Category Archives: Marvel Studios



Hey there, ladies and gentelnerds! Multi-Verse Neo here. Ready to give you my thoughts on the latest trailer circulating the Geek-o-Sphere.

This past Tuesday, we were given our first teaser of ‘MARVEL STUDIO’S’ Latest ‘Gem’ (pun intended) “ANT-MAN” Starring, Paul Rudd, Micheal Douglas, Evangeline Lilly and Cory Stoll. Just in case you missed it…

That. Was… Pretty damn good! I did enjoy the last line though. “Is it too late to change the name?” That was funny.


I wasnt exactly Blown away by the trailer. But it is what it is.. A really good TEASE! It didn’t show too much. But, left me wanting more. Which is what a good Teaser is supposed to do. Despite all the “drama” behind the scenes and any other nonsense. It looks like they have put together something with a lot of potential. But lets get something straight..

I was not at all ‘excited’ per say, about an ANT-MAN movie. Especially considering the fact that it was not connected to Avengers by some degree. I was literally like, “Ok, Ant-Man?.. I’m sure it would be good cause its Marvel.. But.. Why are they doing it like this?!” Then came Edgar Wrights departure from the movie. I haven’t seen any of his movies as of yet. But, everyone seemed sad for him to go. Then Paul Rudd was announced to star. And I was like “Alright. He’s a good actor. Not my first choice for Hank Pym, but cool. Can’t wait to see what he does with it.” And then, there was this…



So, Paul Rudd was announced to be actually playing SCOTT LANG! The second Ant-Man.  image

After I calmed down and said my little prayer, “Trust In Marvel! Trust In Marvel! Trust In Marvel” I began to be… At ease with the idea. “Fine! That’s how they are hoist to do. Then so be it.. I’ll wait for the trailer!” BOOM! It’s here! And you know what?.. I get it!image

It’s wise for them to go with a, ‘Newer’ Ant-Man. Someone, movie goers can.. LIKE! Someone who has redeeming qualities. “Whatever do you mean?!” Well.. Hank Pym is THE ANT-MAN! But… He doesn’t have the most, pleasant of histories.


Since his creation by STAN LEE and JACK KIRBY, Hank Pym has gone by SEVERAL Costumed alias’s. Ant-Man, Goliath, Giant-Man, Yellow Jacket and Most Recentley, The Wasp (in honor of the original, His Wife.. Janet Van Dyne.) His YELLOW JACKET persona, is a bit more infamous. Cause around that time, he became, well… An ASSHOLE! Beating his wife Janet, Being verbally abusive. Turning to medication, Betraying the Avengers. And so on and so forth.  image

That kind of history, is not very becoming of a franshise hopeful film, such as ANT-MAN. Scott Lang on the other hand.. He’s a likable criminal. Small time thief, who really only did it to provide for his family. (Not that that is a reasonable thing to do. I’m not condoning criminal activity.)But, it is to attest to the mans heart. In the comics, Scott Lang stole the Ant-Man tech to commit some sort of crime. (The reason, at the moment, escapes me.) He fell into heroics by accedent. But stuck to it. Not only gaining Hank’s blessing to become Ant-Man, but also earning a spot on the AVENGERS roster.image

Of course the film is going to take a different approach to Hank Pym and Scott Lang’s relationship. But to possibly glaze over, or sugar coat Pym’s past, would serve as a disservice, to not only the fans. But to the core of who the character is! A surprise change in the story, is also THE WASP! There is no Janet Van Dyne, But instead there’s a.. Hope Van Dyne! The Daughter of Hank and Janet. Played by the beautiful and Nerdgasim inducing, Evangaline Lilly.


(Ahem!) Anyway.. Though, Hope does not appear within the Main Marvel Comics Universe. She is from Marvels M2 Universe. To include her in the MCU, is very cool and interesting. It would come to no shock, if she were to become The Wasp, toward the end of the film. Or her M2 persona of RED QUEEN! (Though hopefully not a Villain.) But, WASP suits her just fine.

Given the bad guy reputation of the “Yellow Jacket” persona, it’s no surprise that that would be the Villain of the film, Played by Cory Stoll. And judging from the recently released image of the Yellow Jacket Suit, The fight between the two is going to be pretty awesome! image

The Ant-Man Shrinking special effects  look really cool, and I can’t wait to see it in full action. image

Another interesting aspect about the trailer. Is the fact, that there is not a Single mention of the other heroes in the MCU. Which is a thing Marvel Likes to do. Clearly, it takes place within the same universe as everything else. But, the story itself seems to be very self contained. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a number of Easter eggs and a key plot point that would lead in to the other upcoming films. HOPEFULLY! And I’m letting it be known from now…


So, until next time folks… Peace out!



image Greetings folks, I am The Speculating Nerd! And today I want to take a moment to ponder aloud with you, the possible origins behind MARVEL STUDIO’s versions of QUICKSILVER and SCARLET WITCH!


