE BAT from the tournament! And don’t think I won’t… You know what! I just might do that… Maybe….

I hope I made the rules and the way it’s going to go pretty clear.. I hope you’ll all join me in making this a pretty cool thing and make it a yearly event. Oh! And THE MONDAY MATCH UPS ‘SINGLES’ TOURNAMENT will also be held later in the NEW YEAR!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!



Hey there, Ladies and Gentelnerds! It’s your Ol’ pal Multi-Verse here to spew out some more B.S for your reading pleasure! Now, As the year in which our beloved Caped Crusader Batman turned 75 comes to a close. I thought I would take the time to revisit a story I did way back when. It was my third or fourth article in this blog. image  “IS ‘THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS’ OVERRATED!??”

In the article I expressed my feelings toward the legendary tale, by Frank Miller. At the time I wrote the piece, I believed that it was.. Kind of.. Overrated! In one shape or another. It wasn’t until recently, that I realized what it was that made The Dark Knight Returns so special to so many people! It’s actually rather simple…

Before “TDKR” hit the shelves. All True Bat-Fans only had one represention of Batman outside the books… image The Adam West/Burt Ward Campy Cheesy Corny BATMAN TV series. Now affectionately referred as BATMAN ’66! Though millions of Bat-Fans grew up with this version of Batman and can trace their love for the character back to this show.. Over time, those same people grew up and realized what it was.. And they grew ashamed of it. (At the time.) Even the comics had a bit of camp to it through most of the late 60’s in to the 70’s. Then, when the 80’s came around, things changed. Times were getting.. Darker! Bleaker! Fucked up! Then all of a sudden, as Bat-Fans turned away from The Batman ’66 reruns, Something they had never seen before, hit the comic shelves!


Telling the tale, of an Old and Grimm Batman! It really did change the game in the world of comics. There’s no denying it! People of the time were like, “What the?! Batman!!, Theres Blood?! Cursing!? This is Badass!! HOLY SHIT, HE’S BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF SUPERMAN!!!??image

I thought I had outgrown comics!” Then Frank Miller said “Fuck that! Your comics are growing up with you, now read this shit son!” (Of course I’m paraphrasing here.)

The much Darker tales of the ‘Dark Knight’ didn’t stop there. Then came.. imageBATMAN! The one all other Bat-Films wish they could be!

This is where I started! Then, every week, 8pm eastern standard time. My parents and I  thrilled to the awesomeness that was and is.. imageBATMAN:THE ANIMATED SERIES! (Currently watching the complete first season on DVD. Soon, seasons 2-4 will be mine! Soon I will have my precious!!)

It wasn’t long after that, I started getting the comics. image

All my life! Batman has been Dark, Scary, Grimm, Sad, and Super-Badass!! So, when I finally came in to contact with the Masterpiece that is, The Dark Knight Returns. I was like.. What’s the big deal!? It’s not like it’s nothing I’ve ever seen before! Why is this so… Overrated?!?… But now I understand! It’s not Overrated at all!..

If I had grown up with Adam West for most of my childhood, and all of a sudden The Dark Knight Returns comes and totally changes my entire outlook on life! Like a cave man discovering fire for the first time!! I’ll hold that book to such high regard for the rest of my life!

I get it now.. And if I offeneded any other Bat-Fans with my beliefs back in that first article.. I apologize! I get it now! THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS… IS NOT OVERRATED!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!


When You ‘WISH’ Upon An App!

Greetings, Ladies and Gentelnerds. Once more, I found myself out of ideas for the next blog. So I opened the floor to anyone who had a suggestion for a topic.

So, Tammy Cheng, @Frogsage (aka: Harley, aka:Cheng-a-Rang, aka:Big Boobs Magoo) Queen and CoFounder of THE JNS CREW! Suggested I talk about something that was, and I quote, “Less Nerd Related.” WHAT?!? HUH?!? DOES NOT COMPUTE!! ERROR! ERROR!! That’s like asking a Fish not to Fly!….

(Uh… Wait, WHAT?!?)


So, after some very long consideration.. I figured I’d write a ‘review’ of sorts. For a new app I recently downloaded. “WISH:Shopping Made Fun”  image

The App icon looks like this.. image

It’s the “W”( and yes. That’s my screen..)

(I’m going to try and keep this as short as possible.) A friend of a friend told me about The Wish App. You can order almost anything you like. From Fashion, To Gadgets and everything inbetween! Of course I immediately asked, “Do they Have Comic Book Tees?” And she said “yeah, I think so. But that’s not the only thing. The App gives you discounts off of already discounted prices!” And I was like.. “Huh?! Okay.. So do they have Spiderman and Batman T-Shirts or no?”

