Category Archives: Jurassic World


Greetings Ladies and Gentelnerds! As I write this article, we are a day or so removed from Thanksgiving. Although this be late. I want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and a blessed and joyous holiday! Now that that crap is out of the way…

Earlier this week we were treated to the release of the first ever “JURASSIC WORLD” trailer! If you live under a damn rock! Here it is, for your viewing pleasure!

Awesome! Am I right?! Where to begin?.. Apparently, Jurassic Park, now labeled Jurassic World (ala, Sea World) is now up and running. N-GENE has finally figured out how to make John Hammonds dream come true!imageFrom the very start of the trailer it’s clear to us that much like Sea World, the park has its fair share of visitors. And is working full on and has been doing so for a very long time.

imageBut of course, like most conglomerates, N-GENE big wigs and JW show runner, played by the lovely Brice Dallas Howard, want to try and spice things up at the first sight of slumping sales. Decide to create the first ever HYBRID DINOSAUR.. (Do I smell disaster waiting to happen?!? Or is that the massive amounts of dead bodies that are littering the park!?)

At this moment, Universal Pictures have not released any form of what this Dino is, nor what it looks like. (Below is what is rumored to be the “LEAKED” pic of said HYBRID.  Personally, I have no clue whether its real or not. But, I felt l should share the pic with you guys and gals anyway.)


It would appear that the HYBRID, is most likely part T-REX and part.. Uhm..image Whatever the hell this is!! Another thing that’s suggested about the HYBRID, is that it could very well be larger then the great SPINOSAURUS, of JP3 Fame!


( That of course! Is purely based on speculation on my part. Just so you know.)

Our hero of the film is none other then Chris “STARLORD” Pratt! Who plays some sort of Games keeper of the park, who takes it upon himself to find this ‘possibly’ escaped Dino! And at his disposal. Are you ready for this?.. Have some clean-x  ready folks, for this awesome Nerdgasm that’s about to hit ya!

To help him hunt down this HYBRID, He has at his disposal, A PACK OF VELOCIRAPTORS!!


Tell me you didn’t bust a load as soon as you saw that! Yeah you did!

This trailer was very solid for a first one. It hit all the right notes. I seriously can’t wait for June 2015!

If there’s anything that stood out to you from this trailer. Please feel free to hit me up and let me know what you thought of it as well. Thats going to do it for me folks. Thanks for joining me,

So, until next time folks… Peace out!