Category Archives: Rant

“THE SPECULATING NERD”: AGENTS OF SHIELD (What’s Next For The Rest Of Season 2?!)


Hello, ladies and gentelnerds! Your pal Multi-Verse trying something new again. Every so often, screw that! Every damn time something new in geek news we nerds love to speculate on what it means, what’s going to happen, and so on and so forth! So, why don’t I try to trade mark that! Welcome to my weekly article (hopefully) “THE SPECULATING NERD!” In which I’ll speculate on some shit and give my two cents on it and let my wild imagination run amok! Hopefully it’ll make sense by the end.. Most likely it won’t.. But what the hell! Who gives a shit, I know I don’t!

For my first go at this, lets go over AGENTS OF SHILED:SEASON 2! What could happen next?! Now sit back and watch me speculate the fuck out this shit! (WARNING: For those of you who haven’t been keeping up with AGENTS OF SHIELD from season one till now… SPOILERS AHEAD PEOPLE!!!!!)

The big mystery of season one was.. “How the hell is Coulson still alive!?!” Well, that was solved toward the end of the season, just before the collapse of SHIELD, went and turned everything upside down! Turns out, FURY and SHILED found themselves a little green man from outer space! Well, actually he was BLUE! image(So that’s what happened to the fourth member of The Blue Man Group!.. That’s messed up!)

Now it wasn’t just any Blue Alien.. Turns out, Shield had their grubby little mitts on an ancient Kree Alien. We don’t find that out officially from the show itself, (we all knew what it was. But, the characters didn’t.) Until midway through season two. Now. At the end of season one, Coulson started spending his nights mindlessly carving symbols on a wall.  imageThat was the mystery of this season. “What is Coulson Carving?” Turns out he wasn’t the only one who was carving. SHIELD tested out their “T.A.H.I.T.I” project on other fallen SHILED Agents. The Carving was a side effect of the Alien DNA transfusion! It drove them all insane. Hence they came up with the whole Fake Tahiti experience, to erase their memories. Except one guy was starting to remember and was killing off the other Agents in hopes to figure out what the symbols meant. In an earlier episode, Skye theorized that it could be a map. Turns out, she was half right. By the end of the episode with the killer Agent, Coulson figured it out! The symbols weren’t just a two dimensional map.. But instead.. It’s a three dimensional blue print! A blue print for a City! image(My mind immediately thought of ATTILAN! The Inhuman City!)

Turns out, before the Kree’s death, the last thing On His mind was to go home! (ET phone home kind of thing) hence why they all saw the symbols. Not only was his healing ability transferred to them, but also his memories.. Or parts of it really! Long story short…

Skye turned out to be comic character.. QUAKE!


In the comics, I believe she’s considered a Mutant! Since, of course because of Rights reasons, Marvel can’t make this a live action fact… But what’s the next best thing?! THE INHUMANS! So, by taking creative licensing in to account with their live action world. Marvel switched things up. This season of AGENTS is clearly a build up of the INHUMAN world! In the comics, Quakes father is MR.HYDE! A scientist who took a formula that increased his strength but also turned him into Mr. Hyde. Not sure about this, (SPECULATION) but I think they are changing Hyde in to an INHUMAN. Doing away with his Back story. (We’ll have to wait and see.)

For those of you who don’t know! Ages and ages ago, The KREE came to earth on a mission of science.imageThey experimented on early man creating the genetic groundwork for THE INHUMANS! imageIt’s a very long story. But, THE TERRIGIN MISTS plays a big role behind their superhuman abilities. AGENTS showcased a version of this process in their mid season finale.

So this got me thinking. What Marvel does, and does right is, lay proper groundwork for their stories. All the single films of PHASE ONE, was the groundwork for THE AVENGERS!

