Category Archives: Batman 75



Hey there, Ladies and Gentelnerds! It’s your Ol’ pal Multi-Verse here to spew out some more B.S for your reading pleasure! Now, As the year in which our beloved Caped Crusader Batman turned 75 comes to a close. I thought I would take the time to revisit a story I did way back when. It was my third or fourth article in this blog. image  “IS ‘THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS’ OVERRATED!??”

In the article I expressed my feelings toward the legendary tale, by Frank Miller. At the time I wrote the piece, I believed that it was.. Kind of.. Overrated! In one shape or another. It wasn’t until recently, that I realized what it was that made The Dark Knight Returns so special to so many people! It’s actually rather simple…

Before “TDKR” hit the shelves. All True Bat-Fans only had one represention of Batman outside the books… image The Adam West/Burt Ward Campy Cheesy Corny BATMAN TV series. Now affectionately referred as BATMAN ’66! Though millions of Bat-Fans grew up with this version of Batman and can trace their love for the character back to this show.. Over time, those same people grew up and realized what it was.. And they grew ashamed of it. (At the time.) Even the comics had a bit of camp to it through most of the late 60’s in to the 70’s. Then, when the 80’s came around, things changed. Times were getting.. Darker! Bleaker! Fucked up! Then all of a sudden, as Bat-Fans turned away from The Batman ’66 reruns, Something they had never seen before, hit the comic shelves!


Telling the tale, of an Old and Grimm Batman! It really did change the game in the world of comics. There’s no denying it! People of the time were like, “What the?! Batman!!, Theres Blood?! Cursing!? This is Badass!! HOLY SHIT, HE’S BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF SUPERMAN!!!??image

I thought I had outgrown comics!” Then Frank Miller said “Fuck that! Your comics are growing up with you, now read this shit son!” (Of course I’m paraphrasing here.)

The much Darker tales of the ‘Dark Knight’ didn’t stop there. Then came.. imageBATMAN! The one all other Bat-Films wish they could be!

This is where I started! Then, every week, 8pm eastern standard time. My parents and I  thrilled to the awesomeness that was and is.. imageBATMAN:THE ANIMATED SERIES! (Currently watching the complete first season on DVD. Soon, seasons 2-4 will be mine! Soon I will have my precious!!)

It wasn’t long after that, I started getting the comics. image

All my life! Batman has been Dark, Scary, Grimm, Sad, and Super-Badass!! So, when I finally came in to contact with the Masterpiece that is, The Dark Knight Returns. I was like.. What’s the big deal!? It’s not like it’s nothing I’ve ever seen before! Why is this so… Overrated?!?… But now I understand! It’s not Overrated at all!..

If I had grown up with Adam West for most of my childhood, and all of a sudden The Dark Knight Returns comes and totally changes my entire outlook on life! Like a cave man discovering fire for the first time!! I’ll hold that book to such high regard for the rest of my life!

I get it now.. And if I offeneded any other Bat-Fans with my beliefs back in that first article.. I apologize! I get it now! THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS… IS NOT OVERRATED!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!