Category Archives: Rumor Mill


image Let me be clear… I didn’t go doing any research in to all the articles that came out after the SONY HACKS/LEAKS concerning Spiderman! So I’m not going to pretend that I got all the facts or the inside scoop on non of this bull shit! I’m just gonna give my two cents on what we all have read and what we know,thus far. And how I feel about the whole fucked up thing! Is that okay with you?.. Good! Lets get started shall we..

Holy Fuck! Sony has no clue what the hell they are doing! The leaks revealed SONY’S past and future plans for the Spider-Verse, and it looks like one big mess! In my humble opinion, they lost thier marbles just after SAM RAIMIS’S SPIDERMAN 3. Not the most liked installment of the series. And after the returns and feedback on the film, an that was like, a few months later, They announced a complete reboot of the Series. WTF?! There was nothing wrong with the first series. SM3 was a slip up! If Sony hadn’t had stuck thier noses into RAIMIS’S work, it would have turned out a lot better. So, with that came… THE AMAZING DISSAPOINTMENT!.. image

THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN! Clearly a valiant effort.. It was… A soldier charging in to battle and was shot in the face with an arrow before he got there.. And then was trampled by all the other charging soldiers.. And then was blown to bits by a  grenade… THAT is what THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN was.. In my humble opinion. They clearly tried to establish a universe… But lost almost everything that made Spiderman who he is!

Then Came… Oh, god…. Just throw up the graphic please!… imageOk… Remember the soldier?! Well, THIS! This is those bits of the soldier, that was eaten by vultures and then crapped out, to be eaten by rats that choked on it and died and then became a feast for maggots! THAT, is what This movie was! Literally everything went wrong for this movie. Sure it made big bucks at the box office… But the fan reaction afterwards sent the studio scrambling! Which leads us too the leaks!

Let me start with MARVEL STUDIOS. After the Great KEVIN FIEGIE and the fine people at MARVEL/DISNEY saw the completed CAPTAIN AMERICA:THE WINTER SOLDIER, they knew they had a sure fire hit! It’s probably safe to assume as Cap 2 was nearing distribution, Kevin and Co began to brain storm the next step for Cap 3. Clearly CIVIL WAR was the next move. Realizing the importance SPIDERMAN played in the story,imageit wouldn’t have come to no surprise that Kevin wouldn’t have at least tried to establish talks with SONY, And so he did.

From the LEAKS, it would appear, that the already financially struggling SONY saw an opportunity. Not wanting to risk losing the only thing that was garnering them money. Sony tries to garner a deal with Marvel that would not only benefit their pockets, but also keep their stake in the Spiderman Brand! Asking Marvel for a 60/30 profit off of whatever Marvel makes off of any Spiderman appearance in any of their films. Also, complete creative control of what Spiderman does in the movie(s) AND.. Get this.. A chance of using characters like Captain America in any future film they do.. (The Balls of these people!) And so, Kevin did the right thing and said, “You know, BLACK PANTHER would make an excellent replacement for Spiderman within the CIVIL WAR story we want to tell… Thanks so much for helping me realize this! Bye Sony!” *Click* and now Sony is up shits creek with out a paddle!

As more  and more emails and documents are leaked, it is revealed that not too long ago they planed a “SPIDEY-SUMMIT” for this upcoming January, where they get all the people that are working within their Spider-Verse together and try to map things out! It is rumored, (or confirmed from the leaks) that Kevin will be among those in attendance. In what capacity, is not known. Spider-Hungry fans are chomping at the bit for news that Spidey will be coming home to Marvel, and the demand of such a thing has grown tenfold with these LEAKS! “Marvel and Sony talked about Spidey!??! Seriously!? Is he coming Home!? Please come home spidey!!!” Is what most of them say… Probably. Fans want the “Real” Spiderman, and a “Real” CIVIL WAR Story! And to that I say… NO THANKS! image

As a big Spider-Man Fan, and an even BIGGER MARVEL FAN! I’m willing to say, no thanks.. Not right now! Don’t get me wrong.. I want Spider-Man back where he belongs! Back in the House of Ideas! I have a flag that says, “BRING SPIDEY HOME!” But in very fine print it says on the bottom.. “But not yet!”

