Category Archives: Fantastic Four Reboot

THE FF REBOOT: The Synopsis! (Me and Myself Discuss)

image(What the bloody hell is this crap!? I mean!… HOW DARE THEY!!) Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! What’s going on up there buddy!? (Don’t play dumb! You Know full well what’s going on! Did you not read this.. This, NONSENSE! They call a Synopsis for the giant load of Shit! That’s to be the FF reboot!) Yeah, I read it.. What’s the big deal? (WHAT!? Wha. What is wrong with you man! Have you gone bonkers!? “What’s the big deal?” Are you kidding me!?) Dude, calm down. I understand where your coming from. (It’s very simple! Four bloody astronaughts! Go into Space! Get walloped by COSMIC RAYS! And get FANTASTIC POWERS! What the bloody fuck is so hard about that!?) Well.. It’s been done before. And the end result wasn’t so good. (That was before! They should have smarter people behind this thing!) And they do. (But THIS is unacceptable!) Hold on. If I may…

This, “Take” if you will, on the origins of The Fantastic Four. Is a very BIG departure from the original story. (Big Departure? More like taking the comics and taking a giant shit on it!) .. As I was saying. It kinda falls right in line with what the comics is all about. Four people make an, extraordinary trip and come back and find themselves completley changed by this trip! NOW, I’m not saying I love this.. But, I can respect.. This, breath of freshness. So to speak. I find it to be very intriguing. Another thing that comes to mind is. What exactly, is this alternate and dangerous universe? Could it be our first live action version of, The Negative Zone!? Which could open the door for possibly an ANNIHILUS debut somewhere along the line! This is after all, a basic outline, for the synopsis of the film. We don’t really know how bad it will suck! Until we see it in action. Although I hate just about everything that has come out about this film. I find this news to be very interesting. So lets just wait and see what comes next before we go guns a’ blazing. Ok?

(… What the hell just happened here?!? I’m supposed to be the voice of reason in this.. Demented duo we have here! I’m the Voice in your head!! ME! I’m the brains! Not you! How did you just switch our roles like that?!)

I don’t know.. I just wanted to switch things up abit… (DON’T. EVER. DO. THAT. AGAIN!) No promises.

So, until next time folks… Peace out!


THE FANTASTIC FOUR REBOOT: Is Fox Deliberately Trying To F*#€ This Up?!?


Domashev!.. Dom-a-shev!?… DOMASHEV????!! What the FUU-

(We interrupt this very lengthy F-Bomb and profanity filled series of words to bring you a little something more family friendly…

(Now back to your regularly scheduled rant. Already in progress..)


(OKAY! He’s not done yet… Uhm.. Quick! Give them another family friendly video!..

*pant, pant, pant… SIGH…* (“You okay pal? Got it all out?”) ……..    …..

FUCKING FUCKERS!! Sigh! Now I’m done!

(“What was all that about anyway?!”) Did you not hear what Tobey Kebel said about his “Version” of Dr.Doom they are doing in the FANTASTIC FOUR REBOOT?! (“Oh! The bit about Being called DOMASHEV? Is it?!”) Yeah! DOMASHEV! An anti-social PROGRAMMER!! He’s not even Latvarian! He’s not a Dictator! He’s not named Von Doom!… And dear god!!… They’ve made him the lowest of the low… A BLOGGER!!!! A Blogger!?!? (Your a blogger.”) EXACTLY!!

(“Well. You can’t expect them to stick so close to the books. Creative licenses, and all that.”) Why not!? How hard could it be to make him a despot from a foreign country who has it in for Reed Richards!? (“That’s just it! They’ve tried that before and look how well that turned out. It’s time for an upgrade. Switch things up abit and try something new.”) Are you Insane?! (“I’m not the one conversating with ones self!”)  hmm, touché. But it not right! Stripping VON DOOM of everything that makes him who he is.. Is ridiculous! (“It’s not the first time that was done with a character and it worked extremely well the last time.”) What chu talkin’ ’bout Willis?! (“I’m certain folks will get that reference.. What I am talking about, friend. Is Heath Ledgers JOKER! In the Dark Knight, Joker was not named Jack, he did not become Red Hood, he did not fall in a batch of chemicals and come out all fucked up. But! He was and will always be considered The Greatest and Best Interpritation of The Joker. Ever! Why?”) uhm…. (” Because he inbodied the core of the character and what makes him who he is!”) Why does it seem you have most of the brains in this outfit? (“That’s just how you write me.”) Ah ha! But it’s just not the same thing in my eyes. Dr. Doom, works one way and one way only. He just does! (“Understandable. But you have to give it a chance.”) Just one chance! Only one! If this turns out to be the load of giant dinosaur crap that it already sounds like its going to be. I’m DONE! Until the rights go back to Marvel. IM DONE! (“I’m with you there, friend.”)

Until next time folks… Peace out!