Category Archives: Age Of Ultron


image Greetings folks, I am The Speculating Nerd! And today I want to take a moment to ponder aloud with you, the possible origins behind MARVEL STUDIO’s versions of QUICKSILVER and SCARLET WITCH!


Now, I say “Marvel Studios Version” because as most of you know. Marvel Studios shares the rights to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch with 20th Century Fox. The latter, being the current sole rights owners to the X-MEN UNIVERSE. Which means, anything MUTANT, belongs to FOX! Which is what Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are.. MUTANTS!

Then how can MARVEL use them in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON?! Its a rather weird loop hole, but since QS and SW spent most of their comic book lives within the pages of The Avengers.. Then, I guess, that gives Marvel co-ownership of the rights to them. Only one problem with that. THEY CAN’T BE MUTANTS! AND THEY CAN’T BE RELATED TO MAGNETO!image

But, that’s who they are?! How can they truly be QS and SW without that history?! How is Marvel going to explain their extraordinary powers?… WHAT THE FUCK?!?

One of the after credits scenes in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER was an underground HYDRA base under the command of BARON VON STRUCKER and they had two individuals locked up, and Baron called them ‘Miracles’!image That scene made all of us wonder if QS and SW are creations of HYDRA! But!.. Another theory has come to mind.. QUICKSILVER and SCARLET WITCH are INHUMANS!image

“But Mr.Speculator, sir.. How the fuck do you make that conclusion?!” Very simple Billy.

if you’ve been paying attention to MARVEL’s AGENTS OF SHIELD, you would know that this season has been laying the groundwork for the world of The Inhumans.

SPOILER ALERT!!!! WARNING! DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! LOOK OUT!! HEADS UP! GRENADE!! HIT THE DIRT! YOU MUST BE THIS TALL!! CAPACITY OF 3000 POUNDS!! I’ve run out of ALERTS! So… You’ve been warned damn it! In AGENTS OF SHILED’S mid season finale, SKYE was subjected to the TERRIGEN MISTS and obtained powers.. Just like all real Inhumans! In case you missed it..


Realizing that we are in fact 4 months away from AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON. I got to thinking about QUICKSILVER AND SCARLET WITCH and thier origins. And I had a thought. They never said nor implied in that short scene at the end of WINTER SOLDIER, that HYDRA had a direct hand in creating or giving QS and SW thier powers. Remember, HYDRA was SHIELD! They knew what they knew. They were ahead of SHIELD every step. Who’s to say HYDRA didn’t already discover a TERRIGEN MISTS chamber before SHIELD did?!? Hence “THIS IS AN AGE OF MIRACLES!”

HYDRA, may have been the first to discover the modern ages first set of Inhumans. I wouldn’t be surprised if its mentioned in AGENTS OF SHIELD in some fashion.

“But Mr.Speculater, Sir… I still don’t understand the shit your saying!” Well, Billy,  if you’d stop interrupting me you would get it! You little shit!

QUICKSILVER has had a very longstanding connection with The Inhumans, especially the Royal Family and Marrieing Black Bolts cousin Crystal and sireing a child with her. And basically it’s the most logical thing to do with thier back story. The Inhumans are the closest things Marvel Has to Mutants! It. Just. Makes. Sense!

Let me know what you folks think. Would it be Marvels best move to make thier QS and SW Inhumans? Do you have any other ideas or theories?! Let me know,.. You know where to find me..

(CLOSING SPECULATION: Quicksilver will be the one to die in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON!)

So! Until next time folks… Peace out!


“THE SPECULATING NERD” More Stupid Predictions In Geek/Fandom For 2015!

image Whats up! Me again. Don’t know, nor care if you enjoyed the last set of “Predictions” but I’m gonna do another! The Spirits within my magic BALLS are calling to me! And I must GRASP them and BUST a LOAD of Knowledge upon you!


That Will be the exact order of events that will transpire in the season opener of GAME OF THRONES!

THE ARKHAM KNIGHT… imageTurns out to be a brain washed NIGHTWING! In response to pissed off fans, ROCKSTEADY GAMES says, “We said ARKHAM KNIGHT was an original character! We never said the guy behind the mask was also!… So.. There ya go! Suck on that!”


With the vacancy left by the Greek Gods, The Norse Gods try to stake a claim upon the region.. Pissing off the Wrong SPARTAN in the process! (An original idea conceived by the games creator.. And one that would be cool for them to explore!)

AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON… imageAfter credits scene will be THANOS, eating HOWARD THE DUCK!

ITS HAPPINING! NO ITS NOT…THERE DOING IT! NOT ANYTIME SOON…imageROBERT DOWNEY JR, will continue to toy with our emotions regarding an IRON MAN IV! And we will love every minute of it!

More “PREDICTIONS” will come in the coming days.. So be ready to be mystified!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!