Marvel has its slate set and ready to go. Yes, everything is going to take the next five or six years to make, and there’s plenty of time to change things up, just in case Spiderman does come back in to the mix. But, I firmly believe Marvel should stay the course and do their thing. Marvel doesn’t need Spiderman, Sony needs Marvel to need Spiderman! Marvel shouldn’t pull a “Government Style Bail-Out” for Sony. “Let them fail” so to speak. Let Sony, have its January meeting, see if they can get the ship sailing on course. SINISTER SIX is still on the schedule for 2016 as far as I know. So they do have time to get all their things in order.. If they can’t.. Let their Spidey-Contract expire… And then!! Only then! Marvel can bring Spiderman home! imageGive him, and us, time to recover. Then, once INFINITY WAR 1 and 2 is over, and it’s time to start a new slate of Marvel Studios films for Phase 4,5 and 6. CAPTAIN MARVEL 2, BLACK PANTHER 2, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, and you lay your groundwork for THE MIGHTY AVENGERS! (Or something like that!)

Sony is in the same position as WB/DC, it’s just tougher because all they have, is the one character. But, AMS and AMS2 was like DC’s SUPERMAN RETURNS and GREEN LANTERN. Both missed their marks by an acre! But they are just about One Good movie away from getting things together. As much as I want Spiderman back Home… It just shouldn’t happen yet.. I wish Sony the best of luck!

[“Wow! I’m impressed by your.. Candor and your ability to see reason in this article..”] Yeah, thanks.. And plus, it’s only logical. Right now, Marvel is really pushing it with having  Three movie in production in a single year! Could you imagine how long it would really be before we get a Marvel’s Spiderman movie. It’s kinda good to have a couple of other studios to carry the load a little. That way we get more Marvel character centric films per year! [“Very wise of you my friend! You’ve really grown in to a calm rational…] WHO THEY REALLY NEED TO BRING BACK TO MARVEL RIGHT NOW, IS SILVER SURFER!!! THEY REALLY DO!! FOX IS ONLY GONNA MESS IT UP AGAIN IF THEY PUT HOM IN THE FF REBOOT!! BRING SURFER HOME! BRING SURFER HOME! BRING SURFER HOME!! image[“Damn it… I spoke to soon!”]


[” I guess I’ll be closing it out..”]


[“So, Until next time folks… Peace out!”]




THE GIRL WONDER?! Should Carrie Kelly Be In Batman v Superman?!

imageHey folks, Multi-Verse back again to give my two cents on some, not so new news, but still pretty relevant.

The possibility of Jenna Malone playing Carrie Kelly (aka: Robin) in the upcoming BATMAN v SUPERMAN film.imageOMG! That would be so awesome! BUT…. NO! Don’t see that happening. At least in my opinion! Or, at least any time soon.

“You sexist basterd! Why would you even say that?! She’s perfect for the role! And it’s time for a female ROBIN! You backwards thinking male shovenist PIG!”

Whow! Settle down there, Sir and or Madame. (I can’t tell from here.) Thats not what I’m saying at all! Sure, at some point at some time, sure, Carrie Kelly could/should be involved in a Batman Film down the road. Just not now, and not this twenty something year old actress! (Who would be fine! I have nothing against an older version of Carrie Kelly/Robin, at all!)image


But when I hear all these other blog sites and so called “geek news” pages, speculating that she is Carrie and what ot means for the movie and so on and so forth. It drives me crazy! “OMG! Jenna Malone seen on set of BvS! And she’s changed her color to RED! That can only mean one thing!!” Really people?!? Is Carrie Kelly really the only Red Head in the Batman Universe?! And you folks are sometimes no better. “Yea! It makes sence, cause they’re doing the Dark Knight Returns storyline! So it has to be her!” NO! No it doesn’t! There is a Red Head that’s ten times more important the Carrie Kelly, that everyone seems to be looking over. BARBRA GORDON! AKA BATGIRL/ORICALEimageJenna Malone is the perfect build, age and look for a Barbra Gordon. We’ve seen her kick ass in The Hunger Games:Catching Fire. She would look awesome in the BATSUIT! And she’s a great actress!

“How would you explain the Oracle side of her story, smart ass?!”

Well. It’s rather simple. It’s already been established that this is a much older Batman. One that’s already had an established crime fighting career. Which means he’s been there and done that. Met this one and met that one. It would be a quick mention or explanation behind why she’s in a wheel chair. OR! They can scrap the whole wheel chair thing and have her be Oracle first. Then becoming BatGirl later on. Perhaps in the Batman stand alone films. Being a brilliant mind and computer hacker. She could be the voice in BatFlecks ear. That being said. The possibility of her being Barbra, does allow a strong chance for a NIGHTWING! Again, this is an older Batman. He could have had a 16-17 year old Robin, whom, in his mid to late twenties goes off to become NIGHTWING!

All of this is purely my opinion and my hopes and ideas for the future of the Bat-Franchise and a possible series of Bat-Family focused Films.

That begs the question: Should We Have A Carrie Kelly Robin? Sure! Why the hell not! But not now… BATGIRL, in my mind and heart, is far more important and deserving of her time in the spotlight!

