Category Archives: Gotham

KRYPTON! The Series!?(A Me and Myself Debate)

Twitter Pal and Follower (@ExgladioEquitas) presented the question.

“What are your thoughts on David Goyers’ possable, KRYPTON series?!”

HM!… How can I put this…. Who the fuck cares about Krypton?!? Seriously! I know I don’t! If you do! More power to you! But, really?! Who wants to watch a one hour program about a place that birthed the worlds greatest superhero?! (“Uhm, you do!”) What? (“You never miss an episode of GOTHAM!”) Well. That’s different! (“How so?”) Gotham is full of nearly endless possablities of stories and drama and.. Awesomeness! (“Im detecting a sense of favoritism!”) Not at all! We already know what the heck happens to Krypton. It blows up! There’s only so far that story can go. Where as “Gotham” has the freedom to cover several years worth of action and storytelling. Even before Bruce Wayne leaves to train overseas! Where as “Krypton” was never givin any kind of expansive back story. ( “Doesn’t that give whoever would be behind KRYPTON, The creative freedom to make new stories, new adventures?”) I guess. But- (“Also. We could get some back story on some of  the things that went down on Krypton. The creation of DOOMSDAY for example. The birth of Brainiac perhaps! Zods back story would be intriguing”) Your point is well made sir. (“I know.”) How did you get to be so smart? (“The Fuck should I know! I’m just the voice in your head, that you feel to give life too in these stupid blogs of yours!”) A-Ha! Well.. That’s.. Very true. But! Non the less. You make a valid point on just some of the things that could make a KRYPTON based show work. (“Sure! Give me credit as if I’m actually here! Shit! Will someone get this man some help!?!”) At the moment I’m still not intrested in such a project. AT ALL! But, I’m open to some convincing. Just make it good!

Thats it from us. (“IT’S JUST YOU JACK ASS!”) Hope you liked this article! If so, subscribe or follow, whatever it is you have to do. Comment. Or hit me up where ever else you can find me.

So, until next time folks.. Peace out!