Now, I say “Marvel Studios Version” because as most of you know. Marvel Studios shares the rights to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch with 20th Century Fox. The latter, being the current sole rights owners to the X-MEN UNIVERSE. Which means, anything MUTANT, belongs to FOX! Which is what Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are.. MUTANTS!

Then how can MARVEL use them in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON?! Its a rather weird loop hole, but since QS and SW spent most of their comic book lives within the pages of The Avengers.. Then, I guess, that gives Marvel co-ownership of the rights to them. Only one problem with that. THEY CAN’T BE MUTANTS! AND THEY CAN’T BE RELATED TO MAGNETO!image

But, that’s who they are?! How can they truly be QS and SW without that history?! How is Marvel going to explain their extraordinary powers?… WHAT THE FUCK?!?

One of the after credits scenes in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER was an underground HYDRA base under the command of BARON VON STRUCKER and they had two individuals locked up, and Baron called them ‘Miracles’!image That scene made all of us wonder if QS and SW are creations of HYDRA! But!.. Another theory has come to mind.. QUICKSILVER and SCARLET WITCH are INHUMANS!image

“But Mr.Speculator, sir.. How the fuck do you make that conclusion?!” Very simple Billy.

if you’ve been paying attention to MARVEL’s AGENTS OF SHIELD, you would know that this season has been laying the groundwork for the world of The Inhumans.

SPOILER ALERT!!!! WARNING! DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! LOOK OUT!! HEADS UP! GRENADE!! HIT THE DIRT! YOU MUST BE THIS TALL!! CAPACITY OF 3000 POUNDS!! I’ve run out of ALERTS! So… You’ve been warned damn it! In AGENTS OF SHILED’S mid season finale, SKYE was subjected to the TERRIGEN MISTS and obtained powers.. Just like all real Inhumans! In case you missed it..


Realizing that we are in fact 4 months away from AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON. I got to thinking about QUICKSILVER AND SCARLET WITCH and thier origins. And I had a thought. They never said nor implied in that short scene at the end of WINTER SOLDIER, that HYDRA had a direct hand in creating or giving QS and SW thier powers. Remember, HYDRA was SHIELD! They knew what they knew. They were ahead of SHIELD every step. Who’s to say HYDRA didn’t already discover a TERRIGEN MISTS chamber before SHIELD did?!? Hence “THIS IS AN AGE OF MIRACLES!”

HYDRA, may have been the first to discover the modern ages first set of Inhumans. I wouldn’t be surprised if its mentioned in AGENTS OF SHIELD in some fashion.

“But Mr.Speculater, Sir… I still don’t understand the shit your saying!” Well, Billy,  if you’d stop interrupting me you would get it! You little shit!

QUICKSILVER has had a very longstanding connection with The Inhumans, especially the Royal Family and Marrieing Black Bolts cousin Crystal and sireing a child with her. And basically it’s the most logical thing to do with thier back story. The Inhumans are the closest things Marvel Has to Mutants! It. Just. Makes. Sense!

Let me know what you folks think. Would it be Marvels best move to make thier QS and SW Inhumans? Do you have any other ideas or theories?! Let me know,.. You know where to find me..

(CLOSING SPECULATION: Quicksilver will be the one to die in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON!)

So! Until next time folks… Peace out!


“THE SPECULATING NERD”: AGENTS OF SHIELD (What’s Next For The Rest Of Season 2?!)


Hello, ladies and gentelnerds! Your pal Multi-Verse trying something new again. Every so often, screw that! Every damn time something new in geek news we nerds love to speculate on what it means, what’s going to happen, and so on and so forth! So, why don’t I try to trade mark that! Welcome to my weekly article (hopefully) “THE SPECULATING NERD!” In which I’ll speculate on some shit and give my two cents on it and let my wild imagination run amok! Hopefully it’ll make sense by the end.. Most likely it won’t.. But what the hell! Who gives a shit, I know I don’t!

For my first go at this, lets go over AGENTS OF SHILED:SEASON 2! What could happen next?! Now sit back and watch me speculate the fuck out this shit! (WARNING: For those of you who haven’t been keeping up with AGENTS OF SHIELD from season one till now… SPOILERS AHEAD PEOPLE!!!!!)

The big mystery of season one was.. “How the hell is Coulson still alive!?!” Well, that was solved toward the end of the season, just before the collapse of SHIELD, went and turned everything upside down! Turns out, FURY and SHILED found themselves a little green man from outer space! Well, actually he was BLUE! image(So that’s what happened to the fourth member of The Blue Man Group!.. That’s messed up!)

