Category Archives: Me


Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Keep it on the low flow! Howdy everybody! Greetings and salutations! Hello, Ladies and Gentelnerds! Multi-Verse Neo here to poison your minds and melt your eyes!

This is my first “Official” Blog of 2015! “HEY! I thought we had enough signatures on that petition to get your ass off the Internet?!? WTF!?”

Sorry to dissapoint you folks! But I made it through!



2014, was a pretty awesome year for me… Blogging wise. Of course I had no idea just how awesome it was. Until the very nice people over at WordPress sent me an email! image

According to my “ANNUAL REPORT” my blog has been ‘VIEWED’ over 2,500 times! Now, by most blogging standards. That’s not even a drop in the bucket. “It’s barely a sneeze! Jerk face!”

Who lets you hecklers in here?!? “We are Legion! We are everywhere!!”

(Fucking weirdos!) tell me about it! Oh hey, Look everybody. It’s the VOICE! I didn’t know you’d be here! (Seriously?… I don’t, you know what? I’m on the hecklers side on this one!) *Door slams, car engine starts and tires screech off in to the distance* hmm, strange. Bye ttyl!

Although it may not be a big number for most. It is a GIGANTIC number for me! Some fat fuck, Puerto Rican nerd from the Bronx. Has a few thing on his mind and over 2,500 people pop in to take a look?! That’s amazing to me! It’s humbling and darn right nearly brings a tear to my eyes!

I don’t want to take up to much time with a whole bunch of thank yous! But to all YOU wonderful people on the interwebs (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and WORDPRESS!) I just want to say..imageLMFAO! But seriously..

Now that all that mushiness is out of the way! Lets get down to business! “WHAT DOES 2015 HAVE IN STORE FOR ‘INSIDE THE MULTI-VERSE’ ?!” Well.. The fuck should I know!? It just started. But why I do know!

Im starting the new year with a bang! The First Ever “MONDAY MATCH UPS TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT!” Is set to begin as soon as I have enough teams. (As I write this, we have a total of 16 teams and need another 16 to get the tournament underway!) THE SPECULATING NERD, was a surprise hit at the turn of the new year. You folks seem to like him.. I think!.. And he’ll make weekly posts when he can. Also, Once the tournament is said and done. I’ll make sure to have a MONDAY MATCH UPS after battle blog every Monday or Tuesday, when I can. I’ll try to feature more reviews, (Movies, Games, TV shows.) whenever possable. So don’t hold me to it! And if anything else comes to mind, that can make this blog more fun and worth a few seconds of your time. If you have any suggestions. Feel free to hit me up and let me know.

“Here’s a suggestion!… STOP!”

Again, Thank you to all of you for a really cool 2014, and I hope we can make 2015 even better! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!




When You ‘WISH’ Upon An App!

Greetings, Ladies and Gentelnerds. Once more, I found myself out of ideas for the next blog. So I opened the floor to anyone who had a suggestion for a topic.

So, Tammy Cheng, @Frogsage (aka: Harley, aka:Cheng-a-Rang, aka:Big Boobs Magoo) Queen and CoFounder of THE JNS CREW! Suggested I talk about something that was, and I quote, “Less Nerd Related.” WHAT?!? HUH?!? DOES NOT COMPUTE!! ERROR! ERROR!! That’s like asking a Fish not to Fly!….

(Uh… Wait, WHAT?!?)


So, after some very long consideration.. I figured I’d write a ‘review’ of sorts. For a new app I recently downloaded. “WISH:Shopping Made Fun”  image

The App icon looks like this.. image

It’s the “W”( and yes. That’s my screen..)

(I’m going to try and keep this as short as possible.) A friend of a friend told me about The Wish App. You can order almost anything you like. From Fashion, To Gadgets and everything inbetween! Of course I immediately asked, “Do they Have Comic Book Tees?” And she said “yeah, I think so. But that’s not the only thing. The App gives you discounts off of already discounted prices!” And I was like.. “Huh?! Okay.. So do they have Spiderman and Batman T-Shirts or no?”

So, with that, I went and downloaded the app and went exploring,  image

When searching for items, you have to be a little exact sometimes with what your looking for.  image

But they do have a badass selection of graphic T’s in a lot of types of styles. You could also find a lot of really nice dressy cloths as well.  Even gym gear! image

And if your a Cosplayer, there’s stuff there for you too.. (Some stuff! Didn’t take a really good look. Mostly found some cool ASSASSINS CREED Jackets in all kinds of colors. But I think it’s worth a look.