SPECULATION!!!: AGENTS OF SHIELD is the ground work for Not just The Inhumans and the Inhuman movie.. But also, (PERHAPS) CAPTAIN MARVEL!! Certain stories can’t and shouldn’t be told in half the time of a Two/Two and a Half hour film! The beauty of television.. You have time to tell your story, instead of rushing it! What if we are all looking at this the wrong way!? I know I want CAROL DANVERS  on the big screen and I want her there now! (It’s still a strong possibility that they will feature her in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON! We can only SPECULATE!)  But What if we get Carol, on AGENTS OF SHILED! They’ve already given us MOCKINGBIRD! imageWho’s to say, Carol won’t come into contact with GENIS MAR-VELL (aka CAPTAIN MARVEL) and get her abilities from him on the show!?! image

Just the mere thought of such a thing happening, is Nerdgasm inducing! Remember, Theres a long time from now until CAPTAIN MARVEL hits theaters, giving her story the respect and time she deserves!

Right now, The Inhuman story arc has to play itself out. So I can’t wait to see where everything goes from here on out! SKYE is QUAKE! Things have changed yet again for the AGENTS OF SHIELD and it’s going to be one heck of a ride.

(WRITERS NOTE: I know AGENTS gets a lot of heat for being.. Well… Boring As Fuck! And I’ll admit it myself.. It drags.. It really can. But I honestly believe, it’s saving grace is the universe it inhabits! Season one, I gave up on it after episode 3! I got interested in it after CAPTAIN AMERICA:WINTER SOLDIER but never got around to it. That was until AGENTS hit Netflix. Now I’m hooked! Though some of their story’s, like I said, drag depending on the episode. But when they get to the good stuff. It’s almost worth it! So I highly recommended that those who gave up on AGENTS way back when. Go back, give it a chance. Then catch up on SEASON TWO! Things are getting really good!! Especially with the involvement of The Inhumans!)

Thats going to do it for this 1st edition of “THE SPECULATING NERD!” Let me know what you think. Should I keep it up? Give me your feedback. Thank you for your time!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!


image Let me be clear… I didn’t go doing any research in to all the articles that came out after the SONY HACKS/LEAKS concerning Spiderman! So I’m not going to pretend that I got all the facts or the inside scoop on non of this bull shit! I’m just gonna give my two cents on what we all have read and what we know,thus far. And how I feel about the whole fucked up thing! Is that okay with you?.. Good! Lets get started shall we..

Holy Fuck! Sony has no clue what the hell they are doing! The leaks revealed SONY’S past and future plans for the Spider-Verse, and it looks like one big mess! In my humble opinion, they lost thier marbles just after SAM RAIMIS’S SPIDERMAN 3. Not the most liked installment of the series. And after the returns and feedback on the film, an that was like, a few months later, They announced a complete reboot of the Series. WTF?! There was nothing wrong with the first series. SM3 was a slip up! If Sony hadn’t had stuck thier noses into RAIMIS’S work, it would have turned out a lot better. So, with that came… THE AMAZING DISSAPOINTMENT!.. image

THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN! Clearly a valiant effort.. It was… A soldier charging in to battle and was shot in the face with an arrow before he got there.. And then was trampled by all the other charging soldiers.. And then was blown to bits by a  grenade… THAT is what THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN was.. In my humble opinion. They clearly tried to establish a universe… But lost almost everything that made Spiderman who he is!

Then Came… Oh, god…. Just throw up the graphic please!… imageOk… Remember the soldier?! Well, THIS! This is those bits of the soldier, that was eaten by vultures and then crapped out, to be eaten by rats that choked on it and died and then became a feast for maggots! THAT, is what This movie was! Literally everything went wrong for this movie. Sure it made big bucks at the box office… But the fan reaction afterwards sent the studio scrambling! Which leads us too the leaks!

Let me start with MARVEL STUDIOS. After the Great KEVIN FIEGIE and the fine people at MARVEL/DISNEY saw the completed CAPTAIN AMERICA:THE WINTER SOLDIER, they knew they had a sure fire hit! It’s probably safe to assume as Cap 2 was nearing distribution, Kevin and Co began to brain storm the next step for Cap 3. Clearly CIVIL WAR was the next move. Realizing the importance SPIDERMAN played in the story,imageit wouldn’t have come to no surprise that Kevin wouldn’t have at least tried to establish talks with SONY, And so he did.

