Category Archives: Movies



Oh, You didn’t know?!? The Marvel Inc. Club is THE club for True Blue Marvel Fans! We plan on being a weekly thing here on Inside The Multi-Verse. (Whenever we can!) Lets get down to business shall we!?




Probably the most irreverent video game.. EVER! Deadpool is trying to get a video game based on him, to be made. When he finally does. He’s sent a “script” Not happy about it, ol’ Deadpool goes along with it. Contracted to kill a crooked media mogul, Deadpool happens upon a dastardly scheme hatched by MISTER SINISTER! And all sorts of hilarity and bloody mayhem ensues! THATS the kind of thing the live action film needs! An all incompassing, over-arching story, told through the eyes of Deadpool. Which leads us to…


It’s what we all love and treasure about Deadpool. His total self awareness, that he is in fact a character! Living within the realm of comics and whatnot! Throughout the game he talks to us and himself (via- the voices in his head!) This is a VERY important character trait, that needs to exist within the film. He knows it’s a movie and yet travels with us through it. (I pray there is a scene in the movie, where he brings up X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE! I would just die laughing!)



The game did not boast the most epic assortment of baddies! Such as BLOCKBUSTER, VERTIGO, and ARCLIGHT! The film itself would be open to introducing an assortment of characters we have not yet seen brought to life on the big screen. Which would be awesome! This also means, we could have a slew of guest stars and cameos by old and new characters! image



The Game is chuck full of profanity!, Blood!, Half naked women!, profanity! Sexual innuendos!, Blood.. And did I mention Profanity?! FOX should not be afraid  to at least go hard R for the Deadpool movie.. Or at least really test the boundary of PG-13! Keep the jokes rapid fire like Pool’s machine gun. Which shouldn’t be to hard with Ryan Reynolds behind the mask! (He’s perfect!) Sight gags! And witty puns should not be shy away from. We know they are trying to build a coherent and serious X-MEN MOVIE UNIVERSE.. But that shouldn’t make them make Deadpool.. Not, Deadpool! Have everything else serious.. But not Deadpool. Now, we’re not saying make Deadpool a full blown Comedy.. But find that fine line and tight rope that bitch!


Probably the greatest bromance.. Ever! Cable and Deadpool together on the big screen would be epic! It makes perfect sence to have him there. Why? I’ll tell you why! DEADPOOL:THE MOVIE is scheduled to hit theaters February 2016, a good Three months before, X-MEN: APOCALYPSE comes out. Whose always trying to stop Apocalypse from taking Over the world? CABLE!imageIt’s the perfect film to debut Cable. That would mean, that the movie would have to take place sometime in this new future timeline created by DAYS OF FUTURES PAST. And it would have to directly tie into XM:APOCALYPSE in some fashion, but also remain its own individual movie!

We are a long ways from when they start production on Deadpool:The Movie! We’re keeping our fingers crossed they do it right and do it awesome! And above all… MAKE IT EPIC!!image

That’s gonna do it for us here in the CLUB HOUSE! Give us a follow on twitter Marvel Inc.  @Sgsonny70

So, until next time folks… Peace out!







Though I have not read the story line in which this film is based on, (I only have one issue.) I went in to the film with an open mind.

Picking up, roughly, a few months or so after the previous WB/DC ANIMATED FEATURE- “JUSTICE LEAGUE: WAR” The League is nowhere near the solid unit we know them to be. When a U.S Nuclear Sub is mysteriously attacked, CYBORG decides to go investigate on his own. imageEscaping from a surprise attack by unknown assailants. He decides it’s time to call in for help.image We catch up with SUPERMAN and WONDER WOMAN and their blossoming romance as the team is rounded up. In the meanwhile. We are introduced to a one, ARTHUR CURRY…image Dealing with the recent loss of his dad. Arthur is struggling to understand who and or what, he is. Knowing he has these amazing abilities of breathing under water, enhanced strength and agility. And that he can talk to see life. He still doesn’t know where he belongs or how he can do what he does!

Also, we take trip to the city of Atlantis. Where the Queen is at odds with her vengeance seeking son ORM. Whom blames the death of the king, his father, on the surface world. image


imageWhich was the after credits scene from JL:WAR!

Angry about her stance of peace with the surface world, ORM allies himself with (an under utilized) BLACK MANTA!image To set his planned war on The surface world in to motion.

Im not going to say I did not like the film. But so many things about it could have been done differently. For instance, The Justice League, seemed so unnecessary. It would have best served the film to be a complete AQUAMAN stand alone origin story.imageOnce shit hits the fan, then the League could have let their presence known.

The whole first act, dragged itself along. But when things needed to build up the way it should, for both the action and emotional parts.. It was poorly rushed! Like, somewhere along the line, somebody said “lets move it along!” It failed to hit the emotional parts so badly. (SPOILER!) When Aquaman is ready to meet his mother for the first time. Only to find her dead!!  It falls completely FLAT! I did not give a flying fuck! And that sucks!!

BLACK MANTA was literally a throw away character! Instead, the focus was more on ORM and his wicked misdeeds and crap. When Manta had the greater potential to be the true puppet master behind the whole thing.