(UNRELATED SHAMELESS PLUG! If you want really good cosplay accessories you need to go to COSTRADER.COM It’s a place where cosplayers can sell or trade their Cosplay Items at a very good price! You can also follow them on Twitter, @Cos_Trader if you want more info! So go check it out… NOW!! Well after you finish reading the rest of this blog..)

[Your a terrible AD Man..] Fuck you! [Im just saying!] Well, nobody asked you. Now get out of here! This ain’t that type of Blog! [Whatever bro!]

Anyway! Let me explain some of the pretty cool features. You see, you pick something you like. When you click on it, it offers you a way to get even more of a discount. For example: A VENOM hoodie normaly goes for $55, they are offering it to you for, $35. But, lets say, they say share with three friends (via FACEBOOK or TUMBLER for example) and you can unlock a lesser price. Recently, they’ve moved on from that and just give you a clock that says, “place it in your cart now and unlock a lower price!” It’s something like that. Which is pretty cool! Like I said, their selection of items is actually pretty cool. So, they are worth a look. There are times they give you a little bit of ‘bonus’ cash in your virtual wallet, For placing an order. It’s only a few bucks. Since you do sign up with your email account they do keep you up to date with what they have on special on any given day or time.

Furthermore! Before you ask, “Did you order anything, Mr. Knowitall?!” Yes. Yes I did. Of course I wasn’t going to take it for a test ride with my own hard earned money. So, my boss had me make an order for him. With his cash. We searched for a pair of NIGHT VISION BINOCULARS!

[Your boss from Yemen.. Wanted to buy, night vision binoculars?!?] I try not to question his logic… Saves me the headache. [Ah!, I see.. Carry on]

So, upon finding ones of suitable price and style, I loaded his cash into my pre-paid debit card and placed the order…. Back in late November.. Here comes the downside. Ordering from WISH, takes a good deal of patience and timing. I’m not saying it didn’t come in. As a matter of fact, we just received it a few days ago.. December.. 16 or 15. With a delivery estimate of, somewhere between Dec 3-9.. So, yea… It came in pretty late. The nice thing is, WISH sent an apologie for being late and added $5 to my Wallet for my next shopping order, and it doesn’t expire until sometime in March of next year. What must be taken into consideration, is that, WISH is an App with ties to Asia! That’s where most of these things come from. Stràight from the factory, hence the low prices. So, it’s no wonder why it took so long. The nice thing is, you can track your package right from the App itself. Those binoculars went from someplace in china, to Chicago, to New York and then finally.. My shit hole of a place I call a job!

All in all, “WISH” is a pretty cool app worth givng a try, if you have the patience. I’m not telling you you have to try it. I’m seriously not getting a damn thing from WISH, for putting this Blog out there.. But, fuck it! you know. It never hurts to try something new… [Except maybe that one time..] SHUT UP YOU!!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!

[We should never do a blog like this again!] Your telling me!? I’m sticking with my Nerd Shit from now on…













…” Your sitting in your car. A song comes on I’ve the radio and it takes you somewhere else. You imagine yourself someplace else, doing something else, with someone else. It feels so good. So, real! and A few seconds later, you shake it off as JUST your imagination.. BUT! What if it wasn’t. What If.. The Universe.. Allowed you a brief glimpse of what could be.. Or, What Is!”

“For every action, there is a reaction. For every cause there is an effect. Every choice we have made or do make, at any point in time. Creates a series of alternate choices and decisions that take us down different paths. Thus, the creation of The Multiverse! Now.. After years of research our scientist have figured out how to tap into the Multiverse. And send you.. That’s right, YOU! To any version of YOURSELF, within the Multiverse! Using our patent ‘DREAMSCAPE’ technology. We can send you to, The You that’s Rich! Famous! Powerful! Or Vice-Versa! It’s purely up to You and what You want to experience.”

“So, why go to Jamacia for your next vacation? When you can go to a world where you own your own island! Because. Here, at ‘INFINI-CORP’ The Possabilities, Are Infinite!”

These are the words, Marcus Billings read in the morning paper one day. With nothing to lose. He voulinteers to be among the first to try ‘INFINI-CORPS’ latest miracle! What grand adventure does The Multiverse have in store for him? Anything could happen. But when things take a turn.. Nothing would be as it seems!!

(A story idea that came to me the other day. I’m still ironing out the details, but I can’t wait to get started on it! Thanks for reading. Please share your thoughts and opinions with me when you can!)

So, until next time folks… Peace out!