From the LEAKS, it would appear, that the already financially struggling SONY saw an opportunity. Not wanting to risk losing the only thing that was garnering them money. Sony tries to garner a deal with Marvel that would not only benefit their pockets, but also keep their stake in the Spiderman Brand! Asking Marvel for a 60/30 profit off of whatever Marvel makes off of any Spiderman appearance in any of their films. Also, complete creative control of what Spiderman does in the movie(s) AND.. Get this.. A chance of using characters like Captain America in any future film they do.. (The Balls of these people!) And so, Kevin did the right thing and said, “You know, BLACK PANTHER would make an excellent replacement for Spiderman within the CIVIL WAR story we want to tell… Thanks so much for helping me realize this! Bye Sony!” *Click* and now Sony is up shits creek with out a paddle!

As more  and more emails and documents are leaked, it is revealed that not too long ago they planed a “SPIDEY-SUMMIT” for this upcoming January, where they get all the people that are working within their Spider-Verse together and try to map things out! It is rumored, (or confirmed from the leaks) that Kevin will be among those in attendance. In what capacity, is not known. Spider-Hungry fans are chomping at the bit for news that Spidey will be coming home to Marvel, and the demand of such a thing has grown tenfold with these LEAKS! “Marvel and Sony talked about Spidey!??! Seriously!? Is he coming Home!? Please come home spidey!!!” Is what most of them say… Probably. Fans want the “Real” Spiderman, and a “Real” CIVIL WAR Story! And to that I say… NO THANKS! image

As a big Spider-Man Fan, and an even BIGGER MARVEL FAN! I’m willing to say, no thanks.. Not right now! Don’t get me wrong.. I want Spider-Man back where he belongs! Back in the House of Ideas! I have a flag that says, “BRING SPIDEY HOME!” But in very fine print it says on the bottom.. “But not yet!”

Marvel has its slate set and ready to go. Yes, everything is going to take the next five or six years to make, and there’s plenty of time to change things up, just in case Spiderman does come back in to the mix. But, I firmly believe Marvel should stay the course and do their thing. Marvel doesn’t need Spiderman, Sony needs Marvel to need Spiderman! Marvel shouldn’t pull a “Government Style Bail-Out” for Sony. “Let them fail” so to speak. Let Sony, have its January meeting, see if they can get the ship sailing on course. SINISTER SIX is still on the schedule for 2016 as far as I know. So they do have time to get all their things in order.. If they can’t.. Let their Spidey-Contract expire… And then!! Only then! Marvel can bring Spiderman home! imageGive him, and us, time to recover. Then, once INFINITY WAR 1 and 2 is over, and it’s time to start a new slate of Marvel Studios films for Phase 4,5 and 6. CAPTAIN MARVEL 2, BLACK PANTHER 2, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, and you lay your groundwork for THE MIGHTY AVENGERS! (Or something like that!)

Sony is in the same position as WB/DC, it’s just tougher because all they have, is the one character. But, AMS and AMS2 was like DC’s SUPERMAN RETURNS and GREEN LANTERN. Both missed their marks by an acre! But they are just about One Good movie away from getting things together. As much as I want Spiderman back Home… It just shouldn’t happen yet.. I wish Sony the best of luck!

[“Wow! I’m impressed by your.. Candor and your ability to see reason in this article..”] Yeah, thanks.. And plus, it’s only logical. Right now, Marvel is really pushing it with having  Three movie in production in a single year! Could you imagine how long it would really be before we get a Marvel’s Spiderman movie. It’s kinda good to have a couple of other studios to carry the load a little. That way we get more Marvel character centric films per year! [“Very wise of you my friend! You’ve really grown in to a calm rational…] WHO THEY REALLY NEED TO BRING BACK TO MARVEL RIGHT NOW, IS SILVER SURFER!!! THEY REALLY DO!! FOX IS ONLY GONNA MESS IT UP AGAIN IF THEY PUT HOM IN THE FF REBOOT!! BRING SURFER HOME! BRING SURFER HOME! BRING SURFER HOME!! image[“Damn it… I spoke to soon!”]


[” I guess I’ll be closing it out..”]


[“So, Until next time folks… Peace out!”]