I hate to say this but.. The more I think about it.. The more of a piece of crap I think it is!! Right up there with SON OF BATMAN, and heck, even JL:WAR was a waste! I find the direction DC/WB’s animated universe to be the WRONG direction! Each one is supposed to continue after the other. For some kind of cohesive over arching universe.. But for fucks sake!! It sucks! They are basically taking, three to four different sets of story lines from the comics and tossing them together in to one film and it seems like an uneven mess!

DC’s ORIGINAL ANIMATED FILMS used to be the shit! When it came to animated features! Adapting one story and crafting a badass hour to hour and a half feature was really good! Their BATMAN ones were the best! Even the JUSTICE LEAGUE ones were great. JL:DOOM being my fav. But these last few offerings, (EXCLUDING ASSAULT ON ARKHAM) have been great disappointments! Starting with SON OF BATMAN! Something is going wrong over at WB ANIMATION! MARVEL has the same problem, most of their animated works leave a lot to be desired. Except, PLANET HULK, HULK VS, and DR. STRANGE. Most of their animated offerings have been… MEH! It seems DC is headed down the same path for some reason. It’s hard to watch!

There are.. SOME… Not a lot, but some redeeming qualities about THRONE OF ATLANTIS. It’s not a complete waste of time. (For someone who hasn’t read the source materiel.. I swear if I did.. I would have probably hated this movie a whole lot more! Much like I did WAR!) Seriously, it should have been a solo Aquaman Movie.. It would  have been SO much better!

And one quick thing before I go.. Something that’s been bugging me… imageWHEN THE FUCK DID SUPERMAN AND WONDER WOMAN GAIN THE ABILITY TO BREATH AND TALK UNDER-FUCKING-WATER!?!?!??? ARE YOU SHITTING ME!!!??

For Fucks Sake!


I give JUSTICE LEAGUE:  THRONE OF ATLANTIS.. 🔱🔱🔱⭕⭕ 3/5 Gold things! (I have no fucking clue what the gold symbol actually is. But it looks cool! I’ll stick with it for now!) [“Hmm, kinda looks like a trident!”] Yeah, hey it does! [“So, it fits!”] yup.. It’s a work in progress!

So, Until next time folks… Peace out!





Hey there, ladies and gentelnerds! Multi-Verse Neo here. Ready to give you my thoughts on the latest trailer circulating the Geek-o-Sphere.

This past Tuesday, we were given our first teaser of ‘MARVEL STUDIO’S’ Latest ‘Gem’ (pun intended) “ANT-MAN” Starring, Paul Rudd, Micheal Douglas, Evangeline Lilly and Cory Stoll. Just in case you missed it…

That. Was… Pretty damn good! I did enjoy the last line though. “Is it too late to change the name?” That was funny.


I wasnt exactly Blown away by the trailer. But it is what it is.. A really good TEASE! It didn’t show too much. But, left me wanting more. Which is what a good Teaser is supposed to do. Despite all the “drama” behind the scenes and any other nonsense. It looks like they have put together something with a lot of potential. But lets get something straight..

I was not at all ‘excited’ per say, about an ANT-MAN movie. Especially considering the fact that it was not connected to Avengers by some degree. I was literally like, “Ok, Ant-Man?.. I’m sure it would be good cause its Marvel.. But.. Why are they doing it like this?!” Then came Edgar Wrights departure from the movie. I haven’t seen any of his movies as of yet. But, everyone seemed sad for him to go. Then Paul Rudd was announced to star. And I was like “Alright. He’s a good actor. Not my first choice for Hank Pym, but cool. Can’t wait to see what he does with it.” And then, there was this…



So, Paul Rudd was announced to be actually playing SCOTT LANG! The second Ant-Man.  image

After I calmed down and said my little prayer, “Trust In Marvel! Trust In Marvel! Trust In Marvel” I began to be… At ease with the idea. “Fine! That’s how they are hoist to do. Then so be it.. I’ll wait for the trailer!” BOOM! It’s here! And you know what?.. I get it!image

It’s wise for them to go with a, ‘Newer’ Ant-Man. Someone, movie goers can.. LIKE! Someone who has redeeming qualities. “Whatever do you mean?!” Well.. Hank Pym is THE ANT-MAN! But… He doesn’t have the most, pleasant of histories.


Since his creation by STAN LEE and JACK KIRBY, Hank Pym has gone by SEVERAL Costumed alias’s. Ant-Man, Goliath, Giant-Man, Yellow Jacket and Most Recentley, The Wasp (in honor of the original, His Wife.. Janet Van Dyne.) His YELLOW JACKET persona, is a bit more infamous. Cause around that time, he became, well… An ASSHOLE! Beating his wife Janet, Being verbally abusive. Turning to medication, Betraying the Avengers. And so on and so forth.  image

That kind of history, is not very becoming of a franshise hopeful film, such as ANT-MAN. Scott Lang on the other hand.. He’s a likable criminal. Small time thief, who really only did it to provide for his family. (Not that that is a reasonable thing to do. I’m not condoning criminal activity.)But, it is to attest to the mans heart. In the comics, Scott Lang stole the Ant-Man tech to commit some sort of crime. (The reason, at the moment, escapes me.) He fell into heroics by accedent. But stuck to it. Not only gaining Hank’s blessing to become Ant-Man, but also earning a spot on the AVENGERS roster.image

Of course the film is going to take a different approach to Hank Pym and Scott Lang’s relationship. But to possibly glaze over, or sugar coat Pym’s past, would serve as a disservice, to not only the fans. But to the core of who the character is! A surprise change in the story, is also THE WASP! There is no Janet Van Dyne, But instead there’s a.. Hope Van Dyne! The Daughter of Hank and Janet. Played by the beautiful and Nerdgasim inducing, Evangaline Lilly.