Now it wasn’t just any Blue Alien.. Turns out, Shield had their grubby little mitts on an ancient Kree Alien. We don’t find that out officially from the show itself, (we all knew what it was. But, the characters didn’t.) Until midway through season two. Now. At the end of season one, Coulson started spending his nights mindlessly carving symbols on a wall.  imageThat was the mystery of this season. “What is Coulson Carving?” Turns out he wasn’t the only one who was carving. SHIELD tested out their “T.A.H.I.T.I” project on other fallen SHILED Agents. The Carving was a side effect of the Alien DNA transfusion! It drove them all insane. Hence they came up with the whole Fake Tahiti experience, to erase their memories. Except one guy was starting to remember and was killing off the other Agents in hopes to figure out what the symbols meant. In an earlier episode, Skye theorized that it could be a map. Turns out, she was half right. By the end of the episode with the killer Agent, Coulson figured it out! The symbols weren’t just a two dimensional map.. But instead.. It’s a three dimensional blue print! A blue print for a City! image(My mind immediately thought of ATTILAN! The Inhuman City!)

Turns out, before the Kree’s death, the last thing On His mind was to go home! (ET phone home kind of thing) hence why they all saw the symbols. Not only was his healing ability transferred to them, but also his memories.. Or parts of it really! Long story short…

Skye turned out to be comic character.. QUAKE!


In the comics, I believe she’s considered a Mutant! Since, of course because of Rights reasons, Marvel can’t make this a live action fact… But what’s the next best thing?! THE INHUMANS! So, by taking creative licensing in to account with their live action world. Marvel switched things up. This season of AGENTS is clearly a build up of the INHUMAN world! In the comics, Quakes father is MR.HYDE! A scientist who took a formula that increased his strength but also turned him into Mr. Hyde. Not sure about this, (SPECULATION) but I think they are changing Hyde in to an INHUMAN. Doing away with his Back story. (We’ll have to wait and see.)

For those of you who don’t know! Ages and ages ago, The KREE came to earth on a mission of science.imageThey experimented on early man creating the genetic groundwork for THE INHUMANS! imageIt’s a very long story. But, THE TERRIGIN MISTS plays a big role behind their superhuman abilities. AGENTS showcased a version of this process in their mid season finale.

So this got me thinking. What Marvel does, and does right is, lay proper groundwork for their stories. All the single films of PHASE ONE, was the groundwork for THE AVENGERS!

SPECULATION!!!: AGENTS OF SHIELD is the ground work for Not just The Inhumans and the Inhuman movie.. But also, (PERHAPS) CAPTAIN MARVEL!! Certain stories can’t and shouldn’t be told in half the time of a Two/Two and a Half hour film! The beauty of television.. You have time to tell your story, instead of rushing it! What if we are all looking at this the wrong way!? I know I want CAROL DANVERS  on the big screen and I want her there now! (It’s still a strong possibility that they will feature her in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON! We can only SPECULATE!)  But What if we get Carol, on AGENTS OF SHILED! They’ve already given us MOCKINGBIRD! imageWho’s to say, Carol won’t come into contact with GENIS MAR-VELL (aka CAPTAIN MARVEL) and get her abilities from him on the show!?! image

Just the mere thought of such a thing happening, is Nerdgasm inducing! Remember, Theres a long time from now until CAPTAIN MARVEL hits theaters, giving her story the respect and time she deserves!

Right now, The Inhuman story arc has to play itself out. So I can’t wait to see where everything goes from here on out! SKYE is QUAKE! Things have changed yet again for the AGENTS OF SHIELD and it’s going to be one heck of a ride.

(WRITERS NOTE: I know AGENTS gets a lot of heat for being.. Well… Boring As Fuck! And I’ll admit it myself.. It drags.. It really can. But I honestly believe, it’s saving grace is the universe it inhabits! Season one, I gave up on it after episode 3! I got interested in it after CAPTAIN AMERICA:WINTER SOLDIER but never got around to it. That was until AGENTS hit Netflix. Now I’m hooked! Though some of their story’s, like I said, drag depending on the episode. But when they get to the good stuff. It’s almost worth it! So I highly recommended that those who gave up on AGENTS way back when. Go back, give it a chance. Then catch up on SEASON TWO! Things are getting really good!! Especially with the involvement of The Inhumans!)

Thats going to do it for this 1st edition of “THE SPECULATING NERD!” Let me know what you think. Should I keep it up? Give me your feedback. Thank you for your time!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!


image Let me be clear… I didn’t go doing any research in to all the articles that came out after the SONY HACKS/LEAKS concerning Spiderman! So I’m not going to pretend that I got all the facts or the inside scoop on non of this bull shit! I’m just gonna give my two cents on what we all have read and what we know,thus far. And how I feel about the whole fucked up thing! Is that okay with you?.. Good! Lets get started shall we..

Holy Fuck! Sony has no clue what the hell they are doing! The leaks revealed SONY’S past and future plans for the Spider-Verse, and it looks like one big mess! In my humble opinion, they lost thier marbles just after SAM RAIMIS’S SPIDERMAN 3. Not the most liked installment of the series. And after the returns and feedback on the film, an that was like, a few months later, They announced a complete reboot of the Series. WTF?! There was nothing wrong with the first series. SM3 was a slip up! If Sony hadn’t had stuck thier noses into RAIMIS’S work, it would have turned out a lot better. So, with that came… THE AMAZING DISSAPOINTMENT!.. image

THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN! Clearly a valiant effort.. It was… A soldier charging in to battle and was shot in the face with an arrow before he got there.. And then was trampled by all the other charging soldiers.. And then was blown to bits by a  grenade… THAT is what THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN was.. In my humble opinion. They clearly tried to establish a universe… But lost almost everything that made Spiderman who he is!

