Category Archives: Carrie Kelly/Robin

THE GIRL WONDER?! Should Carrie Kelly Be In Batman v Superman?!

imageHey folks, Multi-Verse back again to give my two cents on some, not so new news, but still pretty relevant.

The possibility of Jenna Malone playing Carrie Kelly (aka: Robin) in the upcoming BATMAN v SUPERMAN film.imageOMG! That would be so awesome! BUT…. NO! Don’t see that happening. At least in my opinion! Or, at least any time soon.

“You sexist basterd! Why would you even say that?! She’s perfect for the role! And it’s time for a female ROBIN! You backwards thinking male shovenist PIG!”

Whow! Settle down there, Sir and or Madame. (I can’t tell from here.) Thats not what I’m saying at all! Sure, at some point at some time, sure, Carrie Kelly could/should be involved in a Batman Film down the road. Just not now, and not this twenty something year old actress! (Who would be fine! I have nothing against an older version of Carrie Kelly/Robin, at all!)image


But when I hear all these other blog sites and so called “geek news” pages, speculating that she is Carrie and what ot means for the movie and so on and so forth. It drives me crazy! “OMG! Jenna Malone seen on set of BvS! And she’s changed her color to RED! That can only mean one thing!!” Really people?!? Is Carrie Kelly really the only Red Head in the Batman Universe?! And you folks are sometimes no better. “Yea! It makes sence, cause they’re doing the Dark Knight Returns storyline! So it has to be her!” NO! No it doesn’t! There is a Red Head that’s ten times more important the Carrie Kelly, that everyone seems to be looking over. BARBRA GORDON! AKA BATGIRL/ORICALEimageJenna Malone is the perfect build, age and look for a Barbra Gordon. We’ve seen her kick ass in The Hunger Games:Catching Fire. She would look awesome in the BATSUIT! And she’s a great actress!

“How would you explain the Oracle side of her story, smart ass?!”

Well. It’s rather simple. It’s already been established that this is a much older Batman. One that’s already had an established crime fighting career. Which means he’s been there and done that. Met this one and met that one. It would be a quick mention or explanation behind why she’s in a wheel chair. OR! They can scrap the whole wheel chair thing and have her be Oracle first. Then becoming BatGirl later on. Perhaps in the Batman stand alone films. Being a brilliant mind and computer hacker. She could be the voice in BatFlecks ear. That being said. The possibility of her being Barbra, does allow a strong chance for a NIGHTWING! Again, this is an older Batman. He could have had a 16-17 year old Robin, whom, in his mid to late twenties goes off to become NIGHTWING!

All of this is purely my opinion and my hopes and ideas for the future of the Bat-Franchise and a possible series of Bat-Family focused Films.

That begs the question: Should We Have A Carrie Kelly Robin? Sure! Why the hell not! But not now… BATGIRL, in my mind and heart, is far more important and deserving of her time in the spotlight!

Now, before I sign off for today. Allow me this moment to send out a very heartfelt, THANK YOU!! To everyone that follows an reads the nonsense I spew out all over your screens. Since the last two articles, I’ve gotten three or four new followers to my blog site. And I’m on cloud nine! I want to thank you all so much and I hope I don’t disappoint any of you. Those of you that have been following me from the start! You guys are extremely awesome! To my twitter Fam, THE JNS CREW! You guys know who you are.. THANK YOU! Your not only awesome. But the best! 😘😍😜

So, Until next time folks… Peace out!