So.. A Korean Midget Hacked Up Spider-Man’s Web, With A Picture From Sony?!? WTF?!?

imageWow… Roseanne looks great for her age! [“Thats not Roseanne.”] What do you mean?! That’s her! She just got a butch haircut, is all.. [“That’s Kim Jong Un! The Dictator or North Korea!”] Whaaa….. Hold on… Holy Shit! Oh, ok.. Uhm.. Well, good for him? It is a ‘Him’ right? [Yes! Just get to the article already!”] What am I talking about? [“The Sony Hacks!”] oh! Yes, thank you.

Yes.. I’m late as hell to the Sony Hack-Off Job Party.. But there’s still a shit load of crap still coming out. And in all honesty I do not like what I’m hearing! For those of you who don’t know. The U.S Government Officials have confirmed that SONY PICTURES was hacked by a North Korean Internet ‘Terrorist’ cell, calling themselves “THE GUARDIANS OF PEACE” [“I think Marvel may have grounds to sue there.”] Indeed!

These Leaks have consisted of hundreds upon hundreds of personal in house Emails and documents, and also some Movies were leaked out on to the interwebs! Among them, “ANNIE”, “FURY”, and if I’m not mistaken “THE INTERVIEW” which is the movie that started this whole nonsense in the first place!

When the film was first announced, there were a lot of grumbling from the House of Kim! Then the trailer dropped and N.Korean officials stated that if The U.S did not prevent such a film from being released, thier would be dire consequences, very DIRE!! This of course coming from a country with one submarine that hasn’t been manufactured since… The 30’s or 40’s![“yeah, the Russians called that sub absolute!”] and they can’t launch a successful rocket if it saved Un’s life! [“I think they had at least one good one!”] Thats besides the point. Anyway, Sony Pictires and the rest of the world shrugged off the threats and went along with business as usual. THE INTERVIEW was actually supposed to be released in the summer, but was pushed back to the holiday season. So, the threats and everything just slipped out minds. [“Meanwhile! At the Leigon Of Doom!”] Ha! Good one! [“Thanks”] It would appeare that Kim Un had some “Hackers” set to work on Sonys firewall, [“Allegedly! You should say.”] Whatever, [“Well, you should. Those details haven’t been completley proven at this point. We have to be at least alittle bit politically correct!”] Thats why I have you here! I still find it hard to believe. I bet he had SOUTH Korean computer people kidnapped and had them do it for him! [“Dude.. Your a censors worst nightmare! Folks don’t listen to him! We dont know that for sure, or if its true at all!”] Punk Ass! [“Your the one giving false info!”]

Anywaaaayyy!! A couple of days ago, After a much more serious threat to American cinemas across the country, Sony decided to pull THE INTERVIEW from the theaters. It had its LA PREMIER.. But that’s it! Who knows what’s going to happen to that movie now?! At first I ridiculed Sony for pulling the film, by tweeting this little gem.image

I believed that, until I heard what the threat was… And Sony did the right thing! Better to keep the American Public safe, then to make a stupid buck off a movie. So.. Good…. Job… Sony! [“Wow.. That took a lot for you to say huh?”] Yea, Usually Sony fucks shit up so much.. I just… [“It’s okay Pal. I feel ya!”] I mean.. How do you fuck up Spiderman!??!

OMG!! SPIDERMAN!! The Leaks/Hacks also revealed a crap load of stuff about Sonys work with Spiderman and his universe! Okay, first off.. [“WHOA! WHOA! Hold the phone there pal! Your supposed to save that for the next blog!”] oh yeah! Your right… So, what do we do know? [“Lets try this..”]


Oh, yeah.. That sounds good. Nice one. [“No problemo.”]

So, Until next time folks… Peace out!