(Ahem!) Anyway.. Though, Hope does not appear within the Main Marvel Comics Universe. She is from Marvels M2 Universe. To include her in the MCU, is very cool and interesting. It would come to no shock, if she were to become The Wasp, toward the end of the film. Or her M2 persona of RED QUEEN! (Though hopefully not a Villain.) But, WASP suits her just fine.

Given the bad guy reputation of the “Yellow Jacket” persona, it’s no surprise that that would be the Villain of the film, Played by Cory Stoll. And judging from the recently released image of the Yellow Jacket Suit, The fight between the two is going to be pretty awesome! image

The Ant-Man Shrinking special effects  look really cool, and I can’t wait to see it in full action. image

Another interesting aspect about the trailer. Is the fact, that there is not a Single mention of the other heroes in the MCU. Which is a thing Marvel Likes to do. Clearly, it takes place within the same universe as everything else. But, the story itself seems to be very self contained. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a number of Easter eggs and a key plot point that would lead in to the other upcoming films. HOPEFULLY! And I’m letting it be known from now…


So, until next time folks… Peace out!



image Greetings folks, I am The Speculating Nerd! And today I want to take a moment to ponder aloud with you, the possible origins behind MARVEL STUDIO’s versions of QUICKSILVER and SCARLET WITCH!


Now, I say “Marvel Studios Version” because as most of you know. Marvel Studios shares the rights to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch with 20th Century Fox. The latter, being the current sole rights owners to the X-MEN UNIVERSE. Which means, anything MUTANT, belongs to FOX! Which is what Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are.. MUTANTS!

Then how can MARVEL use them in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON?! Its a rather weird loop hole, but since QS and SW spent most of their comic book lives within the pages of The Avengers.. Then, I guess, that gives Marvel co-ownership of the rights to them. Only one problem with that. THEY CAN’T BE MUTANTS! AND THEY CAN’T BE RELATED TO MAGNETO!image

But, that’s who they are?! How can they truly be QS and SW without that history?! How is Marvel going to explain their extraordinary powers?… WHAT THE FUCK?!?

One of the after credits scenes in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER was an underground HYDRA base under the command of BARON VON STRUCKER and they had two individuals locked up, and Baron called them ‘Miracles’!image That scene made all of us wonder if QS and SW are creations of HYDRA! But!.. Another theory has come to mind.. QUICKSILVER and SCARLET WITCH are INHUMANS!image

“But Mr.Speculator, sir.. How the fuck do you make that conclusion?!” Very simple Billy.

if you’ve been paying attention to MARVEL’s AGENTS OF SHIELD, you would know that this season has been laying the groundwork for the world of The Inhumans.

SPOILER ALERT!!!! WARNING! DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! LOOK OUT!! HEADS UP! GRENADE!! HIT THE DIRT! YOU MUST BE THIS TALL!! CAPACITY OF 3000 POUNDS!! I’ve run out of ALERTS! So… You’ve been warned damn it! In AGENTS OF SHILED’S mid season finale, SKYE was subjected to the TERRIGEN MISTS and obtained powers.. Just like all real Inhumans! In case you missed it..


Realizing that we are in fact 4 months away from AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON. I got to thinking about QUICKSILVER AND SCARLET WITCH and thier origins. And I had a thought. They never said nor implied in that short scene at the end of WINTER SOLDIER, that HYDRA had a direct hand in creating or giving QS and SW thier powers. Remember, HYDRA was SHIELD! They knew what they knew. They were ahead of SHIELD every step. Who’s to say HYDRA didn’t already discover a TERRIGEN MISTS chamber before SHIELD did?!? Hence “THIS IS AN AGE OF MIRACLES!”

HYDRA, may have been the first to discover the modern ages first set of Inhumans. I wouldn’t be surprised if its mentioned in AGENTS OF SHIELD in some fashion.

“But Mr.Speculater, Sir… I still don’t understand the shit your saying!” Well, Billy,  if you’d stop interrupting me you would get it! You little shit!

QUICKSILVER has had a very longstanding connection with The Inhumans, especially the Royal Family and Marrieing Black Bolts cousin Crystal and sireing a child with her. And basically it’s the most logical thing to do with thier back story. The Inhumans are the closest things Marvel Has to Mutants! It. Just. Makes. Sense!

Let me know what you folks think. Would it be Marvels best move to make thier QS and SW Inhumans? Do you have any other ideas or theories?! Let me know,.. You know where to find me..