Then Came… Oh, god…. Just throw up the graphic please!… imageOk… Remember the soldier?! Well, THIS! This is those bits of the soldier, that was eaten by vultures and then crapped out, to be eaten by rats that choked on it and died and then became a feast for maggots! THAT, is what This movie was! Literally everything went wrong for this movie. Sure it made big bucks at the box office… But the fan reaction afterwards sent the studio scrambling! Which leads us too the leaks!

Let me start with MARVEL STUDIOS. After the Great KEVIN FIEGIE and the fine people at MARVEL/DISNEY saw the completed CAPTAIN AMERICA:THE WINTER SOLDIER, they knew they had a sure fire hit! It’s probably safe to assume as Cap 2 was nearing distribution, Kevin and Co began to brain storm the next step for Cap 3. Clearly CIVIL WAR was the next move. Realizing the importance SPIDERMAN played in the story,imageit wouldn’t have come to no surprise that Kevin wouldn’t have at least tried to establish talks with SONY, And so he did.

From the LEAKS, it would appear, that the already financially struggling SONY saw an opportunity. Not wanting to risk losing the only thing that was garnering them money. Sony tries to garner a deal with Marvel that would not only benefit their pockets, but also keep their stake in the Spiderman Brand! Asking Marvel for a 60/30 profit off of whatever Marvel makes off of any Spiderman appearance in any of their films. Also, complete creative control of what Spiderman does in the movie(s) AND.. Get this.. A chance of using characters like Captain America in any future film they do.. (The Balls of these people!) And so, Kevin did the right thing and said, “You know, BLACK PANTHER would make an excellent replacement for Spiderman within the CIVIL WAR story we want to tell… Thanks so much for helping me realize this! Bye Sony!” *Click* and now Sony is up shits creek with out a paddle!

As more  and more emails and documents are leaked, it is revealed that not too long ago they planed a “SPIDEY-SUMMIT” for this upcoming January, where they get all the people that are working within their Spider-Verse together and try to map things out! It is rumored, (or confirmed from the leaks) that Kevin will be among those in attendance. In what capacity, is not known. Spider-Hungry fans are chomping at the bit for news that Spidey will be coming home to Marvel, and the demand of such a thing has grown tenfold with these LEAKS! “Marvel and Sony talked about Spidey!??! Seriously!? Is he coming Home!? Please come home spidey!!!” Is what most of them say… Probably. Fans want the “Real” Spiderman, and a “Real” CIVIL WAR Story! And to that I say… NO THANKS! image

As a big Spider-Man Fan, and an even BIGGER MARVEL FAN! I’m willing to say, no thanks.. Not right now! Don’t get me wrong.. I want Spider-Man back where he belongs! Back in the House of Ideas! I have a flag that says, “BRING SPIDEY HOME!” But in very fine print it says on the bottom.. “But not yet!”

Marvel has its slate set and ready to go. Yes, everything is going to take the next five or six years to make, and there’s plenty of time to change things up, just in case Spiderman does come back in to the mix. But, I firmly believe Marvel should stay the course and do their thing. Marvel doesn’t need Spiderman, Sony needs Marvel to need Spiderman! Marvel shouldn’t pull a “Government Style Bail-Out” for Sony. “Let them fail” so to speak. Let Sony, have its January meeting, see if they can get the ship sailing on course. SINISTER SIX is still on the schedule for 2016 as far as I know. So they do have time to get all their things in order.. If they can’t.. Let their Spidey-Contract expire… And then!! Only then! Marvel can bring Spiderman home! imageGive him, and us, time to recover. Then, once INFINITY WAR 1 and 2 is over, and it’s time to start a new slate of Marvel Studios films for Phase 4,5 and 6. CAPTAIN MARVEL 2, BLACK PANTHER 2, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, and you lay your groundwork for THE MIGHTY AVENGERS! (Or something like that!)

Sony is in the same position as WB/DC, it’s just tougher because all they have, is the one character. But, AMS and AMS2 was like DC’s SUPERMAN RETURNS and GREEN LANTERN. Both missed their marks by an acre! But they are just about One Good movie away from getting things together. As much as I want Spiderman back Home… It just shouldn’t happen yet.. I wish Sony the best of luck!

