Category Archives: Green Lantern

DC’s Cinamatic Universe: What Can We Expect?!


Whats up! Ladies and Gentelnerds! Multi-Verse back at you again. This is a truly magical and blessed time to be a Geek/Nerd! From now till 2020! Marvel/Disney and DC/WB will be giving us the most  jam packed decade and a half of Comic Based Movies, in history.

So, today I wanted to take a moment and look at what DC/WB has in store for us. (Nothing in particular order to thier designated release date.) First off! THE SUICIDE SQUAD!image

Taking a page out of Marvel Studios Movie Handbook. DC/WB is taking a chance on a minimally popular, but mostly unknown property and group of Characters and making it its next big picture after Batman v Superman. The Suicide Squad, is a group of imprisoned Super Villains. Extremely  forced into government service and do the jobs no others would do. Why? Cause they are expendable. If they fail and die in their mission. That’s five or so less criminals in the world to worry about. They are like the A-team, Mission Imposable, and The Usual Suspects all rolled into one. That’s the kinda balance DC/WB needs to find, in order to make this an entertaining and involving film. The team usually mainly features the likes of DeadShot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Black Spider and others. The team stared in an animated feature “ASSAULT ON ARKHAM” In my opinion, one of the best animated films out in some time. Another challenge for this movie, is a two headed one. To find the right actors to portray these characters, and to find a way to make us care and worry about a group of killers and psychopaths! That also hinges on a good screenplay. But, the right actors could make or break your film as well.

WONDER WOMAN!! imageFINALLY! It’s official. We are getting our first stand alone female hero film! And it’s the woman that started it all! It’s about damn time! Only one problem… Gal Gadot! We have yet to see what she can do as WW, in BvS, so.. That’s what worries me. Will she be a good, scratch that, IS she Wonder Woman!? If we fans don’t like what she does in whatever role she plays in BvS, what are the chances of her coming back for the stand alone, an are we going to accept her?! The answer to that is yet to come. Fingers crossed. (But if things don’t work out. It gives DC/WB a chance to get it write and cast Gemma Anderton!) Another thing.. Am I the only one not happy with the whole Zeus  being her dad thing and all that?!? Even if it’s in the New 52 storyline. I don’t care for it? Hypolita better remain her mother. Just saying.


GL will be rebooted. Now, do they try Hal again. Or do they try and bring some damn diversity and go with John Stewart?! That what I wanna know. My generations GL was Kyle Ryner. But I would like to see John Stewart’s GL. I’m not saying both Kyle and Hal need to be looked over, but restarting it with John would be cool. Hal could still exist in this universe. But, he’s not available on earth when shit goes down. Enter John! It’s actually pretty simple. Here’s hoping!

THE FLASH!!! With Ezra Miller! WAIT!.. WHO?!image

… Hmm….. Okay… New Jersey? He’s a jersey boy!…. CITY ISLAND!? I saw that movie!, can’t say I remember him in it. Gotta check that out again….. PERKS OF A WALLFLOWER? Haven’t seen it.. OH! Emma Watson is in that one!? I love her! I would kill for her!!! OMG! EMMA!!!!! Oh, ahem, excuse me. Was checking out his IMDB page… Guess I got a little side tracked… So, anyway. That was the surprise for me. They already have a Flash!! I got nothing! Uhm, I wonder which Flash though? Wally, or Barry? Probably can’t be Barry, cause they have him on the show already. So, I guess Wally would be the next logical choice. Can’t wait to see where This goes.

SHAZAM/BLACK ADAM!imageOnly two things are known as fact about this movie. 1, It’s not being distributed or produced by WB Proper. Instead, a subsidiary of WB, NEW LINE, is the force behind this film. (Which leaves many to speculate, whether or not it’s going to be included within the overall DCCU!) and 2, Dwayne ‘THE ROCK’Johnson will be BLACK ADAM! And I guess we can add the release date is another fact that’s known about the movie.. But that’s about it! Can’t wait to hear and see what else comes out of this movie in the coming months!

JUSTICE LEAGUE parts 1 and 2 Will be Zack Snyder’s!image

Zack Snyder will direct The Justice League two parter film! Wait.. Two, parter?! Why not just say, JL 1 and 2? Why designate it, part 1 and part 2? What is it with WB and cutting their movies into two “Parts” (Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Twilight just to name a few!… Don’t honestly know if the last two belong to WB, but I’m sticking to my examples! :P) Anyway! The fact that they gave Zack JL, just shows that they like what he’s doing with BvS and have faith in his direction.

Theres so many other things that’s to come from DC/WB! I just can’t wait to see how it all comes together. Well. I hope I, informed, entertained and inlightened you folks with today’s Blog. If you have any thoughts or comments you want to send my way. Please feel free to comment below. Or hit me up on Twitter (@GonzoNeo) or Instagram (@Neophoinexdragon) thank you all so very much for taking the time to read my crap! And also feel free to subscribe to this blog, to get an email each time a new blog comes out!

So, Until next time folks… Peace, OH!! Yeah!!! AQUAMAN has a movie coming out too! How could I forget! Silly me! 😉 Peace out everybody!