(CLOSING SPECULATION: Quicksilver will be the one to die in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON!)

So! Until next time folks… Peace out!



THE FIRST ANNUAL MONDAY MATCH-UPS TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT! Is about to get under way! Now, Before I introduce the Teams, and who they are fighting for. A few last minute details..

To insure that the first round battles and group assignments are completley fair and random. I will write down the names of the participants on pieces of Paper and toss them in a bag and pick the names at random. Thus not only assigning the group placements. But also determining who faces who.

This Tournament is purely based on fun. Lets keep this clean, friendly and above all, RESPECTFUL!! So no name calling, No Bitting, No hair pulling, No eye gauging, and (more likely) No mean teasing! Lets keep this clean and friendly. Friendly ribbing is allowed! New Followers and New friendships are bound to be made in this Tournament!

With that out of the way, lets meet the Teams and Thier Creators! Lets, start with my team!..































Alrighty then! THE RESULTS FOR GROUP A’s FIRST ROUND… Can be heard on an upcoming Podcast! Cause for shits sake it’s going to take too long to do it in BLOG  format! So stay tuned for that! Here’s some kind of a link to it in case you need to find it later or something!…



So, Until Next time folks… Peace out!



image Let me be clear… I didn’t go doing any research in to all the articles that came out after the SONY HACKS/LEAKS concerning Spiderman! So I’m not going to pretend that I got all the facts or the inside scoop on non of this bull shit! I’m just gonna give my two cents on what we all have read and what we know,thus far. And how I feel about the whole fucked up thing! Is that okay with you?.. Good! Lets get started shall we..

Holy Fuck! Sony has no clue what the hell they are doing! The leaks revealed SONY’S past and future plans for the Spider-Verse, and it looks like one big mess! In my humble opinion, they lost thier marbles just after SAM RAIMIS’S SPIDERMAN 3. Not the most liked installment of the series. And after the returns and feedback on the film, an that was like, a few months later, They announced a complete reboot of the Series. WTF?! There was nothing wrong with the first series. SM3 was a slip up! If Sony hadn’t had stuck thier noses into RAIMIS’S work, it would have turned out a lot better. So, with that came… THE AMAZING DISSAPOINTMENT!.. image

THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN! Clearly a valiant effort.. It was… A soldier charging in to battle and was shot in the face with an arrow before he got there.. And then was trampled by all the other charging soldiers.. And then was blown to bits by a  grenade… THAT is what THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN was.. In my humble opinion. They clearly tried to establish a universe… But lost almost everything that made Spiderman who he is!

Then Came… Oh, god…. Just throw up the graphic please!… imageOk… Remember the soldier?! Well, THIS! This is those bits of the soldier, that was eaten by vultures and then crapped out, to be eaten by rats that choked on it and died and then became a feast for maggots! THAT, is what This movie was! Literally everything went wrong for this movie. Sure it made big bucks at the box office… But the fan reaction afterwards sent the studio scrambling! Which leads us too the leaks!

Let me start with MARVEL STUDIOS. After the Great KEVIN FIEGIE and the fine people at MARVEL/DISNEY saw the completed CAPTAIN AMERICA:THE WINTER SOLDIER, they knew they had a sure fire hit! It’s probably safe to assume as Cap 2 was nearing distribution, Kevin and Co began to brain storm the next step for Cap 3. Clearly CIVIL WAR was the next move. Realizing the importance SPIDERMAN played in the story,imageit wouldn’t have come to no surprise that Kevin wouldn’t have at least tried to establish talks with SONY, And so he did.

From the LEAKS, it would appear, that the already financially struggling SONY saw an opportunity. Not wanting to risk losing the only thing that was garnering them money. Sony tries to garner a deal with Marvel that would not only benefit their pockets, but also keep their stake in the Spiderman Brand! Asking Marvel for a 60/30 profit off of whatever Marvel makes off of any Spiderman appearance in any of their films. Also, complete creative control of what Spiderman does in the movie(s) AND.. Get this.. A chance of using characters like Captain America in any future film they do.. (The Balls of these people!) And so, Kevin did the right thing and said, “You know, BLACK PANTHER would make an excellent replacement for Spiderman within the CIVIL WAR story we want to tell… Thanks so much for helping me realize this! Bye Sony!” *Click* and now Sony is up shits creek with out a paddle!

As more  and more emails and documents are leaked, it is revealed that not too long ago they planed a “SPIDEY-SUMMIT” for this upcoming January, where they get all the people that are working within their Spider-Verse together and try to map things out! It is rumored, (or confirmed from the leaks) that Kevin will be among those in attendance. In what capacity, is not known. Spider-Hungry fans are chomping at the bit for news that Spidey will be coming home to Marvel, and the demand of such a thing has grown tenfold with these LEAKS! “Marvel and Sony talked about Spidey!??! Seriously!? Is he coming Home!? Please come home spidey!!!” Is what most of them say… Probably. Fans want the “Real” Spiderman, and a “Real” CIVIL WAR Story! And to that I say… NO THANKS! image

As a big Spider-Man Fan, and an even BIGGER MARVEL FAN! I’m willing to say, no thanks.. Not right now! Don’t get me wrong.. I want Spider-Man back where he belongs! Back in the House of Ideas! I have a flag that says, “BRING SPIDEY HOME!” But in very fine print it says on the bottom.. “But not yet!”