[“Wow! I’m impressed by your.. Candor and your ability to see reason in this article..”] Yeah, thanks.. And plus, it’s only logical. Right now, Marvel is really pushing it with having  Three movie in production in a single year! Could you imagine how long it would really be before we get a Marvel’s Spiderman movie. It’s kinda good to have a couple of other studios to carry the load a little. That way we get more Marvel character centric films per year! [“Very wise of you my friend! You’ve really grown in to a calm rational…] WHO THEY REALLY NEED TO BRING BACK TO MARVEL RIGHT NOW, IS SILVER SURFER!!! THEY REALLY DO!! FOX IS ONLY GONNA MESS IT UP AGAIN IF THEY PUT HOM IN THE FF REBOOT!! BRING SURFER HOME! BRING SURFER HOME! BRING SURFER HOME!! image[“Damn it… I spoke to soon!”]


[” I guess I’ll be closing it out..”]


[“So, Until next time folks… Peace out!”]




Another Me And Myself Debate: THE SUICIDE SQUAD MOVIE!


Hey, uhm, you there?! (“Sigh.. Yea?! Where else would I be?!”) Cool! Uh, apparently. A lot of folks seemed to enjoy our last debate. So I was thinking.. Maybe we can do it again? (“…… Your stupidity ceases to amaze me. You DO realize that I’m not…. Forget it! What’s this about?”) THE SUICIDE SQUAD MOVIE! (“Ah! Ok. What about it?”) Well. There seems to be a shit load of  rumors flying around about the casting. Maybe we could try and clear the air a bit and shed some light on some key things?! (“Ok.. I’m game! Lets see what’s in the old memory banks over here.. .. Nope! Not that!….  … Can’t believe you still haven’t let go of that one! Hold on.. Aha! Found it! Ok.. Says here, Will Smith is being considered for a role!”) Yeah.. NO! (“Why not?!”) I don’t want him anywhere near a comic book movie. At all! (“Hey, he’s a pretty good actor.”) Sure he is! That doesn’t mean he should be in this type of movie! (“Now hold on. Says here, he’s up for… Black Spider?!…”) yea, exactly. Do you honestly believe someone with the “star power” of Will Smith be interested in a two or three tired character?! Come on! He’s not gonna settle for anything less then lead role!? Plus! He’s just not right for this universe! (” okay.. I agree with you on those points. So, are you trying to say he should have a role in the Marvel U?!”) HELL NO!! Let him keep Pursuing Happyness or something! (” looks like the beautiful Marrgoit Robbie is playing our favorite, HARLEY QUINN!”) Yea, hasn’t been fully/offically confirmed, yet, but it sounds great. I’ve seen the fan made mock ups and she looks just like Harley. (“But! On the off chance of she not being Harley.. Who can she play?”) KILLER FROST! Is most likely the next best choice. (“Lets, see.. Tom Hardy, Ryan Gosling, Jai Courtney, and several other names have been floating around also.”) yes they have. But Tom Hardy’s name is being brought up for everything now a days. From XMEN:APOCOLYPSE to *PRINCESS AND THE POAPER*! (“Not an actual movie folks! Just so ya know!”) Plus, he’s also signed up to play Elton John in a biopic about the musician. So I can’t even imagine if he’s going to even have time to participate in this new DCU. (“For those of you who don’t know. Tom previously portrayed BANE in the last Batman film. So I can’t imagine if he’s even actually considered for this film at all!”) Good point! Although he could probably rock KGBEAST! As for Gosling, I can picture him as a Captain Boomerang. Assuming BOOMERANG is even involved in this version of the Squad that they’re making. Jai Courtney is Currently rumored to be thier choice for DEADSHOT! (” I can see that working.”) Agreed. But again, all of this is pure speculation. (“Of course. I for one. Believe they should go with smaller name stars. Ones that wouldn’t take the focus away from the characters that they are playing.”) Good point. But they should at least have a few big names to carry the picture. (“Perhaps.”) So. Before we conclude this article. Is there anything else? (“Saved the most interesting for last. JARED LETO as The Joker!”) Well! First things first! Hell Yes! He is a tremendous talent. And is exactly the kind of star power I was talking about. That being said.. It’s no where near official! It’s not confirmed! But it is a strong possibility at this point. With some of the comments that he has said recently. It does look that’s where thing are going. But we still don’t know for sure.  (“Well. It’s very clear DC/WB is trying to feed on some of the success of Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy. And presenting a low level property on the forefront. It’s going to be fun to see where things will go.”) Indeed. But before we sign off I want to address something. (“What’s that?”)

I know we fans are SUPER excited for the upcoming comic book movies and we are very eager to find out all the info that we can. And I understand that it’s fun to speculate and debate on Who’s going to be who and who should be who! But with all this excitement, must come caution in what we report to each other and what we read in social media. Unless it comes from WB/DC, or MARVEL STUDIOS or the respected studios or company’s that are behind these films. NOTHING SHOULD BE TAKEN AS TRUTH!! Nothing at all! Unless there’s a full blown press release from the studios. Then it’s most likely nnot true! So please folks. Read carefully the news reports and such. And to those who do ‘Report’ on these things. Please be careful what you post! Be more responsable with your news giving. I think you owe that much to your readers and followers to respect them enough to give them the truth!

