Monthly Archives: November 2014

LEGO SUPERHEROES UNITED! Could Lego Accomplish The Impossible?!

imageI was trolling around Instagram the other day and saw a very interesting post by a one @SuperheroFeed image

Yup! That’s the one!.. And the post was…


Yeah! That one! 👆. The post stated, “Is Lego, perhaps teasing the possibility of a Marvel/DC Lego Game Crossover?” With little Easter eggs  hidden at the end of each game. Honestly. I haven’t yet played any of these games and witnessed these “Eggs” But, the possibility of this coming into fruition, is… Tantalizing to say the least!

Sure. At this point in time. We will NEVER see a Marvel/DC Movie Crossover. We can’t completely rule out a future Comics Crossover someday, though, at this point THAT appears to be highly unlikely.  (But. one can hope! Fingers crossed) BUT! Could a Lego Crossover be our best chance. I sure as heck think so! If anyone can do it, it’s LEGO! Both companies love money. But they also love the fans! As does LEGO. There is awesome potentiol for Them to make massive amount of money if they make a game like this. And an even greater chance to please the fans, both young and old!

I really can’t see why either company wouldn’t want something like that! (Despite popular belief: Marvel and DC are cool with each other. We are the ones that fuel the rivalry) I can imagine a possable, conflict of intrests, that could hinder such a production. (We want this character to be in it. We want our character to do this. Our hero needs to save the day. Our villain needs to be the main villain) Stuff like that. These people are grown adults. So they can get over those simple things to make the best possable game, that pleases everyone.

Do, I want this to happen? HELL FUCKING YEAH! But the question I put to you folks is.. DO YOU?! Do you want this to happen? Do you think it should happen?! What would your concerns be? I want YOUR feed back on this. PLEASE! Comment below or hit me up on my various social media outlets and let me know your thoughts and feelings. Whichever is easier for you folks.

So, until next time folks… Peace out!





THE FF REBOOT: The Synopsis! (Me and Myself Discuss)

image(What the bloody hell is this crap!? I mean!… HOW DARE THEY!!) Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! What’s going on up there buddy!? (Don’t play dumb! You Know full well what’s going on! Did you not read this.. This, NONSENSE! They call a Synopsis for the giant load of Shit! That’s to be the FF reboot!) Yeah, I read it.. What’s the big deal? (WHAT!? Wha. What is wrong with you man! Have you gone bonkers!? “What’s the big deal?” Are you kidding me!?) Dude, calm down. I understand where your coming from. (It’s very simple! Four bloody astronaughts! Go into Space! Get walloped by COSMIC RAYS! And get FANTASTIC POWERS! What the bloody fuck is so hard about that!?) Well.. It’s been done before. And the end result wasn’t so good. (That was before! They should have smarter people behind this thing!) And they do. (But THIS is unacceptable!) Hold on. If I may…

This, “Take” if you will, on the origins of The Fantastic Four. Is a very BIG departure from the original story. (Big Departure? More like taking the comics and taking a giant shit on it!) .. As I was saying. It kinda falls right in line with what the comics is all about. Four people make an, extraordinary trip and come back and find themselves completley changed by this trip! NOW, I’m not saying I love this.. But, I can respect.. This, breath of freshness. So to speak. I find it to be very intriguing. Another thing that comes to mind is. What exactly, is this alternate and dangerous universe? Could it be our first live action version of, The Negative Zone!? Which could open the door for possibly an ANNIHILUS debut somewhere along the line! This is after all, a basic outline, for the synopsis of the film. We don’t really know how bad it will suck! Until we see it in action. Although I hate just about everything that has come out about this film. I find this news to be very interesting. So lets just wait and see what comes next before we go guns a’ blazing. Ok?

(… What the hell just happened here?!? I’m supposed to be the voice of reason in this.. Demented duo we have here! I’m the Voice in your head!! ME! I’m the brains! Not you! How did you just switch our roles like that?!)

I don’t know.. I just wanted to switch things up abit… (DON’T. EVER. DO. THAT. AGAIN!) No promises.