Marvel has its slate set and ready to go. Yes, everything is going to take the next five or six years to make, and there’s plenty of time to change things up, just in case Spiderman does come back in to the mix. But, I firmly believe Marvel should stay the course and do their thing. Marvel doesn’t need Spiderman, Sony needs Marvel to need Spiderman! Marvel shouldn’t pull a “Government Style Bail-Out” for Sony. “Let them fail” so to speak. Let Sony, have its January meeting, see if they can get the ship sailing on course. SINISTER SIX is still on the schedule for 2016 as far as I know. So they do have time to get all their things in order.. If they can’t.. Let their Spidey-Contract expire… And then!! Only then! Marvel can bring Spiderman home! imageGive him, and us, time to recover. Then, once INFINITY WAR 1 and 2 is over, and it’s time to start a new slate of Marvel Studios films for Phase 4,5 and 6. CAPTAIN MARVEL 2, BLACK PANTHER 2, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, and you lay your groundwork for THE MIGHTY AVENGERS! (Or something like that!)

Sony is in the same position as WB/DC, it’s just tougher because all they have, is the one character. But, AMS and AMS2 was like DC’s SUPERMAN RETURNS and GREEN LANTERN. Both missed their marks by an acre! But they are just about One Good movie away from getting things together. As much as I want Spiderman back Home… It just shouldn’t happen yet.. I wish Sony the best of luck!

[“Wow! I’m impressed by your.. Candor and your ability to see reason in this article..”] Yeah, thanks.. And plus, it’s only logical. Right now, Marvel is really pushing it with having  Three movie in production in a single year! Could you imagine how long it would really be before we get a Marvel’s Spiderman movie. It’s kinda good to have a couple of other studios to carry the load a little. That way we get more Marvel character centric films per year! [“Very wise of you my friend! You’ve really grown in to a calm rational…] WHO THEY REALLY NEED TO BRING BACK TO MARVEL RIGHT NOW, IS SILVER SURFER!!! THEY REALLY DO!! FOX IS ONLY GONNA MESS IT UP AGAIN IF THEY PUT HOM IN THE FF REBOOT!! BRING SURFER HOME! BRING SURFER HOME! BRING SURFER HOME!! image[“Damn it… I spoke to soon!”]


[” I guess I’ll be closing it out..”]


[“So, Until next time folks… Peace out!”]






Hey folks! Welcome to another installment of the Multi-Verse Movie Review blog! Today’s movie: TUSK! A Kevin Smith joint!

I was fortunate enough to finally see this film just last week. And… Where shall I begin?.. First of all. For those of you who don’t know. Way back when, Mr.Smith and his partner in crime, Scott Mosier recorded an episode of their extremely funny and awesome podcast, SMODCAST! image(Personally my third favorite of the SMODCO production podcast. Behind FATMAN ON BATMAN, and HOLLYWOOD BABBLE ON! But I digress.)

Also known As episode 259: The Walrus and the Carpenter. Kevin recited a tale he had come across online, that was a want ad in the UK. It told of an old man who had experienced long and fruitful life. But wished to not spend the remainder of his years alone. And So, was in search of someone to lodge within his large home. On one very unique condition… The lodger would have to spend a certain amount of time dressed in a homemade WALRUS suit! Needless to say our favorite stoner and friend went off in glorious comedy gold! Eventually, as the two traded crazy and funny scenario after another. The creative juices began to course through Kevin Smiths body and soul. Seeing great potential in an actual feature film in this story. Kevin put it out all over social media, text #WalrusYes and he would get this movie made. Text #WalrusNo and we would never see such a masterpiece be brought to life! After, I think, MILLIONS of #WalrusYes.. TUSK was born!imageStarring, JUSTIN LONG, HALEY JOEL OSMENT, GENISIS RODRIGUEZ and the Magical MICHAEL PARKS!

Long, plays podcaster Wallice Brighton who travels around the country to interview people who are involved in wild and or crazy stories. He prepares to leave for Canada to interview someone who has become a huge Internet sensation, known as The Kill Bill Kid! And thus our story begins.

As I write this.. I’m debating on whether to give spoilers or not! TUSK is a film you really have to see for yourself. To a lot of folks it can be seen as a disturbing film. I can see why at certain point of the film. But for someone who has listened to the podcasts on a regular basis, there are so many Easter eggs and nods to other Smodcast episodes, that for me.. I found it to be really hilarious!

Smith found a very unique line between comedy and “horror” and walked it masterfully. In my opinion.

Justin Long gained my respect with his acting ability in this film. imageHis skill to deliver the sometimes unintentionally hilarious dialogue while  clearly  in a state of unrest or discomfort was very well done. Genisis, a relative newcomer to the movie scene, is a truly solid talent. Her biggest and most awe inspiring scene, is a scene in which she gives an amazing monologue straight to the camera. You don’t really think she’s talking to someone who is in the scene with her. But you get pulled in by her performance like.. Wow! Haley Joel Osment is a good supporting character. He’s no.. “I see dead people” level of talent in this film. But he plays his role very well.

