Category Archives: Instagram


Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo! Keep it on the low flow! Howdy everybody! Greetings and salutations! Hello, Ladies and Gentelnerds! Multi-Verse Neo here to poison your minds and melt your eyes!

This is my first “Official” Blog of 2015! “HEY! I thought we had enough signatures on that petition to get your ass off the Internet?!? WTF!?”

Sorry to dissapoint you folks! But I made it through!



2014, was a pretty awesome year for me… Blogging wise. Of course I had no idea just how awesome it was. Until the very nice people over at WordPress sent me an email! image

According to my “ANNUAL REPORT” my blog has been ‘VIEWED’ over 2,500 times! Now, by most blogging standards. That’s not even a drop in the bucket. “It’s barely a sneeze! Jerk face!”

Who lets you hecklers in here?!? “We are Legion! We are everywhere!!”

(Fucking weirdos!) tell me about it! Oh hey, Look everybody. It’s the VOICE! I didn’t know you’d be here! (Seriously?… I don’t, you know what? I’m on the hecklers side on this one!) *Door slams, car engine starts and tires screech off in to the distance* hmm, strange. Bye ttyl!

Although it may not be a big number for most. It is a GIGANTIC number for me! Some fat fuck, Puerto Rican nerd from the Bronx. Has a few thing on his mind and over 2,500 people pop in to take a look?! That’s amazing to me! It’s humbling and darn right nearly brings a tear to my eyes!

I don’t want to take up to much time with a whole bunch of thank yous! But to all YOU wonderful people on the interwebs (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and WORDPRESS!) I just want to say..imageLMFAO! But seriously..

Now that all that mushiness is out of the way! Lets get down to business! “WHAT DOES 2015 HAVE IN STORE FOR ‘INSIDE THE MULTI-VERSE’ ?!” Well.. The fuck should I know!? It just started. But why I do know!

Im starting the new year with a bang! The First Ever “MONDAY MATCH UPS TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT!” Is set to begin as soon as I have enough teams. (As I write this, we have a total of 16 teams and need another 16 to get the tournament underway!) THE SPECULATING NERD, was a surprise hit at the turn of the new year. You folks seem to like him.. I think!.. And he’ll make weekly posts when he can. Also, Once the tournament is said and done. I’ll make sure to have a MONDAY MATCH UPS after battle blog every Monday or Tuesday, when I can. I’ll try to feature more reviews, (Movies, Games, TV shows.) whenever possable. So don’t hold me to it! And if anything else comes to mind, that can make this blog more fun and worth a few seconds of your time. If you have any suggestions. Feel free to hit me up and let me know.

“Here’s a suggestion!… STOP!”

Again, Thank you to all of you for a really cool 2014, and I hope we can make 2015 even better! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!





As I mentioned in my last post. Once the New Year has been ushered in and we’ve all recovered from our massive hangovers and cleaned the puke from our bodies. I will kick start The 2015 “MONDAY MATCHUPS TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT!”

Here’s how it works!..

Much Like the 2014 “MONDAY MATCHUPS TOURNAMENT” we will have a bracket of Two Groups. GROUP A, and GROUP B. In each Bracket, there will be a total of 32 Fighters. Ranging from genres of all types within GEEKDOM. Games, movies, comics and or cartoons. The Fighters will be paired in to TAG TEAMS, (Hence the whole Tag Team Tournament!) Heres the catch! IT WILL BE YOUR TEAM! YOU MAKE IT! You Win, or You Lose!

For Example: Lets say, good pal of mine… @SQUISHYNOSINC creates the team of THANOS and KRATOS. And another good pal @OZZYUGI creates the team of WOLVERINE and GREEN LANTERN and by some chance I put them to face each other. (ALL FIRST ROUND BATTLES WILL BE ASSEMBLED COMPLETLEY AT RANDOM! I’ll probably do an enny, menny, minny, moe kind of thing!) It’s up to the votes on who’s team advances to the next round! Whomevers team wins, moves on and becomes that much closer to being the champ!

REMEMBER, IT’S NOT THE CHARACTERS that will get the glory.. BUT YOU! YOU will be considered the Tag Team Champion of Monday MATCHUPS! You’ll have bragging rights all over twitter! IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE VOTES!

Again. The brackets are assembled much like an NCAA BASKETBALL March Madness Bracket. There will be a series of 5 rounds, up to the FINALS. Where the champs of  both Group A and Group B will square off!

ALSO! BATMAN and other characters like him, will be prohibited to only ONE TEAM! ON BOTH GROUPS! ONLY ONE! So please, NO TEAMS OF BATMAN/BATMAN. Or BATMAN/BATMAN BEYOND! Yes BATMAN can kick anyone’s ass.. But lets try to be fair folks.. Or else you will force me to ban THE BAT from the tournament! And don’t think I won’t… You know what! I just might do that… Maybe….

I hope I made the rules and the way it’s going to go pretty clear.. I hope you’ll all join me in making this a pretty cool thing and make it a yearly event. Oh! And THE MONDAY MATCH UPS ‘SINGLES’ TOURNAMENT will also be held later in the NEW YEAR!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!


Hey folks! 64 posts in to this.. Whatever THIS is! And I had the bright idea, to make my 65th post, a “ASK ME ANYTHING” blog!