THE FF REBOOT: The Synopsis! (Me and Myself Discuss)

image(What the bloody hell is this crap!? I mean!… HOW DARE THEY!!) Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! What’s going on up there buddy!? (Don’t play dumb! You Know full well what’s going on! Did you not read this.. This, NONSENSE! They call a Synopsis for the giant load of Shit! That’s to be the FF reboot!) Yeah, I read it.. What’s the big deal? (WHAT!? Wha. What is wrong with you man! Have you gone bonkers!? “What’s the big deal?” Are you kidding me!?) Dude, calm down. I understand where your coming from. (It’s very simple! Four bloody astronaughts! Go into Space! Get walloped by COSMIC RAYS! And get FANTASTIC POWERS! What the bloody fuck is so hard about that!?) Well.. It’s been done before. And the end result wasn’t so good. (That was before! They should have smarter people behind this thing!) And they do. (But THIS is unacceptable!) Hold on. If I may…

This, “Take” if you will, on the origins of The Fantastic Four. Is a very BIG departure from the original story. (Big Departure? More like taking the comics and taking a giant shit on it!) .. As I was saying. It kinda falls right in line with what the comics is all about. Four people make an, extraordinary trip and come back and find themselves completley changed by this trip! NOW, I’m not saying I love this.. But, I can respect.. This, breath of freshness. So to speak. I find it to be very intriguing. Another thing that comes to mind is. What exactly, is this alternate and dangerous universe? Could it be our first live action version of, The Negative Zone!? Which could open the door for possibly an ANNIHILUS debut somewhere along the line! This is after all, a basic outline, for the synopsis of the film. We don’t really know how bad it will suck! Until we see it in action. Although I hate just about everything that has come out about this film. I find this news to be very interesting. So lets just wait and see what comes next before we go guns a’ blazing. Ok?

(… What the hell just happened here?!? I’m supposed to be the voice of reason in this.. Demented duo we have here! I’m the Voice in your head!! ME! I’m the brains! Not you! How did you just switch our roles like that?!)

I don’t know.. I just wanted to switch things up abit… (DON’T. EVER. DO. THAT. AGAIN!) No promises.

So, until next time folks… Peace out!


THE FANTASTIC FOUR REBOOT: Is Fox Deliberately Trying To F*#€ This Up?!?


Domashev!.. Dom-a-shev!?… DOMASHEV????!! What the FUU-

(We interrupt this very lengthy F-Bomb and profanity filled series of words to bring you a little something more family friendly…

(Now back to your regularly scheduled rant. Already in progress..)


(OKAY! He’s not done yet… Uhm.. Quick! Give them another family friendly video!..

*pant, pant, pant… SIGH…* (“You okay pal? Got it all out?”) ……..    …..

FUCKING FUCKERS!! Sigh! Now I’m done!

(“What was all that about anyway?!”) Did you not hear what Tobey Kebel said about his “Version” of Dr.Doom they are doing in the FANTASTIC FOUR REBOOT?! (“Oh! The bit about Being called DOMASHEV? Is it?!”) Yeah! DOMASHEV! An anti-social PROGRAMMER!! He’s not even Latvarian! He’s not a Dictator! He’s not named Von Doom!… And dear god!!… They’ve made him the lowest of the low… A BLOGGER!!!! A Blogger!?!? (Your a blogger.”) EXACTLY!!

(“Well. You can’t expect them to stick so close to the books. Creative licenses, and all that.”) Why not!? How hard could it be to make him a despot from a foreign country who has it in for Reed Richards!? (“That’s just it! They’ve tried that before and look how well that turned out. It’s time for an upgrade. Switch things up abit and try something new.”) Are you Insane?! (“I’m not the one conversating with ones self!”)  hmm, touché. But it not right! Stripping VON DOOM of everything that makes him who he is.. Is ridiculous! (“It’s not the first time that was done with a character and it worked extremely well the last time.”) What chu talkin’ ’bout Willis?! (“I’m certain folks will get that reference.. What I am talking about, friend. Is Heath Ledgers JOKER! In the Dark Knight, Joker was not named Jack, he did not become Red Hood, he did not fall in a batch of chemicals and come out all fucked up. But! He was and will always be considered The Greatest and Best Interpritation of The Joker. Ever! Why?”) uhm…. (” Because he inbodied the core of the character and what makes him who he is!”) Why does it seem you have most of the brains in this outfit? (“That’s just how you write me.”) Ah ha! But it’s just not the same thing in my eyes. Dr. Doom, works one way and one way only. He just does! (“Understandable. But you have to give it a chance.”) Just one chance! Only one! If this turns out to be the load of giant dinosaur crap that it already sounds like its going to be. I’m DONE! Until the rights go back to Marvel. IM DONE! (“I’m with you there, friend.”)