So, until next time folks… Peace out!



imageAvengers, Dinosaurs and Jedis!! Oh, My!! 2015 is shaping up to be a very solid year for us Nerds and Nerdettes. A good year to set us up for the next, five years of Nerd-Vana we have ahead of us! The other day, we were blessed by the great gods, Disney and LucasFilm and given our first looks in to STAR WARS EPISODE VII: THE FORCE AWAKENS. With two. That’s right, TWO! Versions of the trailer. One, released in select theaters around the country. And the Second, released world wide via the interwebs!

For those of you who missed it..

AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Sweet, sweet, Nerdgasm! My goodness I need a cigarette!

In all honesty, I’m not sure witch one came out where. But I LOVE this one! It has so much more interesting things going on. And the Star Wars theme at the end with the Millenium Falcon soaring in the sky and over the desert facing off against incoming Tie-Fighters! OMG! I got goosebumps! imageJ.J Abrams.. Is. A. Fucking genius!! But.. My goodness gracious… WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?!? As awesome as this trailer is. I don’t know what the hell is happening!image It basicly made up of random shots of whatever footage they have completed so far. It’s like. Awesome shot/cut to black/Epic shot/cut to black/ Another awesome shot/cut to black/ another Epic Shot!

The most I can tell from the trailer. Is that after the great battle in RETURN OF THE JEDI, Luke was and is the last remaining Jedi.. The Force has remained.. Stagnant  for so many years since then.. Until now! Something has “AWAKENED” both the Light and the Dark side of the FORCE! image( I don’t care what anybody says! I think that Lightsaber looks awesome!)

Another clear thing is..imageThe STORMTROOPERS got new Helmets!! Oh, and whatever was left of the EMPIRE is still out there and they are striking back with a vengeance! (See what I did there!)

We have to, literally, wait a whole YEAR! For EPISODE VII To hit theaters in December 2015. Thank goodness for us. We have so many other films to hold us over till then. I can’t wait! I m going to go dig out my original STAR WARS TRILOGY VHS BOX SET and watch those AND Episodes I, II, III as well. (I don’t care what anybody says! I respect the prequels for what they tried to be! Despite the poor acting, and lack luster Directing!)

So, until next time folks… Peace out!



Greetings Ladies and Gentelnerds! As I write this article, we are a day or so removed from Thanksgiving. Although this be late. I want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and a blessed and joyous holiday! Now that that crap is out of the way…

Earlier this week we were treated to the release of the first ever “JURASSIC WORLD” trailer! If you live under a damn rock! Here it is, for your viewing pleasure!

Awesome! Am I right?! Where to begin?.. Apparently, Jurassic Park, now labeled Jurassic World (ala, Sea World) is now up and running. N-GENE has finally figured out how to make John Hammonds dream come true!imageFrom the very start of the trailer it’s clear to us that much like Sea World, the park has its fair share of visitors. And is working full on and has been doing so for a very long time.

imageBut of course, like most conglomerates, N-GENE big wigs and JW show runner, played by the lovely Brice Dallas Howard, want to try and spice things up at the first sight of slumping sales. Decide to create the first ever HYBRID DINOSAUR.. (Do I smell disaster waiting to happen?!? Or is that the massive amounts of dead bodies that are littering the park!?)

At this moment, Universal Pictures have not released any form of what this Dino is, nor what it looks like. (Below is what is rumored to be the “LEAKED” pic of said HYBRID.  Personally, I have no clue whether its real or not. But, I felt l should share the pic with you guys and gals anyway.)


It would appear that the HYBRID, is most likely part T-REX and part.. Uhm..image Whatever the hell this is!! Another thing that’s suggested about the HYBRID, is that it could very well be larger then the great SPINOSAURUS, of JP3 Fame!


( That of course! Is purely based on speculation on my part. Just so you know.)

Our hero of the film is none other then Chris “STARLORD” Pratt! Who plays some sort of Games keeper of the park, who takes it upon himself to find this ‘possibly’ escaped Dino! And at his disposal. Are you ready for this?.. Have some clean-x  ready folks, for this awesome Nerdgasm that’s about to hit ya!

