Category Archives: Story Idea


…” Your sitting in your car. A song comes on I’ve the radio and it takes you somewhere else. You imagine yourself someplace else, doing something else, with someone else. It feels so good. So, real! and A few seconds later, you shake it off as JUST your imagination.. BUT! What if it wasn’t. What If.. The Universe.. Allowed you a brief glimpse of what could be.. Or, What Is!”

“For every action, there is a reaction. For every cause there is an effect. Every choice we have made or do make, at any point in time. Creates a series of alternate choices and decisions that take us down different paths. Thus, the creation of The Multiverse! Now.. After years of research our scientist have figured out how to tap into the Multiverse. And send you.. That’s right, YOU! To any version of YOURSELF, within the Multiverse! Using our patent ‘DREAMSCAPE’ technology. We can send you to, The You that’s Rich! Famous! Powerful! Or Vice-Versa! It’s purely up to You and what You want to experience.”

“So, why go to Jamacia for your next vacation? When you can go to a world where you own your own island! Because. Here, at ‘INFINI-CORP’ The Possabilities, Are Infinite!”

These are the words, Marcus Billings read in the morning paper one day. With nothing to lose. He voulinteers to be among the first to try ‘INFINI-CORPS’ latest miracle! What grand adventure does The Multiverse have in store for him? Anything could happen. But when things take a turn.. Nothing would be as it seems!!

(A story idea that came to me the other day. I’m still ironing out the details, but I can’t wait to get started on it! Thanks for reading. Please share your thoughts and opinions with me when you can!)

So, until next time folks… Peace out!