Until next time folks… Peace out!


KRYPTON! The Series!?(A Me and Myself Debate)

Twitter Pal and Follower (@ExgladioEquitas) presented the question.

“What are your thoughts on David Goyers’ possable, KRYPTON series?!”

HM!… How can I put this…. Who the fuck cares about Krypton?!? Seriously! I know I don’t! If you do! More power to you! But, really?! Who wants to watch a one hour program about a place that birthed the worlds greatest superhero?! (“Uhm, you do!”) What? (“You never miss an episode of GOTHAM!”) Well. That’s different! (“How so?”) Gotham is full of nearly endless possablities of stories and drama and.. Awesomeness! (“Im detecting a sense of favoritism!”) Not at all! We already know what the heck happens to Krypton. It blows up! There’s only so far that story can go. Where as “Gotham” has the freedom to cover several years worth of action and storytelling. Even before Bruce Wayne leaves to train overseas! Where as “Krypton” was never givin any kind of expansive back story. ( “Doesn’t that give whoever would be behind KRYPTON, The creative freedom to make new stories, new adventures?”) I guess. But- (“Also. We could get some back story on some of  the things that went down on Krypton. The creation of DOOMSDAY for example. The birth of Brainiac perhaps! Zods back story would be intriguing”) Your point is well made sir. (“I know.”) How did you get to be so smart? (“The Fuck should I know! I’m just the voice in your head, that you feel to give life too in these stupid blogs of yours!”) A-Ha! Well.. That’s.. Very true. But! Non the less. You make a valid point on just some of the things that could make a KRYPTON based show work. (“Sure! Give me credit as if I’m actually here! Shit! Will someone get this man some help!?!”) At the moment I’m still not intrested in such a project. AT ALL! But, I’m open to some convincing. Just make it good!

Thats it from us. (“IT’S JUST YOU JACK ASS!”) Hope you liked this article! If so, subscribe or follow, whatever it is you have to do. Comment. Or hit me up where ever else you can find me.

So, until next time folks.. Peace out!


WHAT IF?!?.. Batman Belongs In The Marvel Universe!!


I for one, believe in the “multiverse” theory! The theory in which there are and or IS a series of alternate earths in which every road that was not traveled, is traveled. For every action there is a reaction. Therefore for every other action, there is yet another reaction. Lets say you went to NYU, found a good job, married, had kids and so on and so forth.

image OR! perhaps. You had went to University Of Miami. Fall for a bad woman. She gets you in to the drug trade. Several murders disappearances and back stabbings later. Your the worlds most profitable drug dealer with a cartel that spans from Cuba, to the great white north and beyond!image In one such reality, I can imagine. Every month a comic book company, called Marvel Comics publishes one of the greatest characters to ever grace the world of comics.. BATMAN!image

*SCREAMS OF PURE HORROR* “BLASPHEMY!!!!”, “HANG HIM!” “HOW DARE YOU!?” “KILL HIM!!” “BURN HIM!!”imageWhoa there! Hold your horses. Before you grab your pitch forks and torches. Please allow me to indulge in my innocent little fantasy!

I LOVE! Batman. Just as much as I LOVE Marvel! So, in my twisted little mind. I can picture Batman, living within the Marvel Universe. It would be pretty damn epic! I mean, lets face it folks. Batman is probably the most “Marvel-esque” character within DC Comics. He is as interesting and intriguing as a Marvel Character. He’s as complex as a Marvel Character. And he’s as Bad Ass as a Marvel Character!

“BATMAN IS DC! He would never fit in with Marvel! It would never work! Plus, he could kick every Marvel characters ass! So shut up and die!”

Okay.. Well. Lets examine your, claims. Shall we. “BATMAN would never fit in theMarvel Universe.”

On many occasions, DC and MARVEL have collaborated together, to put together some of the best inter-company crossovers. Some, on Epic Scales, like…

MARVEL vs DC:image


Other stories were on much smaller scale. But still pretty cool, like…





And last but not least, BATMAN/CAPTAIN AMERICA!