To help him hunt down this HYBRID, He has at his disposal, A PACK OF VELOCIRAPTORS!!


Tell me you didn’t bust a load as soon as you saw that! Yeah you did!

This trailer was very solid for a first one. It hit all the right notes. I seriously can’t wait for June 2015!

If there’s anything that stood out to you from this trailer. Please feel free to hit me up and let me know what you thought of it as well. Thats going to do it for me folks. Thanks for joining me,

So, until next time folks… Peace out!





THE GIRL WONDER?! Should Carrie Kelly Be In Batman v Superman?!

imageHey folks, Multi-Verse back again to give my two cents on some, not so new news, but still pretty relevant.

The possibility of Jenna Malone playing Carrie Kelly (aka: Robin) in the upcoming BATMAN v SUPERMAN film.imageOMG! That would be so awesome! BUT…. NO! Don’t see that happening. At least in my opinion! Or, at least any time soon.

“You sexist basterd! Why would you even say that?! She’s perfect for the role! And it’s time for a female ROBIN! You backwards thinking male shovenist PIG!”

Whow! Settle down there, Sir and or Madame. (I can’t tell from here.) Thats not what I’m saying at all! Sure, at some point at some time, sure, Carrie Kelly could/should be involved in a Batman Film down the road. Just not now, and not this twenty something year old actress! (Who would be fine! I have nothing against an older version of Carrie Kelly/Robin, at all!)image


But when I hear all these other blog sites and so called “geek news” pages, speculating that she is Carrie and what ot means for the movie and so on and so forth. It drives me crazy! “OMG! Jenna Malone seen on set of BvS! And she’s changed her color to RED! That can only mean one thing!!” Really people?!? Is Carrie Kelly really the only Red Head in the Batman Universe?! And you folks are sometimes no better. “Yea! It makes sence, cause they’re doing the Dark Knight Returns storyline! So it has to be her!” NO! No it doesn’t! There is a Red Head that’s ten times more important the Carrie Kelly, that everyone seems to be looking over. BARBRA GORDON! AKA BATGIRL/ORICALEimageJenna Malone is the perfect build, age and look for a Barbra Gordon. We’ve seen her kick ass in The Hunger Games:Catching Fire. She would look awesome in the BATSUIT! And she’s a great actress!

“How would you explain the Oracle side of her story, smart ass?!”

Well. It’s rather simple. It’s already been established that this is a much older Batman. One that’s already had an established crime fighting career. Which means he’s been there and done that. Met this one and met that one. It would be a quick mention or explanation behind why she’s in a wheel chair. OR! They can scrap the whole wheel chair thing and have her be Oracle first. Then becoming BatGirl later on. Perhaps in the Batman stand alone films. Being a brilliant mind and computer hacker. She could be the voice in BatFlecks ear. That being said. The possibility of her being Barbra, does allow a strong chance for a NIGHTWING! Again, this is an older Batman. He could have had a 16-17 year old Robin, whom, in his mid to late twenties goes off to become NIGHTWING!

All of this is purely my opinion and my hopes and ideas for the future of the Bat-Franchise and a possible series of Bat-Family focused Films.

That begs the question: Should We Have A Carrie Kelly Robin? Sure! Why the hell not! But not now… BATGIRL, in my mind and heart, is far more important and deserving of her time in the spotlight!

Now, before I sign off for today. Allow me this moment to send out a very heartfelt, THANK YOU!! To everyone that follows an reads the nonsense I spew out all over your screens. Since the last two articles, I’ve gotten three or four new followers to my blog site. And I’m on cloud nine! I want to thank you all so much and I hope I don’t disappoint any of you. Those of you that have been following me from the start! You guys are extremely awesome! To my twitter Fam, THE JNS CREW! You guys know who you are.. THANK YOU! Your not only awesome. But the best! 😘😍😜

So, Until next time folks… Peace out!


THE FANTASTIC FOUR REBOOT: Is Fox Deliberately Trying To F*#€ This Up?!?