(“and cue shooting star and the rainbow peacock, THE MORE YOU KNOW! You should think about being a public service announcer..”)

Oh, shut up you!

Until next time folks… Peace out!


What Dreams Are Made Of: A Look At Marvel’s Phase 3 Line-Up!

imageHey there, Ladies and Gentelnerds! Lets skip the pleasantries and get down to business.

The Marvel Event! Where Marvel Studios Mastermind, Kevin Fiege, announced the dates and Tittles of 9 ( Count it again. NINE!) Marvel Phase 3 Films. And they go a little something like this!


The one everyone has been chomping at the bit for, for years. It’s finally official! Since the announcement, of RDJ joining the cast of Captain America 3. Everyone and thier great great grandmother has speculated and gossiped that Civil War was happening. Well, speculate no more Granny! It’s true! At first, as a surprise to everyone that was at the Marvel Event, Kevin introduced Cap 3 with the bi-line Serpent Socity! It wasn’t til later that he revealed the true tittle to be Civil War. If you think Age Of Ultron is going to change the landscape of the MCU, Think again. Its just the beginning. And Civil War is going to be the one to really rock the boat! As the comic did for Marvel Comics, the film will do the same for the Cinamatic Universe. Not only will it change how the MCU works from that point on. But also the people inside it. It’s going to be very different from the story that we know and love. But the core premise is going to stay in tact to some extent or another. I’m really looking forward to see how it’s all put together, and how the ramifications of Civil War on the rest of the films to come.

imageNOVEMBER 4, 2016: DR. STRANGE!

( In my opinion) Probably the only film in this line up, that would most likely be an origin story film. Though, as I write this, Benedict Cummerbach has not been officially confirmed to be the Doc, but all signs point to yes! He will be our Sorcerer Supreme! I’m very interested in how his story will be told. I for one LOVED the animated Dr. Strange movie. It was very well plotted and told and I would like if they did it similar to that. Perhaps with the Civil War environment in the background. I had done some research on Strange (as in, I came across a small article in an old Wizard magazine [Remember those!?] and it explained the abilities and powers the EYE OF AGOMOTTO possess) according to the tiny article. The EYE grants Strange the ability to peer into Space and “TIME”! Now. By my count, that’s one of the stones that has not been featured in a film. Yet! Perhaps. Upon receiving the EYE, and discovers what it can do. Maybe he goes back in TIME! To save his sister, who died on HIS operating table. I don’t know. That’s just me! It could also be the Soul Gem!? But I can’t Think of anything to support that theory.


GOTG 2 was supposed to be a little later on in the summer of 2017. But, with the MONSTROUS success of the first film. Which for me, is an automatic classic now. Marvel has so much faith in it. That they punched it up to be the one that launches Marvels Summer 2017 Roster. Not a lot has been let out about the plot of this one. James Gunn suggested they could explore Star-Lords parentage. Because of the Galaxy Wide playground they have. Anything! Can happen. Anyone! Could make their debut in this movie. (Wish it was Silver Surfer… But that’s an angry rant I made awhile back.. Look it up!) Over the course of the film. We’ll probably get more Thanos, then in the first one! Can’t wait for that. This is only a guess on my part. But, this one could tie directly into INFINITY WAR!

imageJULY 28, 2017: THOR; RAGNAROK!

THE END IS NIGH!! At least, according to Norse Mythology. This one is going to be an epic Thor film! We don’t know what to expect from RAGNAROK! We don’t know where we will find Thor after the events of ULTRON, and Civil War. What we fans DO expect, based off the tittle alone, is SURTUR! The Demon set to bring about the end times for all the Nine Realms! The story brought to us by the great Walt Simonson. Within the story, it’s revealed Odin and his brothers stole this great fire from SURTUR! The very flame SURTER was going to use to place his great sword into and cause about the end of days! A truly compelling story that takes us to so many places, between Earth and Asgard. A big hope for this movie, is the introduction of, my personal favorite, BETA RAY BILL! Whom was teased or Easter egged in The Collectors Museum in GOTG! Since the explosion from the Power Stone, BETA RAY is free! So he could be a possibility. I PRAY HE SHOWS UP! SURTUR himself is a sight to behold. Can’t wait to see that. Before I move in to the next tittle. Our favorite God of Mischif, LOKI will be returning. Perhaps, while posing as All-Father ODIN. He gets the news of SURTUR’s impending threat and reveals himself and his disguise to get help from Thor, and maybe, just maybe! We’ll find out WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ODIN?!?