So, with that, I went and downloaded the app and went exploring,  image

When searching for items, you have to be a little exact sometimes with what your looking for.  image

But they do have a badass selection of graphic T’s in a lot of types of styles. You could also find a lot of really nice dressy cloths as well.  Even gym gear! image

And if your a Cosplayer, there’s stuff there for you too.. (Some stuff! Didn’t take a really good look. Mostly found some cool ASSASSINS CREED Jackets in all kinds of colors. But I think it’s worth a look.


(UNRELATED SHAMELESS PLUG! If you want really good cosplay accessories you need to go to COSTRADER.COM It’s a place where cosplayers can sell or trade their Cosplay Items at a very good price! You can also follow them on Twitter, @Cos_Trader if you want more info! So go check it out… NOW!! Well after you finish reading the rest of this blog..)

[Your a terrible AD Man..] Fuck you! [Im just saying!] Well, nobody asked you. Now get out of here! This ain’t that type of Blog! [Whatever bro!]

Anyway! Let me explain some of the pretty cool features. You see, you pick something you like. When you click on it, it offers you a way to get even more of a discount. For example: A VENOM hoodie normaly goes for $55, they are offering it to you for, $35. But, lets say, they say share with three friends (via FACEBOOK or TUMBLER for example) and you can unlock a lesser price. Recently, they’ve moved on from that and just give you a clock that says, “place it in your cart now and unlock a lower price!” It’s something like that. Which is pretty cool! Like I said, their selection of items is actually pretty cool. So, they are worth a look. There are times they give you a little bit of ‘bonus’ cash in your virtual wallet, For placing an order. It’s only a few bucks. Since you do sign up with your email account they do keep you up to date with what they have on special on any given day or time.

Furthermore! Before you ask, “Did you order anything, Mr. Knowitall?!” Yes. Yes I did. Of course I wasn’t going to take it for a test ride with my own hard earned money. So, my boss had me make an order for him. With his cash. We searched for a pair of NIGHT VISION BINOCULARS!

[Your boss from Yemen.. Wanted to buy, night vision binoculars?!?] I try not to question his logic… Saves me the headache. [Ah!, I see.. Carry on]

So, upon finding ones of suitable price and style, I loaded his cash into my pre-paid debit card and placed the order…. Back in late November.. Here comes the downside. Ordering from WISH, takes a good deal of patience and timing. I’m not saying it didn’t come in. As a matter of fact, we just received it a few days ago.. December.. 16 or 15. With a delivery estimate of, somewhere between Dec 3-9.. So, yea… It came in pretty late. The nice thing is, WISH sent an apologie for being late and added $5 to my Wallet for my next shopping order, and it doesn’t expire until sometime in March of next year. What must be taken into consideration, is that, WISH is an App with ties to Asia! That’s where most of these things come from. Stràight from the factory, hence the low prices. So, it’s no wonder why it took so long. The nice thing is, you can track your package right from the App itself. Those binoculars went from someplace in china, to Chicago, to New York and then finally.. My shit hole of a place I call a job!

All in all, “WISH” is a pretty cool app worth givng a try, if you have the patience. I’m not telling you you have to try it. I’m seriously not getting a damn thing from WISH, for putting this Blog out there.. But, fuck it! you know. It never hurts to try something new… [Except maybe that one time..] SHUT UP YOU!!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!

[We should never do a blog like this again!] Your telling me!? I’m sticking with my Nerd Shit from now on…













…” Your sitting in your car. A song comes on I’ve the radio and it takes you somewhere else. You imagine yourself someplace else, doing something else, with someone else. It feels so good. So, real! and A few seconds later, you shake it off as JUST your imagination.. BUT! What if it wasn’t. What If.. The Universe.. Allowed you a brief glimpse of what could be.. Or, What Is!”

“For every action, there is a reaction. For every cause there is an effect. Every choice we have made or do make, at any point in time. Creates a series of alternate choices and decisions that take us down different paths. Thus, the creation of The Multiverse! Now.. After years of research our scientist have figured out how to tap into the Multiverse. And send you.. That’s right, YOU! To any version of YOURSELF, within the Multiverse! Using our patent ‘DREAMSCAPE’ technology. We can send you to, The You that’s Rich! Famous! Powerful! Or Vice-Versa! It’s purely up to You and what You want to experience.”