Domashev!.. Dom-a-shev!?… DOMASHEV????!! What the FUU-

(We interrupt this very lengthy F-Bomb and profanity filled series of words to bring you a little something more family friendly…

(Now back to your regularly scheduled rant. Already in progress..)


(OKAY! He’s not done yet… Uhm.. Quick! Give them another family friendly video!..

*pant, pant, pant… SIGH…* (“You okay pal? Got it all out?”) ……..    …..

FUCKING FUCKERS!! Sigh! Now I’m done!

(“What was all that about anyway?!”) Did you not hear what Tobey Kebel said about his “Version” of Dr.Doom they are doing in the FANTASTIC FOUR REBOOT?! (“Oh! The bit about Being called DOMASHEV? Is it?!”) Yeah! DOMASHEV! An anti-social PROGRAMMER!! He’s not even Latvarian! He’s not a Dictator! He’s not named Von Doom!… And dear god!!… They’ve made him the lowest of the low… A BLOGGER!!!! A Blogger!?!? (Your a blogger.”) EXACTLY!!

(“Well. You can’t expect them to stick so close to the books. Creative licenses, and all that.”) Why not!? How hard could it be to make him a despot from a foreign country who has it in for Reed Richards!? (“That’s just it! They’ve tried that before and look how well that turned out. It’s time for an upgrade. Switch things up abit and try something new.”) Are you Insane?! (“I’m not the one conversating with ones self!”)  hmm, touché. But it not right! Stripping VON DOOM of everything that makes him who he is.. Is ridiculous! (“It’s not the first time that was done with a character and it worked extremely well the last time.”) What chu talkin’ ’bout Willis?! (“I’m certain folks will get that reference.. What I am talking about, friend. Is Heath Ledgers JOKER! In the Dark Knight, Joker was not named Jack, he did not become Red Hood, he did not fall in a batch of chemicals and come out all fucked up. But! He was and will always be considered The Greatest and Best Interpritation of The Joker. Ever! Why?”) uhm…. (” Because he inbodied the core of the character and what makes him who he is!”) Why does it seem you have most of the brains in this outfit? (“That’s just how you write me.”) Ah ha! But it’s just not the same thing in my eyes. Dr. Doom, works one way and one way only. He just does! (“Understandable. But you have to give it a chance.”) Just one chance! Only one! If this turns out to be the load of giant dinosaur crap that it already sounds like its going to be. I’m DONE! Until the rights go back to Marvel. IM DONE! (“I’m with you there, friend.”)

Until next time folks… Peace out!


Another Me And Myself Debate: THE SUICIDE SQUAD MOVIE!


