Category Archives: The Force Awakens


imageAvengers, Dinosaurs and Jedis!! Oh, My!! 2015 is shaping up to be a very solid year for us Nerds and Nerdettes. A good year to set us up for the next, five years of Nerd-Vana we have ahead of us! The other day, we were blessed by the great gods, Disney and LucasFilm and given our first looks in to STAR WARS EPISODE VII: THE FORCE AWAKENS. With two. That’s right, TWO! Versions of the trailer. One, released in select theaters around the country. And the Second, released world wide via the interwebs!

For those of you who missed it..

AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Sweet, sweet, Nerdgasm! My goodness I need a cigarette!

In all honesty, I’m not sure witch one came out where. But I LOVE this one! It has so much more interesting things going on. And the Star Wars theme at the end with the Millenium Falcon soaring in the sky and over the desert facing off against incoming Tie-Fighters! OMG! I got goosebumps! imageJ.J Abrams.. Is. A. Fucking genius!! But.. My goodness gracious… WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?!? As awesome as this trailer is. I don’t know what the hell is happening!image It basicly made up of random shots of whatever footage they have completed so far. It’s like. Awesome shot/cut to black/Epic shot/cut to black/ Another awesome shot/cut to black/ another Epic Shot!

The most I can tell from the trailer. Is that after the great battle in RETURN OF THE JEDI, Luke was and is the last remaining Jedi.. The Force has remained.. Stagnant  for so many years since then.. Until now! Something has “AWAKENED” both the Light and the Dark side of the FORCE! image( I don’t care what anybody says! I think that Lightsaber looks awesome!)

Another clear thing is..imageThe STORMTROOPERS got new Helmets!! Oh, and whatever was left of the EMPIRE is still out there and they are striking back with a vengeance! (See what I did there!)

We have to, literally, wait a whole YEAR! For EPISODE VII To hit theaters in December 2015. Thank goodness for us. We have so many other films to hold us over till then. I can’t wait! I m going to go dig out my original STAR WARS TRILOGY VHS BOX SET and watch those AND Episodes I, II, III as well. (I don’t care what anybody says! I respect the prequels for what they tried to be! Despite the poor acting, and lack luster Directing!)

So, until next time folks… Peace out!