Category Archives: Marvel Event

What Dreams Are Made Of: A Look At Marvel’s Phase 3 Line-Up!

imageHey there, Ladies and Gentelnerds! Lets skip the pleasantries and get down to business.

The Marvel Event! Where Marvel Studios Mastermind, Kevin Fiege, announced the dates and Tittles of 9 ( Count it again. NINE!) Marvel Phase 3 Films. And they go a little something like this!


The one everyone has been chomping at the bit for, for years. It’s finally official! Since the announcement, of RDJ joining the cast of Captain America 3. Everyone and thier great great grandmother has speculated and gossiped that Civil War was happening. Well, speculate no more Granny! It’s true! At first, as a surprise to everyone that was at the Marvel Event, Kevin introduced Cap 3 with the bi-line Serpent Socity! It wasn’t til later that he revealed the true tittle to be Civil War. If you think Age Of Ultron is going to change the landscape of the MCU, Think again. Its just the beginning. And Civil War is going to be the one to really rock the boat! As the comic did for Marvel Comics, the film will do the same for the Cinamatic Universe. Not only will it change how the MCU works from that point on. But also the people inside it. It’s going to be very different from the story that we know and love. But the core premise is going to stay in tact to some extent or another. I’m really looking forward to see how it’s all put together, and how the ramifications of Civil War on the rest of the films to come.

imageNOVEMBER 4, 2016: DR. STRANGE!

( In my opinion) Probably the only film in this line up, that would most likely be an origin story film. Though, as I write this, Benedict Cummerbach has not been officially confirmed to be the Doc, but all signs point to yes! He will be our Sorcerer Supreme! I’m very interested in how his story will be told. I for one LOVED the animated Dr. Strange movie. It was very well plotted and told and I would like if they did it similar to that. Perhaps with the Civil War environment in the background. I had done some research on Strange (as in, I came across a small article in an old Wizard magazine [Remember those!?] and it explained the abilities and powers the EYE OF AGOMOTTO possess) according to the tiny article. The EYE grants Strange the ability to peer into Space and “TIME”! Now. By my count, that’s one of the stones that has not been featured in a film. Yet! Perhaps. Upon receiving the EYE, and discovers what it can do. Maybe he goes back in TIME! To save his sister, who died on HIS operating table. I don’t know. That’s just me! It could also be the Soul Gem!? But I can’t Think of anything to support that theory.


GOTG 2 was supposed to be a little later on in the summer of 2017. But, with the MONSTROUS success of the first film. Which for me, is an automatic classic now. Marvel has so much faith in it. That they punched it up to be the one that launches Marvels Summer 2017 Roster. Not a lot has been let out about the plot of this one. James Gunn suggested they could explore Star-Lords parentage. Because of the Galaxy Wide playground they have. Anything! Can happen. Anyone! Could make their debut in this movie. (Wish it was Silver Surfer… But that’s an angry rant I made awhile back.. Look it up!) Over the course of the film. We’ll probably get more Thanos, then in the first one! Can’t wait for that. This is only a guess on my part. But, this one could tie directly into INFINITY WAR!

imageJULY 28, 2017: THOR; RAGNAROK!

THE END IS NIGH!! At least, according to Norse Mythology. This one is going to be an epic Thor film! We don’t know what to expect from RAGNAROK! We don’t know where we will find Thor after the events of ULTRON, and Civil War. What we fans DO expect, based off the tittle alone, is SURTUR! The Demon set to bring about the end times for all the Nine Realms! The story brought to us by the great Walt Simonson. Within the story, it’s revealed Odin and his brothers stole this great fire from SURTUR! The very flame SURTER was going to use to place his great sword into and cause about the end of days! A truly compelling story that takes us to so many places, between Earth and Asgard. A big hope for this movie, is the introduction of, my personal favorite, BETA RAY BILL! Whom was teased or Easter egged in The Collectors Museum in GOTG! Since the explosion from the Power Stone, BETA RAY is free! So he could be a possibility. I PRAY HE SHOWS UP! SURTUR himself is a sight to behold. Can’t wait to see that. Before I move in to the next tittle. Our favorite God of Mischif, LOKI will be returning. Perhaps, while posing as All-Father ODIN. He gets the news of SURTUR’s impending threat and reveals himself and his disguise to get help from Thor, and maybe, just maybe! We’ll find out WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ODIN?!?


YESSSS!!! Praise the great Panther God!! Finally! T’Chala, King of the great nation of Wakanda, Comes to life! This is one of the two we’ve all been waiting for. And not just for diversitys sake. But because He So Damn Awesome! Marvel has hinted that they have been eyeing a BP movie for a few now. And before this announcement was made, we all got the idea that this movie was coming, thanks in part to the Ultron trailer, which dropped about a week before. Within the trailer, a quick shot of Andy Serkis is shown sporting a VERY signature look leading many and myself, to believe he has been cast as Alexander Klaw. For those of you not familiar with the name. He is BP’s main bad guy! So, 1+1= AWESOME! If your wondering who’s going to be our King. Non other then Chadwick Boesman. Star of such films as 42: The Jackie Robinson Story, and Get On Up! Playing James Brown. Both I recommend you folks see, in order to grasp how good of an actor he is. Another  thrilling aspect for the inclusion of BP into the MCU, is the man himself and the character dynamic he brings to the fold. He is a King, a Royal! How does his character meld with someone like a Tony Stark, Black Widow, or Steve Rogers. The only person I can see him relating to is Thor, who knows what it is to be a royal. And perhaps Bruce and Tony because of the intellect they all have in common. (Black Panther is considered one of the eight smartest men in the Marvel comics universe.) So, all that is something to look forward to, as phase 3 progresses.

image JULY 6, 2018: CAPTAIN MARVEL!