Hey, uhm, you there?! (“Sigh.. Yea?! Where else would I be?!”) Cool! Uh, apparently. A lot of folks seemed to enjoy our last debate. So I was thinking.. Maybe we can do it again? (“…… Your stupidity ceases to amaze me. You DO realize that I’m not…. Forget it! What’s this about?”) THE SUICIDE SQUAD MOVIE! (“Ah! Ok. What about it?”) Well. There seems to be a shit load of  rumors flying around about the casting. Maybe we could try and clear the air a bit and shed some light on some key things?! (“Ok.. I’m game! Lets see what’s in the old memory banks over here.. .. Nope! Not that!….  … Can’t believe you still haven’t let go of that one! Hold on.. Aha! Found it! Ok.. Says here, Will Smith is being considered for a role!”) Yeah.. NO! (“Why not?!”) I don’t want him anywhere near a comic book movie. At all! (“Hey, he’s a pretty good actor.”) Sure he is! That doesn’t mean he should be in this type of movie! (“Now hold on. Says here, he’s up for… Black Spider?!…”) yea, exactly. Do you honestly believe someone with the “star power” of Will Smith be interested in a two or three tired character?! Come on! He’s not gonna settle for anything less then lead role!? Plus! He’s just not right for this universe! (” okay.. I agree with you on those points. So, are you trying to say he should have a role in the Marvel U?!”) HELL NO!! Let him keep Pursuing Happyness or something! (” looks like the beautiful Marrgoit Robbie is playing our favorite, HARLEY QUINN!”) Yea, hasn’t been fully/offically confirmed, yet, but it sounds great. I’ve seen the fan made mock ups and she looks just like Harley. (“But! On the off chance of she not being Harley.. Who can she play?”) KILLER FROST! Is most likely the next best choice. (“Lets, see.. Tom Hardy, Ryan Gosling, Jai Courtney, and several other names have been floating around also.”) yes they have. But Tom Hardy’s name is being brought up for everything now a days. From XMEN:APOCOLYPSE to *PRINCESS AND THE POAPER*! (“Not an actual movie folks! Just so ya know!”) Plus, he’s also signed up to play Elton John in a biopic about the musician. So I can’t even imagine if he’s going to even have time to participate in this new DCU. (“For those of you who don’t know. Tom previously portrayed BANE in the last Batman film. So I can’t imagine if he’s even actually considered for this film at all!”) Good point! Although he could probably rock KGBEAST! As for Gosling, I can picture him as a Captain Boomerang. Assuming BOOMERANG is even involved in this version of the Squad that they’re making. Jai Courtney is Currently rumored to be thier choice for DEADSHOT! (” I can see that working.”) Agreed. But again, all of this is pure speculation. (“Of course. I for one. Believe they should go with smaller name stars. Ones that wouldn’t take the focus away from the characters that they are playing.”) Good point. But they should at least have a few big names to carry the picture. (“Perhaps.”) So. Before we conclude this article. Is there anything else? (“Saved the most interesting for last. JARED LETO as The Joker!”) Well! First things first! Hell Yes! He is a tremendous talent. And is exactly the kind of star power I was talking about. That being said.. It’s no where near official! It’s not confirmed! But it is a strong possibility at this point. With some of the comments that he has said recently. It does look that’s where thing are going. But we still don’t know for sure.  (“Well. It’s very clear DC/WB is trying to feed on some of the success of Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy. And presenting a low level property on the forefront. It’s going to be fun to see where things will go.”) Indeed. But before we sign off I want to address something. (“What’s that?”)

I know we fans are SUPER excited for the upcoming comic book movies and we are very eager to find out all the info that we can. And I understand that it’s fun to speculate and debate on Who’s going to be who and who should be who! But with all this excitement, must come caution in what we report to each other and what we read in social media. Unless it comes from WB/DC, or MARVEL STUDIOS or the respected studios or company’s that are behind these films. NOTHING SHOULD BE TAKEN AS TRUTH!! Nothing at all! Unless there’s a full blown press release from the studios. Then it’s most likely nnot true! So please folks. Read carefully the news reports and such. And to those who do ‘Report’ on these things. Please be careful what you post! Be more responsable with your news giving. I think you owe that much to your readers and followers to respect them enough to give them the truth!

(“and cue shooting star and the rainbow peacock, THE MORE YOU KNOW! You should think about being a public service announcer..”)

Oh, shut up you!

Until next time folks… Peace out!


KRYPTON! The Series!?(A Me and Myself Debate)

Twitter Pal and Follower (@ExgladioEquitas) presented the question.

“What are your thoughts on David Goyers’ possable, KRYPTON series?!”

HM!… How can I put this…. Who the fuck cares about Krypton?!? Seriously! I know I don’t! If you do! More power to you! But, really?! Who wants to watch a one hour program about a place that birthed the worlds greatest superhero?! (“Uhm, you do!”) What? (“You never miss an episode of GOTHAM!”) Well. That’s different! (“How so?”) Gotham is full of nearly endless possablities of stories and drama and.. Awesomeness! (“Im detecting a sense of favoritism!”) Not at all! We already know what the heck happens to Krypton. It blows up! There’s only so far that story can go. Where as “Gotham” has the freedom to cover several years worth of action and storytelling. Even before Bruce Wayne leaves to train overseas! Where as “Krypton” was never givin any kind of expansive back story. ( “Doesn’t that give whoever would be behind KRYPTON, The creative freedom to make new stories, new adventures?”) I guess. But- (“Also. We could get some back story on some of  the things that went down on Krypton. The creation of DOOMSDAY for example. The birth of Brainiac perhaps! Zods back story would be intriguing”) Your point is well made sir. (“I know.”) How did you get to be so smart? (“The Fuck should I know! I’m just the voice in your head, that you feel to give life too in these stupid blogs of yours!”) A-Ha! Well.. That’s.. Very true. But! Non the less. You make a valid point on just some of the things that could make a KRYPTON based show work. (“Sure! Give me credit as if I’m actually here! Shit! Will someone get this man some help!?!”) At the moment I’m still not intrested in such a project. AT ALL! But, I’m open to some convincing. Just make it good!