“So, why go to Jamacia for your next vacation? When you can go to a world where you own your own island! Because. Here, at ‘INFINI-CORP’ The Possabilities, Are Infinite!”

These are the words, Marcus Billings read in the morning paper one day. With nothing to lose. He voulinteers to be among the first to try ‘INFINI-CORPS’ latest miracle! What grand adventure does The Multiverse have in store for him? Anything could happen. But when things take a turn.. Nothing would be as it seems!!

(A story idea that came to me the other day. I’m still ironing out the details, but I can’t wait to get started on it! Thanks for reading. Please share your thoughts and opinions with me when you can!)

So, until next time folks… Peace out!


Hey folks! 64 posts in to this.. Whatever THIS is! And I had the bright idea, to make my 65th post, a “ASK ME ANYTHING” blog!

So, I took to Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, to let all my awesome followers know what I was doing and they could ask me anything and I would answer it here. Well! Let me tell you, oh boy! I was so.. Not surprised at the lack of participation by you good people… Not surprised at all… BUT! There were those of you who DID send in your questions.. (I can literally count them on one hand… *hangs head low in shame an dissapointment*)

As promised.. Lets give these cool people a hardy hand and shout out! First up..

AUSTIN (aka: @Zeroreax) Asked via Instagram: “Do you know how to twerk?”

(SIGH!!… Well.. I did say, ask me anything… Dumbass!)Answer: Honestly… I’ve tried.. But no.. No sir, I don’t know how to twerk. Thank you.

Sami Pern (aka:@samisam96) asked via Twitter: “Would you ride this Dog in to battle?!” imageAnswer: I would ride that Dog, not just into battle… But to the market! To the park! To work! I would ride that dog anywhere imaginable! I will love him, bathe him, hold him and squeeze him and call him, GEORGE!! (Or LIONHEART!) Thank you Sami!

@rae_holidayy163 asked via Instagram:  “Will we ever see The Red Hood in a live action movie?”image

Answer: Hmm.. That’s a good one. I’m going to have to say. Not at the present moment. Not to say it will never happen. But, the DC CINEMATIC UNIVERSE is just beginning. And it depends on where they want to go with their Batman standalone films. It’s already been established that, the Batman we are getting, is a Batman that’s been at it for a very long time! Who’s to say, Jason Todd hasn’t already come and gone. So, it is a possibility. But one I don’t see happening anytime soon. However, the world of TV is still a strong choice. Perhaps ARROW? (I would like to see that!) Thank you for the question Rae!

Last, but not least…

Vigilante Inc. (aka @vigilantesinc) asked via Twitter: “How do I do what you do?”

Answer: Just produce the dumbest, most unfathomabley stupid crap possable! And you’ll be half way there! But in all seriousness. I would not be here, on WordPress. If not for a one Madam Chocolatica @Jinxedsnowflake (hope I spelled that right! Sorry if I didn’t!) [thats right folks! She’s the one to blame for all the garbage I put on here.. All her fault! Jk! I wish to thank her for showing me how to do this!] anyway! Yeah! I wanted to start somewhere and she told me about WORDPRESS! And she guided me how to do it. It’s very simple. I mean, my dumbass was able to figure it out.. You can too. It also allows you to link your Facebook and Twitter accounts to it, so that your blog posts are automatically uploaded to your feeds.. So there’s that part. A way that you can do a lot better. Is to find that one thing that you like or love and stick to it as best as you can. I bounce around like a retard with ADHD! I’m surprised I have any followers or subscribers at all! As for Podcasting.. Well.. I just looked for an app that allowed me to record for free. I was lucky enough to come across the SPREAKER App! It gives you a set amount of air time to record. For free! If you want a longer stretch of time and more space for more shows/episodes… That you have to pay for. But all in all, it’s a really good app. You can also sync up your other social media accounts to it so that whatever you record goes up on your feeds!

Im most deffinetly probably not the best person to give out such advise. Cause I myself am still on this journey and I haven’t even reached the halfway point. I wish you, @Vigilantesinc the very best of luck on your future endeavors! And kick ass!

Well.. That’s it! That’s all the questions I got… After waiting for about TWO WEEKS!! But hey! It’s a start. Thanks to..

@zeroreax, @samisam96, @rae_holidayy163, and @vigilantesinc and of course @jinxedsnowflake let hope the next “ASK ME ANYTHING” goes alittle bit better then that! But thank you all!

So, Until next time folks… Peace out!