YESSSS!!! Praise the great Panther God!! Finally! T’Chala, King of the great nation of Wakanda, Comes to life! This is one of the two we’ve all been waiting for. And not just for diversitys sake. But because He So Damn Awesome! Marvel has hinted that they have been eyeing a BP movie for a few now. And before this announcement was made, we all got the idea that this movie was coming, thanks in part to the Ultron trailer, which dropped about a week before. Within the trailer, a quick shot of Andy Serkis is shown sporting a VERY signature look leading many and myself, to believe he has been cast as Alexander Klaw. For those of you not familiar with the name. He is BP’s main bad guy! So, 1+1= AWESOME! If your wondering who’s going to be our King. Non other then Chadwick Boesman. Star of such films as 42: The Jackie Robinson Story, and Get On Up! Playing James Brown. Both I recommend you folks see, in order to grasp how good of an actor he is. Another  thrilling aspect for the inclusion of BP into the MCU, is the man himself and the character dynamic he brings to the fold. He is a King, a Royal! How does his character meld with someone like a Tony Stark, Black Widow, or Steve Rogers. The only person I can see him relating to is Thor, who knows what it is to be a royal. And perhaps Bruce and Tony because of the intellect they all have in common. (Black Panther is considered one of the eight smartest men in the Marvel comics universe.) So, all that is something to look forward to, as phase 3 progresses.

image JULY 6, 2018: CAPTAIN MARVEL!

(Avengers: Infinity War part 1, actually precedes Marvel by two months, premiering in May of ’18. But I decided to save both parts of A:IW for last on this list) Well, it’s about damn time! Captain Marvel has her day in the sun! That’s right folks, Carol Danvers is coming to the big screen at long last! Much like BP, we don’t have any clues to what is to expect from this movie, story wise. And although they have not officially announced WHO, is Carol Danvers. There is reason to believe that Kevin Fiege and the Geniuses of Marvel Studios, already know and have their Captain casted an ready to go. I for one believe so, and would not be surprised to be introduced to her in either AGE OF ULTRON, CIVIL WAR, or AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1! In fact! My Nerd-Senses tell me she will play a significant role within A:IW p1. Which is why it may lead directly  into her solo film. That being said. For those of you not really familiar with Carols back story. Here’s a quick synopsis. Carol, Air Force Pilot, gets involved with the Avengers, meets Captain Marveel (aka Captain Marvel Kree Warrior turned earth superhero.) She gets captured, he rescues her just before a “Super Science” named bomb goes off and he shields her from the blast. Resulting in his DNA merging with hers and she gets all his powers becoming MS. MARVEL! And I guess that should sum it all up.. If I’m forgetting anything, just goggle the rest. Now! I don’t think such an origin is going to be put into place. (If I’m not mistaken, I believe SHIELD has been messing around with KREE technology or DNA!? Which I think explained COULSON still being alive on the TV show. I don’t know, cause I got bored with the show around Ep.3 of season one, and haven’t watched ever since.) Another Option is, they could probably get away with making her origins have to do with the INHUMANS. (Which happens to be the next one in the line up.) Whatever they do do with Carol, I have complete faith in Marvel and that they will do it with the upmost respect for the character, and make her super BadAss!


This tittle has been in every single Fan-Made Mock line up! So much so, that I was very surprise to see it in the real one! Probably the closest group of characters that Marvel has in it’s cabinet, that comes close to Mutants. (Which Marvel dosent have the rights to.) So it would be interesting to see how they approach this property. Will they keep the Kree involvement in their creation. Will the TERAGIN MIST be included. (SIDE NOTE: The fact that Marvel even owns the rights to The Inhumans is surprising itself! The Inhuman Race and the Royal Family made thier first appearances in the pages of The Fantastic Four. Sooo…. Yeah! Maybe I’ll go into further detail on that in another Blog.) There are so many things to be hopeful about with this film. And so many characters to look forwar to seeing! BLACK BOLT, MADUSA and LOCKJAW are on top of my list! (I’m hopping the talk of Vin Diesel as Black Bolt never comes true! I like the guy. Don’t get me wrong. I just don’t want him as Black Bolt.. I JUST DON’T!) Whats also interesting is its placement within the schedule. INHUMANS premiers in November, closing out 2018.. But that would also mean (most likely) that it will tie in to the second part of…


MAY 2018: Part 1- MAY 2019: Part 2:


Part one comes before CAPTAIN MARVEL, and Part two follows INHUMANS, suggesting these four films will tie together significantly.  For a very long time. Hell, since the first AVENGERS after credits scene. We all suspected INFINITY GAUNTLET! So to hear them call it INFINITY WAR, Is a little surprising. (For those who don’t know. WAR was the follow-up Event to GAUNTLET. Which I then followed by CRUSADE.) Of course the films have the right to use creative licensing in their projects. Which could mean, that all though it will be called WAR, the story itself could resemble GAUNTLET more then WAR itself. So much is yet to happen in this slate of films in order to build up to this massive event. So many key players have yet to be announced. There is truly so much to be excited about for the next four years! So much is yet to happen! So much news and updates to these films are to come. To further suggest whether or not our assumptions are correct or not. (Knowing my luck, none of what I think may come out to be true at all!)