Thats it from us. (“IT’S JUST YOU JACK ASS!”) Hope you liked this article! If so, subscribe or follow, whatever it is you have to do. Comment. Or hit me up where ever else you can find me.

So, until next time folks.. Peace out!


What I Hope To See/Not See In BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT!


I had a brain freeze for the next blog so i put it out on Twitter for anyone to give me some suggestions and ideas. So, Good Buddy and Twitter follower (@Zeroreax) suggested I tackle, BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT! I decided to make it a list of what I hope to see/not see in the upcoming game. Lets get started.

1. I WANT TO SEE.. More multiple playable storylines with different characters!


ARKHAM CITY Is my favorite out of the current line up of Arkham Games. One of the main reasons was because of the CATWOMAN angle of the storyline. It was really cool following an interconnected story within a single game. And the bonus HARLEY QUINN’S REVENGE, We got to play as ROBIN. Which was really fun. I hope to see that aspect of the game return for this installment. And not only as a bonus DLC add-on. If this is to be the last ARKHAM game. I want a massive, Multi-layered story. One in which that incorporates many of the members of the  Bat-Family. As we approach the games release, It’s been announced that a DLC Bonus story featuring The RED HOOD, is available and a Game Stop exclusive Harley Quinn “Chalange Map” (if I’m not mistaken) is also out there. So, so far so good in that department.

2. I DON’T WANT TO SEE.. A rediculous amount of unnessesary upgrades! He’s BATMAN! Just how much more perfect does he need to be!? I understand the need to increase the amount of playtime you want a player to invest in to a game. But hot damn! That has to be one of the things I disliked about AC and AO! Upgrade the gadgets, the suits, and some of the takedowns. But please, keep it to a minimum.

3. I WANT TO SEE.. A real Two player experience. Not a lot of folks liked the multiplayer aspect of ARKHAM ORIGINS. But including an actual story centric two player mode where you can team Bats with, Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, hell I want BATGIRL in this jam! (But, Barbra is ORACLE in the game?!) So what!?! It’s a game! Put her in the suit and let her kick some ass! [ Now I know there is no chance in hell that they will include ANY form of Two Player Mode in AK. But a nerd can dream can he?]

4. I DON’T WANT.. The Riddler to have so much shit stashed around the city! Please.. Three games and I’m alittle Riddler-Fatigued.. (Although, I enjoy every minute he’s in the Gotham TV series) What AO did right and improved/repeated from AC, was mix it up abit with the amount of non riddler tasks that littered the city. If that to be done again. Bring in new villains. I think we’ve taken cared of MadHatter, DeadShot, Killer Croc, and Poison Ivy and Zazaz Two times too many. Lets switch it up abit more with this one.

5. I DO WANT.. More BatSuits… Nuff said!

6. I DON’T WANT.. Hard as hell trophy tasks! My goodness. AO made me do so much crap to get one trophy it was rediculous! Go back to the simple trophy achievements of AA and AC! And PLEASE! No more freeflow combat ones! It’s next to impossible to do an 80x FreeFlow Combo! SO DON’T ASK ME TO DO IT TO GET A DAMN TROPHY!


8. I DON’T WANT.. The ARKHAM KNIGHT to be a throw away Villian. Or a lame one at that. They are not giving us too much info about AK, but here’s hoping its something really unexpected.

9. I DON’T WANT.. ANYMORE FREAKING CONCEPT ART! I mean, for shits sake, give it a rest! If your gonna give some kind of bonus prize for completing a certain task. Give me an unlockable character!! (See number 1 on this list for further details.) Just please. No more concept art!