Michael Parks.. Micheal ‘F’ing’ Parks! Can somebody tell me why the hell this man has not gotten an Oscar yet!?! imageThis man is so damn talented! Michael plays Howard Howe. The man who puts Justin’s character in to the Walrus suit. He plays a tortured and demented soul, so very well. He is a true character actor. The man completely vanishes in to his roles. I was first introduced to Michael Parks in Smith’s RED STATE. In which he plays a overlay religious zealot/cultist priest! He was just as terrifying in that role as he is in this one. Parks is were the real “horror” comes from in this picture. He can be so calm and welcoming, but also menacing at the same time! He truly made this film what it is. And he makes you believe.. That someone like Howard Howe could exist. Much like the TEXAS CHAINSAW “Family”. That’s what makes it so creepy. The reality Michael was able to breath in to such a crazy concept is rather.. Mind blowing in retrospect.

Before I saw the movie. I was really interested In Seeing the Walrus Suit! And when I finally did.. I was like… Holy fucking shit! He did it! That was, for me, the money shot. That’s why, although I have a pic of Long in the suit that I can post here, I am not going to. It’s really something that should be seen while watching the movie. It’s that key moment. The “Reveal” if you will. That your like… Holy Fuck! And I really don’t want to ruin that moment for you folks. Trust me.. It’s pretty awesome!

Im also sure you’ve heard who makes a cameo appearance in the movie. SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! Spoiler! Spoiler! Spoiler! Okay.. I think that should do it I guess.. Johnny Depp as Guy Lupointe is a… Fucking treasure! From the moment he hits the screen.. It’s like, comedy gold! So please keep your eyes open for it. And Garmey Strong! Mr. Ralph Garmen as a local police detective is a true delight to see.

I will say this though. I did not care for the ending very much. I guess, that’s where the disturbing part comes in to play. But for me.. I would have been a little more comfortable with a different ending. But clearly that’s the point to it. It’s supposed to make you say, “Damn! That’s fucked up!”

TUSK, is Smith’s first installment in his “True North” horror movie trilogy. He is currently filming the next one, “YOGA HOESERS” and is set to start “MOOSE JAWS!”( “It’s Jaws.. But with a Moose”. As Kevin describes it.) If they are half as good as TUSK is.. Then hell yeah! Sign me up! I can’t wait.

In closing..SEE TUSK DAMN IT! It’s fucking awesome and fucked up! Lets start a new trend #SeeTusk spread the word!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!








My goodness! I’m half way done with my SUICIDE SQUAD CAST article. And all of a sudden the first trailer for TERMINATOR: GENISYS drops. In case you missed it, here you go…

Wow!! That looks… So.. Confusing!? AWESOME!! But more confusing then the STAR WARS trailer. Well.. Ok, the SW trailer is more confusing. But this one is.. quite the puzzler. Lets see if we can get a few things straightend out.

First of all! I’m calling this.. (Drum roll please!…) A REMOOQUEL! The hell is that you ask? (A word I came up with. Obviously!) But, it’s what it is. A Reboot, Remake, Prequel, Sequel! A REMOOQUEL! (Webster’s dictionary here I come!) So. Kyle Reese, played by JAI COURTNEY, volunteers to be transported back to 1984 (The Original Terminator) and protect young, “scared and weak” Sahra Conner.. Things look like they are going to play out shot for shot. Oh wait, an armored car just crashed through the men’s department. Oh! It’s Sahra! Oh! And that cop is A  T-1000! Ok.. That’s.. Different! Wait.. Holy moly! Is that Arnold from ’84 I thought the real one was supposed to be in… Oh! What the?!? Did he just shot the ’84 Arnold?!? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?? See! This is why you don’t fuck with time travel folks! Cause then everything just gets all toppsy turvey! From what comics and commen sense has taught me. Apparently something goes wrong with Kyles first attempt at protecting Sahra. They send Sahra to help… Oh for shits sake! My head is hurting just trying to make sense of this shit!

Long story short! The movie looks awesome! I can’t wait to see more from it. Calieesei: Mother Of Dragons looks shockingly like she could be Linda Hamiltons daughter. And she looks like she’s going to rock this role. Arnold really does look like he’s.. Well.. Back! (Crazy prediction!) Im thinking Arnold will play more then one T-800! A couple that’s going to protect them and some that are going to try and kill them. (But that’s just a theory!) This is only the first trailer. And we have a long way to go before the film comes out. I love this franchise and I hope for nothing but the best. Lets just hope the movie isn’t as so damn convoluted and confusing as this awesome trailer was!