Now, before I sign off for today. Allow me this moment to send out a very heartfelt, THANK YOU!! To everyone that follows an reads the nonsense I spew out all over your screens. Since the last two articles, I’ve gotten three or four new followers to my blog site. And I’m on cloud nine! I want to thank you all so much and I hope I don’t disappoint any of you. Those of you that have been following me from the start! You guys are extremely awesome! To my twitter Fam, THE JNS CREW! You guys know who you are.. THANK YOU! Your not only awesome. But the best! 😘😍😜

So, Until next time folks… Peace out!


Another Me And Myself Debate: THE SUICIDE SQUAD MOVIE!


Hey, uhm, you there?! (“Sigh.. Yea?! Where else would I be?!”) Cool! Uh, apparently. A lot of folks seemed to enjoy our last debate. So I was thinking.. Maybe we can do it again? (“…… Your stupidity ceases to amaze me. You DO realize that I’m not…. Forget it! What’s this about?”) THE SUICIDE SQUAD MOVIE! (“Ah! Ok. What about it?”) Well. There seems to be a shit load of  rumors flying around about the casting. Maybe we could try and clear the air a bit and shed some light on some key things?! (“Ok.. I’m game! Lets see what’s in the old memory banks over here.. .. Nope! Not that!….  … Can’t believe you still haven’t let go of that one! Hold on.. Aha! Found it! Ok.. Says here, Will Smith is being considered for a role!”) Yeah.. NO! (“Why not?!”) I don’t want him anywhere near a comic book movie. At all! (“Hey, he’s a pretty good actor.”) Sure he is! That doesn’t mean he should be in this type of movie! (“Now hold on. Says here, he’s up for… Black Spider?!…”) yea, exactly. Do you honestly believe someone with the “star power” of Will Smith be interested in a two or three tired character?! Come on! He’s not gonna settle for anything less then lead role!? Plus! He’s just not right for this universe! (” okay.. I agree with you on those points. So, are you trying to say he should have a role in the Marvel U?!”) HELL NO!! Let him keep Pursuing Happyness or something! (” looks like the beautiful Marrgoit Robbie is playing our favorite, HARLEY QUINN!”) Yea, hasn’t been fully/offically confirmed, yet, but it sounds great. I’ve seen the fan made mock ups and she looks just like Harley. (“But! On the off chance of she not being Harley.. Who can she play?”) KILLER FROST! Is most likely the next best choice. (“Lets, see.. Tom Hardy, Ryan Gosling, Jai Courtney, and several other names have been floating around also.”) yes they have. But Tom Hardy’s name is being brought up for everything now a days. From XMEN:APOCOLYPSE to *PRINCESS AND THE POAPER*! (“Not an actual movie folks! Just so ya know!”) Plus, he’s also signed up to play Elton John in a biopic about the musician. So I can’t even imagine if he’s going to even have time to participate in this new DCU. (“For those of you who don’t know. Tom previously portrayed BANE in the last Batman film. So I can’t imagine if he’s even actually considered for this film at all!”) Good point! Although he could probably rock KGBEAST! As for Gosling, I can picture him as a Captain Boomerang. Assuming BOOMERANG is even involved in this version of the Squad that they’re making. Jai Courtney is Currently rumored to be thier choice for DEADSHOT! (” I can see that working.”) Agreed. But again, all of this is pure speculation. (“Of course. I for one. Believe they should go with smaller name stars. Ones that wouldn’t take the focus away from the characters that they are playing.”) Good point. But they should at least have a few big names to carry the picture. (“Perhaps.”) So. Before we conclude this article. Is there anything else? (“Saved the most interesting for last. JARED LETO as The Joker!”) Well! First things first! Hell Yes! He is a tremendous talent. And is exactly the kind of star power I was talking about. That being said.. It’s no where near official! It’s not confirmed! But it is a strong possibility at this point. With some of the comments that he has said recently. It does look that’s where thing are going. But we still don’t know for sure.  (“Well. It’s very clear DC/WB is trying to feed on some of the success of Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy. And presenting a low level property on the forefront. It’s going to be fun to see where things will go.”) Indeed. But before we sign off I want to address something. (“What’s that?”)

I know we fans are SUPER excited for the upcoming comic book movies and we are very eager to find out all the info that we can. And I understand that it’s fun to speculate and debate on Who’s going to be who and who should be who! But with all this excitement, must come caution in what we report to each other and what we read in social media. Unless it comes from WB/DC, or MARVEL STUDIOS or the respected studios or company’s that are behind these films. NOTHING SHOULD BE TAKEN AS TRUTH!! Nothing at all! Unless there’s a full blown press release from the studios. Then it’s most likely nnot true! So please folks. Read carefully the news reports and such. And to those who do ‘Report’ on these things. Please be careful what you post! Be more responsable with your news giving. I think you owe that much to your readers and followers to respect them enough to give them the truth!