I guess that’s gonna do it for me. If you agree or disagree with anything here. Or if you have anything to add, please feel free to comment below or hit me up at my usual haunts.

I admit it. Not my strongest article. But fuck it. Take it or leave it!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!





WHAT IF?!?.. Batman Belongs In The Marvel Universe!!


I for one, believe in the “multiverse” theory! The theory in which there are and or IS a series of alternate earths in which every road that was not traveled, is traveled. For every action there is a reaction. Therefore for every other action, there is yet another reaction. Lets say you went to NYU, found a good job, married, had kids and so on and so forth.

image OR! perhaps. You had went to University Of Miami. Fall for a bad woman. She gets you in to the drug trade. Several murders disappearances and back stabbings later. Your the worlds most profitable drug dealer with a cartel that spans from Cuba, to the great white north and beyond!image In one such reality, I can imagine. Every month a comic book company, called Marvel Comics publishes one of the greatest characters to ever grace the world of comics.. BATMAN!image

*SCREAMS OF PURE HORROR* “BLASPHEMY!!!!”, “HANG HIM!” “HOW DARE YOU!?” “KILL HIM!!” “BURN HIM!!”imageWhoa there! Hold your horses. Before you grab your pitch forks and torches. Please allow me to indulge in my innocent little fantasy!

I LOVE! Batman. Just as much as I LOVE Marvel! So, in my twisted little mind. I can picture Batman, living within the Marvel Universe. It would be pretty damn epic! I mean, lets face it folks. Batman is probably the most “Marvel-esque” character within DC Comics. He is as interesting and intriguing as a Marvel Character. He’s as complex as a Marvel Character. And he’s as Bad Ass as a Marvel Character!

“BATMAN IS DC! He would never fit in with Marvel! It would never work! Plus, he could kick every Marvel characters ass! So shut up and die!”

Okay.. Well. Lets examine your, claims. Shall we. “BATMAN would never fit in theMarvel Universe.”

On many occasions, DC and MARVEL have collaborated together, to put together some of the best inter-company crossovers. Some, on Epic Scales, like…

MARVEL vs DC:image


Other stories were on much smaller scale. But still pretty cool, like…





And last but not least, BATMAN/CAPTAIN AMERICA!


The beautiful thing about The Bat, is that, he’s.. Somewhat, a universal character. Put him in the right situation, with(or without) the right people. And it WORKS! To say that BATMAN wouldn’t fit in because of the type of character he is. You might as well include the DCU for that matter. His character doesn’t completely meld with some of all the bright and shininess that makes up the DCU. In my opinion. The DCU had to darken itself up, just to fit in WITH BATMAN. Where as the MCU has a perfect balance of both Light and Dark. Could you just imagine! BATMAN vs DOCTOR DOOM! BATMAN and DR.STRANGE take on the deadly alliance, of RA’s AL GOUL and MORDO! Come on!! Every issue would be one epic after another! So many possibilities.


Not at all! Gotham could easily co-exist with New York! Probably the city itself, could be an extension of New York State. Perhaps another island city off its coast perhaps?! And Arkham Island could be an extension of JERSEY!? (Hey! That could work! 😝) And to your comment about kicking everyone’s ass! Batman could easily defeat the entire DCU… Literally.. He can. So…. Your argument is invalid!

Please! Do not mistake these words as a slight to the DCU. Not at all! I LOVE and RESPECT DC! No matter what! I Just Think God should have placed BATMAN in the MARVEL universe!

I REPEAT! This is just me and my stupid fantasy! (Which happens to be a pretty awesome fantasy!!) Well! That will have to do it for me folks! If you have something to add to this. Please feel free to comment below. Or hit me up on Twitter (@GonzoNeo) or Instagram (@Neophoinexdragon) and if you haven’t already. PLEASE FOLLOW OR SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG! I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!


“Hmm, Odd?! I wonder who that could be, at this time a night? …..  …

“OH! FUUUCK!”image