(Avengers: Infinity War part 1, actually precedes Marvel by two months, premiering in May of ’18. But I decided to save both parts of A:IW for last on this list) Well, it’s about damn time! Captain Marvel has her day in the sun! That’s right folks, Carol Danvers is coming to the big screen at long last! Much like BP, we don’t have any clues to what is to expect from this movie, story wise. And although they have not officially announced WHO, is Carol Danvers. There is reason to believe that Kevin Fiege and the Geniuses of Marvel Studios, already know and have their Captain casted an ready to go. I for one believe so, and would not be surprised to be introduced to her in either AGE OF ULTRON, CIVIL WAR, or AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1! In fact! My Nerd-Senses tell me she will play a significant role within A:IW p1. Which is why it may lead directly  into her solo film. That being said. For those of you not really familiar with Carols back story. Here’s a quick synopsis. Carol, Air Force Pilot, gets involved with the Avengers, meets Captain Marveel (aka Captain Marvel Kree Warrior turned earth superhero.) She gets captured, he rescues her just before a “Super Science” named bomb goes off and he shields her from the blast. Resulting in his DNA merging with hers and she gets all his powers becoming MS. MARVEL! And I guess that should sum it all up.. If I’m forgetting anything, just goggle the rest. Now! I don’t think such an origin is going to be put into place. (If I’m not mistaken, I believe SHIELD has been messing around with KREE technology or DNA!? Which I think explained COULSON still being alive on the TV show. I don’t know, cause I got bored with the show around Ep.3 of season one, and haven’t watched ever since.) Another Option is, they could probably get away with making her origins have to do with the INHUMANS. (Which happens to be the next one in the line up.) Whatever they do do with Carol, I have complete faith in Marvel and that they will do it with the upmost respect for the character, and make her super BadAss!


This tittle has been in every single Fan-Made Mock line up! So much so, that I was very surprise to see it in the real one! Probably the closest group of characters that Marvel has in it’s cabinet, that comes close to Mutants. (Which Marvel dosent have the rights to.) So it would be interesting to see how they approach this property. Will they keep the Kree involvement in their creation. Will the TERAGIN MIST be included. (SIDE NOTE: The fact that Marvel even owns the rights to The Inhumans is surprising itself! The Inhuman Race and the Royal Family made thier first appearances in the pages of The Fantastic Four. Sooo…. Yeah! Maybe I’ll go into further detail on that in another Blog.) There are so many things to be hopeful about with this film. And so many characters to look forwar to seeing! BLACK BOLT, MADUSA and LOCKJAW are on top of my list! (I’m hopping the talk of Vin Diesel as Black Bolt never comes true! I like the guy. Don’t get me wrong. I just don’t want him as Black Bolt.. I JUST DON’T!) Whats also interesting is its placement within the schedule. INHUMANS premiers in November, closing out 2018.. But that would also mean (most likely) that it will tie in to the second part of…


MAY 2018: Part 1- MAY 2019: Part 2:


Part one comes before CAPTAIN MARVEL, and Part two follows INHUMANS, suggesting these four films will tie together significantly.  For a very long time. Hell, since the first AVENGERS after credits scene. We all suspected INFINITY GAUNTLET! So to hear them call it INFINITY WAR, Is a little surprising. (For those who don’t know. WAR was the follow-up Event to GAUNTLET. Which I then followed by CRUSADE.) Of course the films have the right to use creative licensing in their projects. Which could mean, that all though it will be called WAR, the story itself could resemble GAUNTLET more then WAR itself. So much is yet to happen in this slate of films in order to build up to this massive event. So many key players have yet to be announced. There is truly so much to be excited about for the next four years! So much is yet to happen! So much news and updates to these films are to come. To further suggest whether or not our assumptions are correct or not. (Knowing my luck, none of what I think may come out to be true at all!)

As I complete This wok of pure hot shit! News and/or rumors came out that fan  favorite LOKI, will be in INFINITY WAR! To fill the role MEPHISTO plays in INFINITY GAUNTLET, perhaps?!? Being in Thanos’s ear as he wields the gauntlet!? Maybe! We’ll just have to wait and see!

Thats gonna do it for me folks…. HEY!! WAKE UP! Yeah, I saw you sleeping over there. “Resting your eyes my ass!”

So, untill next time folks… Peace out!

( Be sure to comment below or hit me up on twitter and Instagram. Share this with your friends and family! Follow/subscribe to this blog, if you want. It’s cool. Just let me know what your thoughts are and such. Thank you!)