So, I took to Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, to let all my awesome followers know what I was doing and they could ask me anything and I would answer it here. Well! Let me tell you, oh boy! I was so.. Not surprised at the lack of participation by you good people… Not surprised at all… BUT! There were those of you who DID send in your questions.. (I can literally count them on one hand… *hangs head low in shame an dissapointment*)

As promised.. Lets give these cool people a hardy hand and shout out! First up..

AUSTIN (aka: @Zeroreax) Asked via Instagram: “Do you know how to twerk?”

(SIGH!!… Well.. I did say, ask me anything… Dumbass!)Answer: Honestly… I’ve tried.. But no.. No sir, I don’t know how to twerk. Thank you.

Sami Pern (aka:@samisam96) asked via Twitter: “Would you ride this Dog in to battle?!” imageAnswer: I would ride that Dog, not just into battle… But to the market! To the park! To work! I would ride that dog anywhere imaginable! I will love him, bathe him, hold him and squeeze him and call him, GEORGE!! (Or LIONHEART!) Thank you Sami!

@rae_holidayy163 asked via Instagram:  “Will we ever see The Red Hood in a live action movie?”image

Answer: Hmm.. That’s a good one. I’m going to have to say. Not at the present moment. Not to say it will never happen. But, the DC CINEMATIC UNIVERSE is just beginning. And it depends on where they want to go with their Batman standalone films. It’s already been established that, the Batman we are getting, is a Batman that’s been at it for a very long time! Who’s to say, Jason Todd hasn’t already come and gone. So, it is a possibility. But one I don’t see happening anytime soon. However, the world of TV is still a strong choice. Perhaps ARROW? (I would like to see that!) Thank you for the question Rae!

Last, but not least…

Vigilante Inc. (aka @vigilantesinc) asked via Twitter: “How do I do what you do?”

Answer: Just produce the dumbest, most unfathomabley stupid crap possable! And you’ll be half way there! But in all seriousness. I would not be here, on WordPress. If not for a one Madam Chocolatica @Jinxedsnowflake (hope I spelled that right! Sorry if I didn’t!) [thats right folks! She’s the one to blame for all the garbage I put on here.. All her fault! Jk! I wish to thank her for showing me how to do this!] anyway! Yeah! I wanted to start somewhere and she told me about WORDPRESS! And she guided me how to do it. It’s very simple. I mean, my dumbass was able to figure it out.. You can too. It also allows you to link your Facebook and Twitter accounts to it, so that your blog posts are automatically uploaded to your feeds.. So there’s that part. A way that you can do a lot better. Is to find that one thing that you like or love and stick to it as best as you can. I bounce around like a retard with ADHD! I’m surprised I have any followers or subscribers at all! As for Podcasting.. Well.. I just looked for an app that allowed me to record for free. I was lucky enough to come across the SPREAKER App! It gives you a set amount of air time to record. For free! If you want a longer stretch of time and more space for more shows/episodes… That you have to pay for. But all in all, it’s a really good app. You can also sync up your other social media accounts to it so that whatever you record goes up on your feeds!

Im most deffinetly probably not the best person to give out such advise. Cause I myself am still on this journey and I haven’t even reached the halfway point. I wish you, @Vigilantesinc the very best of luck on your future endeavors! And kick ass!

Well.. That’s it! That’s all the questions I got… After waiting for about TWO WEEKS!! But hey! It’s a start. Thanks to..

@zeroreax, @samisam96, @rae_holidayy163, and @vigilantesinc and of course @jinxedsnowflake let hope the next “ASK ME ANYTHING” goes alittle bit better then that! But thank you all!

So, Until next time folks… Peace out!





LEGO SUPERHEROES UNITED! Could Lego Accomplish The Impossible?!

imageI was trolling around Instagram the other day and saw a very interesting post by a one @SuperheroFeed image

Yup! That’s the one!.. And the post was…


Yeah! That one! 👆. The post stated, “Is Lego, perhaps teasing the possibility of a Marvel/DC Lego Game Crossover?” With little Easter eggs  hidden at the end of each game. Honestly. I haven’t yet played any of these games and witnessed these “Eggs” But, the possibility of this coming into fruition, is… Tantalizing to say the least!

Sure. At this point in time. We will NEVER see a Marvel/DC Movie Crossover. We can’t completely rule out a future Comics Crossover someday, though, at this point THAT appears to be highly unlikely.  (But. one can hope! Fingers crossed) BUT! Could a Lego Crossover be our best chance. I sure as heck think so! If anyone can do it, it’s LEGO! Both companies love money. But they also love the fans! As does LEGO. There is awesome potentiol for Them to make massive amount of money if they make a game like this. And an even greater chance to please the fans, both young and old!

I really can’t see why either company wouldn’t want something like that! (Despite popular belief: Marvel and DC are cool with each other. We are the ones that fuel the rivalry) I can imagine a possable, conflict of intrests, that could hinder such a production. (We want this character to be in it. We want our character to do this. Our hero needs to save the day. Our villain needs to be the main villain) Stuff like that. These people are grown adults. So they can get over those simple things to make the best possable game, that pleases everyone.

Do, I want this to happen? HELL FUCKING YEAH! But the question I put to you folks is.. DO YOU?! Do you want this to happen? Do you think it should happen?! What would your concerns be? I want YOUR feed back on this. PLEASE! Comment below or hit me up on my various social media outlets and let me know your thoughts and feelings. Whichever is easier for you folks.

So, until next time folks… Peace out!