Category Archives: Lists



Oh, You didn’t know?!? The Marvel Inc. Club is THE club for True Blue Marvel Fans! We plan on being a weekly thing here on Inside The Multi-Verse. (Whenever we can!) Lets get down to business shall we!?




Probably the most irreverent video game.. EVER! Deadpool is trying to get a video game based on him, to be made. When he finally does. He’s sent a “script” Not happy about it, ol’ Deadpool goes along with it. Contracted to kill a crooked media mogul, Deadpool happens upon a dastardly scheme hatched by MISTER SINISTER! And all sorts of hilarity and bloody mayhem ensues! THATS the kind of thing the live action film needs! An all incompassing, over-arching story, told through the eyes of Deadpool. Which leads us to…


It’s what we all love and treasure about Deadpool. His total self awareness, that he is in fact a character! Living within the realm of comics and whatnot! Throughout the game he talks to us and himself (via- the voices in his head!) This is a VERY important character trait, that needs to exist within the film. He knows it’s a movie and yet travels with us through it. (I pray there is a scene in the movie, where he brings up X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE! I would just die laughing!)



The game did not boast the most epic assortment of baddies! Such as BLOCKBUSTER, VERTIGO, and ARCLIGHT! The film itself would be open to introducing an assortment of characters we have not yet seen brought to life on the big screen. Which would be awesome! This also means, we could have a slew of guest stars and cameos by old and new characters! image



The Game is chuck full of profanity!, Blood!, Half naked women!, profanity! Sexual innuendos!, Blood.. And did I mention Profanity?! FOX should not be afraid  to at least go hard R for the Deadpool movie.. Or at least really test the boundary of PG-13! Keep the jokes rapid fire like Pool’s machine gun. Which shouldn’t be to hard with Ryan Reynolds behind the mask! (He’s perfect!) Sight gags! And witty puns should not be shy away from. We know they are trying to build a coherent and serious X-MEN MOVIE UNIVERSE.. But that shouldn’t make them make Deadpool.. Not, Deadpool! Have everything else serious.. But not Deadpool. Now, we’re not saying make Deadpool a full blown Comedy.. But find that fine line and tight rope that bitch!


Probably the greatest bromance.. Ever! Cable and Deadpool together on the big screen would be epic! It makes perfect sence to have him there. Why? I’ll tell you why! DEADPOOL:THE MOVIE is scheduled to hit theaters February 2016, a good Three months before, X-MEN: APOCALYPSE comes out. Whose always trying to stop Apocalypse from taking Over the world? CABLE!imageIt’s the perfect film to debut Cable. That would mean, that the movie would have to take place sometime in this new future timeline created by DAYS OF FUTURES PAST. And it would have to directly tie into XM:APOCALYPSE in some fashion, but also remain its own individual movie!

We are a long ways from when they start production on Deadpool:The Movie! We’re keeping our fingers crossed they do it right and do it awesome! And above all… MAKE IT EPIC!!image

That’s gonna do it for us here in the CLUB HOUSE! Give us a follow on twitter Marvel Inc.  @Sgsonny70

So, until next time folks… Peace out!






imageI haven’t done a “List” blog in awhile.. So, here we go.

Most of my lists have had most of its contents placed in no particular order. This time, I thought I’d actually take the time and rank these films as my definitive top five favorites!

WARNINGS: 1-If you have not seen any of these films.. Then, dear god in heaven, what the hell is wrong with you!?! SPOILERS AHEAD! 2- Have some tissue nearby. Just in case you experience some leaking of the eyes!

5. FINDING NEMO!imageClownFish named Marlin, lives with his wife in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef! Tragically losing her and more then half of their  unhatched children. He is left with but one. Whom he names NEMO. Time passes, and NEMO has grown and become adventurous. To Marlin’s dismay. After an argument over Marlins overprotectiveness, NEMO is captured by Reef Divers. Over coming his fear of the great ocean beyond the Reef. Marlin sets out to rescue his son. Hilarity and adventure ensues. The underwater world was so gorgouesly rendered I wanted to live in the sea. The Moral of the story was for parents to try and not be so overbearing and overprotective. Give thier children a chance at independence. And it told kids to, LISTEN TO THIER PARENTS! And always know that they will always have thier parents there to help them and support them no matter how independent they become. At least that’s what I got out of it!