(“and cue shooting star and the rainbow peacock, THE MORE YOU KNOW! You should think about being a public service announcer..”)

Oh, shut up you!

Until next time folks… Peace out!


A Fond Farewell, For Marvel’s First Family!


As MARVEL COMICS celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. It seems, it is also saying goodbye to the family that started it all, back in 1961. The Fantastic Four! Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Four astronauts travel to space and get bambarded by cosmic rays. Crash landing on earth, they discover the cosmic rays endowed them with… “FANTASTIC” abilities. Reed Richards could stretch his body to Incredable lengths as if it were made of rubber! Johnny Storm could burst in to flame and fly, Susan Storm could turn herself Invisable and project force fields, and Benjamin Grimm turned in to the rock like creature known as “The Thing!” And possesed great strength! Together they were THE FANTASTIC FOUR! Unlike most comics of the time. The FF weren’t always happy go lucky! They were your typical disfunctional family. They fought,  they bickered, they struggled and they triumphed. But what made them special, wasn’t thier powers, but thier ability to always come together as a FAMILY! The FF comics were labeled, as the “Worlds greatest comics magazine!” It was thier surprisingly real life approach to family and superhero dynamics that truly ushered in “THE MARVEL AGE OF COMICS!” A change in storytelling for the superhero genre. What soon followed, is literary history!

So, to hear and read the news of the books eminent cancelation sometime next year by Marvel Comics. Came as a bit of a surprise for me. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not about to BS you folks and claim to be the biggest FF fan. As a kid, I loved the cartoon. The books I did own and read were pretty good, and I’ve always appreciated the teams important roles in all the many crossovers and events that transpired through the years. But, over time, I found the tittle to be lacking in the storyline department. Nothing really grabbed me.

That being said. Part of me is not surprised that the book is facing cancelation. From what I know and have heard, sales for The FF have been lackluster, to put it nicely. It’s been revamped several times. Each with great writer/artist teams at the helm. But the books could never gain any real traction.

What does however, surprise me most about this news. Is the rumors that swirl around the “real” reason for the cancelation. Its been reported, that a certain Marvel Comics executive and Prominate Disney stock holder, is using his influence in the company to get the book off the shelves. For what reason? You may ask!? Well. According to said reports. This Executive, Apperently was involved in talks with the people of Fox and was trying to see of they would consider selling FF back to Marvel. ( NOTE: Not exactly certain if this was the case, or if it at all is related!) Apparently, this executive was not happy with what happened within these “talks” and was even further angered by the upcoming FF movie and some of its key departures its taking from the core books. And thus, it is said that this executive then stormed about the Marvel offices and ordered the book to be taken off shelves before the film is released. In hopes that it hinders the success of the film! He doesn’t want to see any kind of FF merchandise in the offices! This guy is having a total titi-attack!

Now. None of that shit really makes any sense at all! So, I tell YOU! Dear reader. Don’t believe the hype! Don’t, don’t, don’t believe the hype! Yeah Boyyyy!!!! FLAVOR FLAV!!!! (Ahem! Sorry. Got caught up there for a second..) Canceling the book will no way in hell, make a single financial dent on the film itself at all! The sad fact is this!… NO ONE IS READING FANTASTIC FOUR!! Which is sad and wrong!

I guess, the stories have all been told. The FF have traveled enough of space and time, both Negative and Positive Zones. It’s time, for our fateful adventurers to ride off in to the sunset. Hang up thier hats and look back at all they have accomplished. And smile with great Pride! Comics today, would be nowhere near what, or where they are today. If it wasn’t for the example set by The Fantastic Four!

Keep in mind though. This is the world of comic books! Unless your Uncle Ben, or Thomas and Martha Wayne. There ain’t no way your going to stay dead or canceld for a long period of time! You and I should not be surprised, if a year after the FF is canceld. They make thier triumphant return! Perhaps with new members! New stories! New direction! Perhaps Franklin Richards grows up and forms a new FF! Who knows. But, I’m willing to put money on that, IF! This New FF movie turns out to be a mega hit. And I do mean IF! Then Marvels gonna ride those coat tails till the ends of the earth and back! And bring back FF with a vengeance.

Thats gonna do it for me folks! I hope you enjoyed this one. If you have any thoughts or comments. Please share below, or hit me up on twitter @gonzoneo, or Instagram @Neophoinexdragon Thank you for your time!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!