The beautiful thing about The Bat, is that, he’s.. Somewhat, a universal character. Put him in the right situation, with(or without) the right people. And it WORKS! To say that BATMAN wouldn’t fit in because of the type of character he is. You might as well include the DCU for that matter. His character doesn’t completely meld with some of all the bright and shininess that makes up the DCU. In my opinion. The DCU had to darken itself up, just to fit in WITH BATMAN. Where as the MCU has a perfect balance of both Light and Dark. Could you just imagine! BATMAN vs DOCTOR DOOM! BATMAN and DR.STRANGE take on the deadly alliance, of RA’s AL GOUL and MORDO! Come on!! Every issue would be one epic after another! So many possibilities.


Not at all! Gotham could easily co-exist with New York! Probably the city itself, could be an extension of New York State. Perhaps another island city off its coast perhaps?! And Arkham Island could be an extension of JERSEY!? (Hey! That could work! 😝) And to your comment about kicking everyone’s ass! Batman could easily defeat the entire DCU… Literally.. He can. So…. Your argument is invalid!

Please! Do not mistake these words as a slight to the DCU. Not at all! I LOVE and RESPECT DC! No matter what! I Just Think God should have placed BATMAN in the MARVEL universe!

I REPEAT! This is just me and my stupid fantasy! (Which happens to be a pretty awesome fantasy!!) Well! That will have to do it for me folks! If you have something to add to this. Please feel free to comment below. Or hit me up on Twitter (@GonzoNeo) or Instagram (@Neophoinexdragon) and if you haven’t already. PLEASE FOLLOW OR SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG! I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!


“Hmm, Odd?! I wonder who that could be, at this time a night? …..  …

“OH! FUUUCK!”image


Is The New York Comic Con, Second Best?!?

imageHey there, Ladies and Gentelnerds. Allow me a moment of your time, and let me Rant about something that’s come to mind recently.

This past Thursday, October 9, 2014. I went to NEW YORK COMIC CON! For the second year in a row. It was just as magical as it was last year! The atmosphere was pleasant. The people, “MY PEOPLE!” Are the nicest people around. So nice, that its hard to believe half of them are from New York! We saw some pretty awesome things, met some very nice folks. Gail Samone, Greg Capullo and The Batman Suits were the highlights of my day! But in all honesty, my entire stay there was a delight.


That bring said. After all was said and done. What caught my attention was the lack of…. ANYTHING! It, almost feels like it came and went. Nothing happened. No big media coverage of the weekends news and developments. It’s like a party that rocked so hard and everyone is too hungover to remember anything! SAN DIEGO’S Con is clearly a different story! Which had me thinking. (We all know how bad that is!) Why isn’t NYCC treated in the same respect as SDCC!? (Keep in mind. I am a New Yorker. This just may be my NY Pride talking or whatever.. But hear me out.) In my Opinion, there are Three BIG comic cons. SDCC, NYCC and CHICAGO COMIC CON! Everything else, respectfully, is everything else! (Please no hate mail, or tweets, or comments! This is just my opinion! Take it or leave it) Understandably, SDCC is considered the MECCA of all of Nerddom/GEEKDOM. But, Why should that be the only place to get all the quote un quote “Good Stuff”?! Like all the big comic news. The big movie news and panels, the big news in general! It near Hollywood! Yeah, I get that it’s closer to home for all the Hollywood studio types and stuff! And their convention center is Humongous! So they got more space for more exhibits and such.. Whoop-de-do! (Am I sounding like I have a case of ‘Sour Grapes’.. Maybe..)

I don’t want to sound like I’m hating on SDCC, I’m just hating the lack of attention NYCC gets. Whether it be from the media and the actual “Big Time” exhibitors. Marvel Could have announced RDJ’s inclusion in Cap3! DC could have made thier Movie line up at NYCC as well! I mean.. COME ON! Talk about a missed oproutunitiey! Am I right!?.. Anyone..? Someone?.. Ok, fine!

I guess I’ve made my point. (Did I have a point?!?) Thanks for hearing me out folks! I hope you got what I was trying to say.  Have a good one!

So, Until next time folks… Peace out!