Category Archives: New York Comic Con

Is The New York Comic Con, Second Best?!?

imageHey there, Ladies and Gentelnerds. Allow me a moment of your time, and let me Rant about something that’s come to mind recently.

This past Thursday, October 9, 2014. I went to NEW YORK COMIC CON! For the second year in a row. It was just as magical as it was last year! The atmosphere was pleasant. The people, “MY PEOPLE!” Are the nicest people around. So nice, that its hard to believe half of them are from New York! We saw some pretty awesome things, met some very nice folks. Gail Samone, Greg Capullo and The Batman Suits were the highlights of my day! But in all honesty, my entire stay there was a delight.


That bring said. After all was said and done. What caught my attention was the lack of…. ANYTHING! It, almost feels like it came and went. Nothing happened. No big media coverage of the weekends news and developments. It’s like a party that rocked so hard and everyone is too hungover to remember anything! SAN DIEGO’S Con is clearly a different story! Which had me thinking. (We all know how bad that is!) Why isn’t NYCC treated in the same respect as SDCC!? (Keep in mind. I am a New Yorker. This just may be my NY Pride talking or whatever.. But hear me out.) In my Opinion, there are Three BIG comic cons. SDCC, NYCC and CHICAGO COMIC CON! Everything else, respectfully, is everything else! (Please no hate mail, or tweets, or comments! This is just my opinion! Take it or leave it) Understandably, SDCC is considered the MECCA of all of Nerddom/GEEKDOM. But, Why should that be the only place to get all the quote un quote “Good Stuff”?! Like all the big comic news. The big movie news and panels, the big news in general! It near Hollywood! Yeah, I get that it’s closer to home for all the Hollywood studio types and stuff! And their convention center is Humongous! So they got more space for more exhibits and such.. Whoop-de-do! (Am I sounding like I have a case of ‘Sour Grapes’.. Maybe..)

I don’t want to sound like I’m hating on SDCC, I’m just hating the lack of attention NYCC gets. Whether it be from the media and the actual “Big Time” exhibitors. Marvel Could have announced RDJ’s inclusion in Cap3! DC could have made thier Movie line up at NYCC as well! I mean.. COME ON! Talk about a missed oproutunitiey! Am I right!?.. Anyone..? Someone?.. Ok, fine!

I guess I’ve made my point. (Did I have a point?!?) Thanks for hearing me out folks! I hope you got what I was trying to say.  Have a good one!

So, Until next time folks… Peace out!