As I complete This wok of pure hot shit! News and/or rumors came out that fan  favorite LOKI, will be in INFINITY WAR! To fill the role MEPHISTO plays in INFINITY GAUNTLET, perhaps?!? Being in Thanos’s ear as he wields the gauntlet!? Maybe! We’ll just have to wait and see!

Thats gonna do it for me folks…. HEY!! WAKE UP! Yeah, I saw you sleeping over there. “Resting your eyes my ass!”

So, untill next time folks… Peace out!

( Be sure to comment below or hit me up on twitter and Instagram. Share this with your friends and family! Follow/subscribe to this blog, if you want. It’s cool. Just let me know what your thoughts are and such. Thank you!)


Marvel’s Civil War! Is It Really Happening?!?


“Robert Downey jr has been signed on to appear in the upcoming Captain America 3!”

Wait! Hold the phone! Civil War?! Are you serious!? Are you yanking my chain?!

“Well, Uh.. We never said.”

You just said RDJ’s going to be in Cap 3!

“Yes, But-”

So! Clearly your building up to Civil War! I mean. Why else get RDJ?

“Cause.. We have a need for him to be in the story..”

….    ……….      ……

“We didn’t out right say, We’re doing Civil War…. We just signed him to appear in Cap 3…. So…… Yeeaahh..”

….  $#€+*<  YOU!!!!

That’s right folks! I could be wrong here ( Safe bet I probably am) But I do not recall any one from Marvel saying, “We’re doing Civil War!” Now, hold on, don’t get me wrong. I want it to happen! It can happen! It most likely Will happen! But.. We don’t know 100% that that’s what they are heading for.

Whatever happened to…


Yeah! HIM! The Big Man Himself. Thanos of Titan! I thought we were building up to an Infinity Gauntlet/Avengers/Guardians thing.. Did we just happen to up and forget about the, four or five films that clearly set the stage for that outcome?!

“But, dude!! This is Civil War were talking about!”

And I’m excited about the possibility as well! I mean, I’ve said several times on my Podcast and This Here Blog! I knew it was going to happen. Some how, some way, it was (or is) going to happen.

Unless some very expensive cards “web-swing” into place.. It’s not going to be the exact same Civil War. But, Marvel Studios has very good people behind the scenes. So, I have faith that things will turn out great. No matter what version of CW they go with. Either way. It’s not gonna be exactly like the book.


( BEEEEEEEPPP!!!!! We inturupt this regularly scheduled crap-fest of  a Blog. To bring you this urgent conspiracy theory moment… God help us!)

Ok! Did you folks notice the whole little game of one-ups man ship between Marvel Studios and WB/DC? No?! Allow me. Way back when, at SDCC, Marvel announces something’s about AGE OF ULTRON. The next day, DC announces (albit over zealously) BATMAN v SUPERMAN. Then! Marvel announces  several movie release dates, Among them. Thor 3, Cap 3, ANTMAN, Dr.Strange and many more. DC then announces release dates but no names attached. Marvel’s RDJ news, DC revealed its movie schedule from now til 2019-20. Now, DC States that Man Of Steel 2 and a stand alone Batman, though not in the announcement, are in fact among that same line up. Marvel is waiting for DC to do something, so they can then announce, officially, thier movie line up. If they are not waiting for DC. They are most deffinetly waiting for something to make thier next big announcement! Once more! DC saw the phenomenon that was THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY! And said, “If they can make that kind of money on a title that not alot of people have heard of.. Why can’t we!?” And so! After BvS, DC offers up THE SUICIDE SQUAD! (Can’t wait to see what happens there) I honestly believe there is something happening behind the scences of Marvel Studios.. I can’t put my finger on it.. But something big is coming. I can feel it in my gut! (And I’ve got a big gut) My God!! Isn’t it a great time to be a Geek/Nerd! I’m loving every minute of this!

(BEEEPPP!!! Sorry about that folks. Now, as we leave that crap behind. Allow us to return you to that, Other load of crap.. Again, sorry.)

…… And that’s the basic premise of The Civil War storyline.. Whether or not Marvel goes in that direction one way or another, remains to be seen. If, Civil War Happens, I can see it going like this. AGE OF ULTRON, Tony does something that rubs Cap the wrong way. The reprocusions seep over in to Cap 3. Resulting in a Civil War esque falling out, that could stretch over the upcoming (currently unnamed) films. Then GUARDIANS 2 will further realize the threat of Thanos! Forcing the “Dissassembled” Avengers to band together one last time, to face the Mad Titan, and save the planet. That’s were I can see things going and ending at this point. (It sounds totally far fetched and fanboy porn imagining.. But hey! It COULD happen!)

I hope I placed a bug in your brains, and sparked some conversations and debates among you all. Above all. I hope I made some sense at all here to you guys and gals! If you have some thoughts or comments, please feel free to comment below, or hit me up on Twitter @gonzoneo or Instagram @Neophoenixdragon (pretty sure I misspelled that.. But who gives a shit!) Thank you all for taking some time and reading. It’s always and forever appreciated!

So, until next time folks…peace out!