WOW!! WHAT A START TO THE YEAR FOR THE MULTI-VERSE TWITTER PAGE! We kicked things up to a thousand. With The First Annual #MondayMatchUps #TagTeamTournament

“The fuck is that?!”

It was a tournament in which, 32 people selected a Tag Team of Fighters. Made up of characters from Movies, Comics, Cartoons, Video games anything from the world of Geek! We saw some really awesome teams. The Teams were then placed in to two Groups. GROUP A and GROUP B. 16 Teams in each group. I then randomly placed them in to battles. In which the results/Votes were counted from who got the most Favorites or Retweets in that battle. The winner would advance to the next round. There were 4 Rounds in total. The 5th and final Round being the Championship.


Along the way. There were some surprises. Some upsets. And some very very close calls. In the end, it came down to two Teams!

The Team Of DR.DOOM and MAGNETO represented.. image

The master of magnetism. Magneto is considered the most powerful mutant, ever! DR. Doom. Tyrant, dictator, mystic.. All around badass! Lord of Latveria, Doom is a brilliant mind. Able to blur the line between Science and Magic. He is one of the few villains in comic history to have been able to single handedly take down both The Fantastic Four and The Avengers.

@Geometrick1598’s team swiftly beat almost any team it went against. Only a few came close.. But not close enough. What helped this team get to the Finals, Was the Power they possessed, and the Popularity they have among fans.

But Doom and Magneto, wasn’t the only team in the tournament that had those same qualities on their side.

Meet, Team Mean and Green! HULK and GREEN LANTERN! Representing.. imageGREEN LANTERN: The wielder of the Green power ring of WILL! Part of an intergalactic police force. Green lantern can project from his ring anything he can imagine. HULK… Is the HULK! An unstoppable force of Rage! The madder he gets, the stronger he becomes.

@GenteelSteel’s team.. Honestly.. DOMINATED his division. Nothing could withstand  the combined power of Rage and Will!

These are the powers that went against each other at the CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS!

“Are you getting to some kind of a point?!”

MY THOUGHTS: Looking at it from a completely unbiased perspective. (Although I already know the outcome.) Magneto could take Green Lantern, any day! No doubt about it. Doom, if given time to understand what Lantern’s Ring can do. He could come out on top. But that’s if he had time. Although Doom has a built in Computer in his mask that can record and analyze any opponents maneuvers. It would still take him time to put any strategy in to motion. This being a straight up fight. A Lantern/Doom fight could go either way. HULK on the other hand, given his frame of mind at the moment of the fight. If he was on rampage mode, good night Magneto. Doom has faced Hulk on many occassions and has had an upper hand in the fight thanks to his knowledge of magic. The enhanced strength he receives from his suit would help him face the hulk one in one. But not for an extended period of time. With Hulk on his side, Lantern would be golden. Probably would mostly have his hands full with Magnteo. But, depending on the scenario. Lantern could come out on top. Hulk is the Ace of this fight. He’s the winning card.

THE VERDICT: @Genteelsteel’s TEAM MEAN AND GREEN IS THE FIRST EVER #MondayMatchUps #TagTeamTournament CHAMPION’S! The votes were very close the first time out. But by days end. An overwhelming number of votes went in their favor.image

Making @Geometrick1598 THE FIRST EVER #MondayMatchUps #TagTeamTournament DIVISION CHAMPION!!image



@Vigilantesinc, @Rodakgunzrilla, @Comix4life, @Omegaslayer1011, @CastilloBobbi, @Malevolent14, @Joaghn_, @TravelByBubble, @Ozzyugi, @ColonelWoytuck, @TwimFan, @MrWadeWinWilson, @GirlsThatLift_, @Fangasmogoria, @The1stBat, @SupermanDc94, @BigJerm95, @wmking2425, @TheRapGeek19, @Zeroreax, @FunnyGuyChris, @xBaroothx, @MikeSchmidt09, @MarkVicFerrer, @StonedShaggy27, @Call_Me_Epic, @LuluSketches, @Sgsonny70 and @TheAngelicNerd A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL THESE FINE PEOPLE!

This was a great start to the year! Next Years Tournament will be even better! Stay tuned for March’s Singles Tournament!

So, until next time folks.. Peace out!


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