Category Archives: Casting News


imageWell… There they are folks… Our cast for THE SUICIDE SQUAD movie! At least what has been reported. Honestly I can’t say I have heard anything from DC/WB. Maybe they did confirm it and I missed it… You know what! Hold on. I’m gonna go check… One sec folks……. SON OF A BITCH!! I mean, sorry. Uh yeah! It’s offical folks I checked WB’s Twitter feed and yeah.. It’s confirmed! Shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that this Is the cast. Half these people have been linked to this movie since it was first announced. Now! Lets go down the line. Starting from what I like, to what I don’t!

MARGOT ROBBIE/HARLEY QUINN imageFINALLY!! Praise The Lord! We’re getting our very first live action, living, breathing Harley Quinn! I’m so stoked about this. She’s been long overdue her big screen treatment. The fact that Margot Robbie looks the part, and can clearly pull off the accent, makes her the perfect actress! Although! I can’t full heartedly champion her acting qualities, because I have yet to see her in action. She has gotten rave reviews for her small role in WOLF OF WALL STREET. But that’s all that I’ve heard of her. She is costarring with Will Smith in an upcoming film called FOCUS! I hope to check that out soon. It looks very interesting and she looks really good in the trailer that I’ve seen. (Fingers crossed!)

JARED LETO/THE JOKER imageIt is never a mistake to get talent involved with these movies.. Never! And you don’t get anymore talented then Jared Leto. I mean, the guy won an OSCAR for playing a transgendered Woman with AIDS, in DALLAS BUYERS CLUB! I think he can pull off a raving homicidal lunatic clown with no problem. For his version of the Joker. I would hope that he could give us a mixture of the whimsical that Nicholson gave us in ’89 and the cold calculating mastermind that Heath Ledger gave us in TDK. But at the same time making it his own. I’m so very excited for this casting! I can’t wait to see the first shots of him in makeup and costume.

JAI COURTNEY/CAPTAIN BOOMERANG(BOOMERANG) imageJai Courtney has become a very busy man. If I’m not mistaken, we were first introduced to him in SPARTICUS:BLOOD AND SAND (aka: season 1) then he went on to play Bruce Willis son in the last DIE HARD film. Next he has the new TERMINATOR film, TERMINATOR:GENISYS. And I think he’s working on another project after that. And now this! CAPTAIN BOOMERANG or just BOOMERANG at this point. He’s a good fit, acting wise. But also he has the build and the look. And if I’m not mistaken, he is either British, or Australian so he already has the accent down pact. How they translate a guy who’s very good at throwing boomerangs is going to be very interesting to see. After watching the recent DCU Animated feature, ASSAULT ON ARKHAM. I’ve noticed that Boomerang brings a bit of levity to situations. So I hope they keep that aspect of his character in tact.

TOM HARDY/RICK FLAGG imageAnother great talent! I’m a Hardy fan. But who the hell is RICK FLAGG?!? After some investigating. Turns out that Flagg is the original lease of the Squad way back in the day of the original comics. It’s cool that they are throwing Someone relatively unknown in to the mix of the more up to date characters. I don’t have much else to say about it. Hardy is awesome! This seems like a great fit for him, character wise. I’m looking forward to it.

CARA DELEVINGE/ENCHANTRESSimage Yet another Model turned actress. I’m not mad at all about the casting. It’s who she’s playing that has me concerned. Enchantress?!? I’m sorry but.. Why?! Is Magic the best way to go for something like this? I can’t attest to her acting capabilities. But based on her looks alone.. I can see her as a better fit for, KILLER FROST image

But I hope they know what they are doing. And I hope it works out for the best.

WILL SMITH/DEADSHOTimageOkay… How can I put this, so I don’t sound like a total.. Ass?… NOOO!! Why?!? Just. Stop. Do not pass go! Do not collect $200!! Okay. I’m not commenting negatively on Smiths acting prowess. I’m not. He just does not, fit? Smith is a very talented actor! He’s well on his way to finding that role that’s going to he him that Oscar nomination.. But he should stick to those types of films! I don’t want Will Smith in a DC or MARVEL film. I don’t wan him anywhere near these films at all. Look, there are those types of actors, that can play certain roles, while still being themselves! (If that makes any sense at all!) for example: Denzel Washington. Phenomenal actor! But we’ve seen him do alot of roles when it’s just. Denzel as so and so. He’s great in the role, but it’s Denzel every time. Samuel L. Jackson.. Nuff said! Sure his name is Nick Fury.. But, it’s Sam Jackson. Tom Hanks is another that comes to mind. This is not a knock on these guys talent. It’s just, how I see it. And I’m sure there are plenty of you who see it too! Well. Will Smith is no different. I’m afraid he just may be too big for Deadshot! I don’t want to see Will Smith as Deadshot… I want to see DEADSHOT! I want someone that’s not going to take away from the CHARACTER, I want someone who could vanish in to It and give the best performance possable. So, I’m not too happy with this bit of casting.. But if DC wants to do this and they feel confident enough to have Smith.. Then the best of luck to them.

Let me know what you think. Comment below, (PLEASE) or hit me up on the various social media sites that litter the interwebs! Thanks for your time!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!