Let me know what you folks thought of the trailer. Please comment below or hit me up at my usual haunts! Thanks for your time folks!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!









imageWell… There they are folks… Our cast for THE SUICIDE SQUAD movie! At least what has been reported. Honestly I can’t say I have heard anything from DC/WB. Maybe they did confirm it and I missed it… You know what! Hold on. I’m gonna go check… One sec folks……. SON OF A BITCH!! I mean, sorry. Uh yeah! It’s offical folks I checked WB’s Twitter feed and yeah.. It’s confirmed! Shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that this Is the cast. Half these people have been linked to this movie since it was first announced. Now! Lets go down the line. Starting from what I like, to what I don’t!

MARGOT ROBBIE/HARLEY QUINN imageFINALLY!! Praise The Lord! We’re getting our very first live action, living, breathing Harley Quinn! I’m so stoked about this. She’s been long overdue her big screen treatment. The fact that Margot Robbie looks the part, and can clearly pull off the accent, makes her the perfect actress! Although! I can’t full heartedly champion her acting qualities, because I have yet to see her in action. She has gotten rave reviews for her small role in WOLF OF WALL STREET. But that’s all that I’ve heard of her. She is costarring with Will Smith in an upcoming film called FOCUS! I hope to check that out soon. It looks very interesting and she looks really good in the trailer that I’ve seen. (Fingers crossed!)

JARED LETO/THE JOKER imageIt is never a mistake to get talent involved with these movies.. Never! And you don’t get anymore talented then Jared Leto. I mean, the guy won an OSCAR for playing a transgendered Woman with AIDS, in DALLAS BUYERS CLUB! I think he can pull off a raving homicidal lunatic clown with no problem. For his version of the Joker. I would hope that he could give us a mixture of the whimsical that Nicholson gave us in ’89 and the cold calculating mastermind that Heath Ledger gave us in TDK. But at the same time making it his own. I’m so very excited for this casting! I can’t wait to see the first shots of him in makeup and costume.

JAI COURTNEY/CAPTAIN BOOMERANG(BOOMERANG) imageJai Courtney has become a very busy man. If I’m not mistaken, we were first introduced to him in SPARTICUS:BLOOD AND SAND (aka: season 1) then he went on to play Bruce Willis son in the last DIE HARD film. Next he has the new TERMINATOR film, TERMINATOR:GENISYS. And I think he’s working on another project after that. And now this! CAPTAIN BOOMERANG or just BOOMERANG at this point. He’s a good fit, acting wise. But also he has the build and the look. And if I’m not mistaken, he is either British, or Australian so he already has the accent down pact. How they translate a guy who’s very good at throwing boomerangs is going to be very interesting to see. After watching the recent DCU Animated feature, ASSAULT ON ARKHAM. I’ve noticed that Boomerang brings a bit of levity to situations. So I hope they keep that aspect of his character in tact.

TOM HARDY/RICK FLAGG imageAnother great talent! I’m a Hardy fan. But who the hell is RICK FLAGG?!? After some investigating. Turns out that Flagg is the original lease of the Squad way back in the day of the original comics. It’s cool that they are throwing Someone relatively unknown in to the mix of the more up to date characters. I don’t have much else to say about it. Hardy is awesome! This seems like a great fit for him, character wise. I’m looking forward to it.

CARA DELEVINGE/ENCHANTRESSimage Yet another Model turned actress. I’m not mad at all about the casting. It’s who she’s playing that has me concerned. Enchantress?!? I’m sorry but.. Why?! Is Magic the best way to go for something like this? I can’t attest to her acting capabilities. But based on her looks alone.. I can see her as a better fit for, KILLER FROST image

But I hope they know what they are doing. And I hope it works out for the best.

WILL SMITH/DEADSHOTimageOkay… How can I put this, so I don’t sound like a total.. Ass?… NOOO!! Why?!? Just. Stop. Do not pass go! Do not collect $200!! Okay. I’m not commenting negatively on Smiths acting prowess. I’m not. He just does not, fit? Smith is a very talented actor! He’s well on his way to finding that role that’s going to he him that Oscar nomination.. But he should stick to those types of films! I don’t want Will Smith in a DC or MARVEL film. I don’t wan him anywhere near these films at all. Look, there are those types of actors, that can play certain roles, while still being themselves! (If that makes any sense at all!) for example: Denzel Washington. Phenomenal actor! But we’ve seen him do alot of roles when it’s just. Denzel as so and so. He’s great in the role, but it’s Denzel every time. Samuel L. Jackson.. Nuff said! Sure his name is Nick Fury.. But, it’s Sam Jackson. Tom Hanks is another that comes to mind. This is not a knock on these guys talent. It’s just, how I see it. And I’m sure there are plenty of you who see it too! Well. Will Smith is no different. I’m afraid he just may be too big for Deadshot! I don’t want to see Will Smith as Deadshot… I want to see DEADSHOT! I want someone that’s not going to take away from the CHARACTER, I want someone who could vanish in to It and give the best performance possable. So, I’m not too happy with this bit of casting.. But if DC wants to do this and they feel confident enough to have Smith.. Then the best of luck to them.

Let me know what you think. Comment below, (PLEASE) or hit me up on the various social media sites that litter the interwebs! Thanks for your time!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!




imageI haven’t done a “List” blog in awhile.. So, here we go.

Most of my lists have had most of its contents placed in no particular order. This time, I thought I’d actually take the time and rank these films as my definitive top five favorites!