4. TOY STORY image

The one that really started it all! The magic of this film made me want to believe that Toys could come alive! At my young age I thought it could be possable. When Brand Spanking new Toy BUZZ LIGHTYEAR enters Andy’s room, Andy’s number one favorite Toy WOODY can’t help but feel a little threatened and unappreciated. At some point in our lives, we all feel a little unimportant or under appreciated, when someone new enters the picture of someone we care most for. And though, for a time, they may gravitate toward the person, or thing. You will always remain in that persons heart. You have to learn to share what you love.

3. TOY STORY 3! image

For once, a third installment of a franchise out does the original! Toy Story 3!  Andy is all grown up and is off to collage. What does this mean for Woody, Buzz and the Gang? When packing up what’s to stay in the attic and what’s to be trashed or donated. A mix up happens and the gang is donated to a local school, for other children to play with. Meanwhile, Woody is left home. Eager to keep their “Family” together. Woody sets out to rescue them. When TS3 was first announced, I was skeptical at first. I loved the first. The second was really good. But, a third?! What more can they do!? I was really taken by surprise how much I loved TS3. It gut punched me in the feels so hard! My god it was.. Just wow! I don’t know what made me cry more. When they thought they were going to die and they started to hold hands. Oh man!…. Or when Andy played with them.. One. Last.. Time! AH MAN!!! Excuse me a moment….. (Be strong man, BE STRONG!!) TS3 would have ranked higher on my list. If not for the recent announcement of a TS4 in development. I mean, why?! It ended so perfectly! Leave it be! Anyway.. If TS4 proves to be half as good as TS or TS3. I may have to revise this list. But for now, TS3 is número 3!

2. UP!


An old man outfits his house with hundreds of balloons and soars off in to the sky. Not much to get excited about from that synopsis, but that’s what the early teasers gave us about the film. What we didn’t know, is what got him to the point to hook balloons up to his house. Nor, were we prepared for the heartwarming adventure that followed. My goodness. The first five damn minutes I was getting kneed in the feels so hard, I turned blue. From the moment young Carl met little Ellie.. Ah geez!…. To when. They get.. Son of a gun! This was just a truly special movie. The little kid Randal was such a delight. Dug the dog was so lovable.. It really was such a great movie. When Carl discovers his Wife’s adventure scrap book and saw that she was able to finish it. And left him that special message. I was so emotionally drained it was tiresome (In a good way) I felt so warm and fuzzy by the end. I loved UP, I could watch it over. And over. And SQUIREL!!

HONORABLE MENTION: THE INCREDIBLES!imageWhat kind of heartless jerk would I be to not include this one!? Truly a little ahead of its time. It’s hard to think of any other animated film that captures the family dynamic any better then THE INCREDIBLES. The fact that they were a family of superheroes just made it cooler! Can’t wait to see them again in THE INCREDIBLES 2! Coming soon…



No lie.. Towards the end if this film.. I was bawling “All he wanted was to hold her hand!” Seriously.. Full on bawling! Not ashamed to say it. I watched Wall-E at a certain time in my life an it hit me in such a way. That I can’t forget it! Over endulgance and over consumption has condemed the planet to a massive garbage dump. Millions of robots are built to clean up the planet, but when it was realized earth was uninhabitable because of all the pollution, the human race abandoned the planet for the deep reaches of space. After countless years, the cleaning robots.. Shut down. All that was left, was this one unit named Wall-E. With his trusty Cocaroach at his side, He spent his days doing what he was programmed to do. Watched an old VHS tape and longed for true companionship. Until one day, EVE came and changed his world forever! Most of the whole film is silent, cause Wall-E doesn’t really talk unless to say his name or express wonderment. Never in my life. Would I have thought a beat up little robot with absouloutly no Facieal features at all.. Could be the cutest animated character of all time! The relationship between EVE and WALL-E holds such a special place in my heart.

FOR FUCKS SAKE!! Why the hell did I do this list?! Geez! Sorry if I got too damn sappy for you folks on this one! Anyway! Did you like my list? Do you agree? What’s on your list? Let me know dang nab it!!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!