WARNINGS: 1-If you have not seen any of these films.. Then, dear god in heaven, what the hell is wrong with you!?! SPOILERS AHEAD! 2- Have some tissue nearby. Just in case you experience some leaking of the eyes!

5. FINDING NEMO!imageClownFish named Marlin, lives with his wife in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef! Tragically losing her and more then half of their  unhatched children. He is left with but one. Whom he names NEMO. Time passes, and NEMO has grown and become adventurous. To Marlin’s dismay. After an argument over Marlins overprotectiveness, NEMO is captured by Reef Divers. Over coming his fear of the great ocean beyond the Reef. Marlin sets out to rescue his son. Hilarity and adventure ensues. The underwater world was so gorgouesly rendered I wanted to live in the sea. The Moral of the story was for parents to try and not be so overbearing and overprotective. Give thier children a chance at independence. And it told kids to, LISTEN TO THIER PARENTS! And always know that they will always have thier parents there to help them and support them no matter how independent they become. At least that’s what I got out of it!

4. TOY STORY image

The one that really started it all! The magic of this film made me want to believe that Toys could come alive! At my young age I thought it could be possable. When Brand Spanking new Toy BUZZ LIGHTYEAR enters Andy’s room, Andy’s number one favorite Toy WOODY can’t help but feel a little threatened and unappreciated. At some point in our lives, we all feel a little unimportant or under appreciated, when someone new enters the picture of someone we care most for. And though, for a time, they may gravitate toward the person, or thing. You will always remain in that persons heart. You have to learn to share what you love.

3. TOY STORY 3! image

For once, a third installment of a franchise out does the original! Toy Story 3!  Andy is all grown up and is off to collage. What does this mean for Woody, Buzz and the Gang? When packing up what’s to stay in the attic and what’s to be trashed or donated. A mix up happens and the gang is donated to a local school, for other children to play with. Meanwhile, Woody is left home. Eager to keep their “Family” together. Woody sets out to rescue them. When TS3 was first announced, I was skeptical at first. I loved the first. The second was really good. But, a third?! What more can they do!? I was really taken by surprise how much I loved TS3. It gut punched me in the feels so hard! My god it was.. Just wow! I don’t know what made me cry more. When they thought they were going to die and they started to hold hands. Oh man!…. Or when Andy played with them.. One. Last.. Time! AH MAN!!! Excuse me a moment….. (Be strong man, BE STRONG!!) TS3 would have ranked higher on my list. If not for the recent announcement of a TS4 in development. I mean, why?! It ended so perfectly! Leave it be! Anyway.. If TS4 proves to be half as good as TS or TS3. I may have to revise this list. But for now, TS3 is número 3!

2. UP!


An old man outfits his house with hundreds of balloons and soars off in to the sky. Not much to get excited about from that synopsis, but that’s what the early teasers gave us about the film. What we didn’t know, is what got him to the point to hook balloons up to his house. Nor, were we prepared for the heartwarming adventure that followed. My goodness. The first five damn minutes I was getting kneed in the feels so hard, I turned blue. From the moment young Carl met little Ellie.. Ah geez!…. To when. They get.. Son of a gun! This was just a truly special movie. The little kid Randal was such a delight. Dug the dog was so lovable.. It really was such a great movie. When Carl discovers his Wife’s adventure scrap book and saw that she was able to finish it. And left him that special message. I was so emotionally drained it was tiresome (In a good way) I felt so warm and fuzzy by the end. I loved UP, I could watch it over. And over. And SQUIREL!!

HONORABLE MENTION: THE INCREDIBLES!imageWhat kind of heartless jerk would I be to not include this one!? Truly a little ahead of its time. It’s hard to think of any other animated film that captures the family dynamic any better then THE INCREDIBLES. The fact that they were a family of superheroes just made it cooler! Can’t wait to see them again in THE INCREDIBLES 2! Coming soon…



No lie.. Towards the end if this film.. I was bawling “All he wanted was to hold her hand!” Seriously.. Full on bawling! Not ashamed to say it. I watched Wall-E at a certain time in my life an it hit me in such a way. That I can’t forget it! Over endulgance and over consumption has condemed the planet to a massive garbage dump. Millions of robots are built to clean up the planet, but when it was realized earth was uninhabitable because of all the pollution, the human race abandoned the planet for the deep reaches of space. After countless years, the cleaning robots.. Shut down. All that was left, was this one unit named Wall-E. With his trusty Cocaroach at his side, He spent his days doing what he was programmed to do. Watched an old VHS tape and longed for true companionship. Until one day, EVE came and changed his world forever! Most of the whole film is silent, cause Wall-E doesn’t really talk unless to say his name or express wonderment. Never in my life. Would I have thought a beat up little robot with absouloutly no Facieal features at all.. Could be the cutest animated character of all time! The relationship between EVE and WALL-E holds such a special place in my heart.

FOR FUCKS SAKE!! Why the hell did I do this list?! Geez! Sorry if I got too damn sappy for you folks on this one! Anyway! Did you like my list? Do you agree? What’s on your list? Let me know dang nab it!!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!