Monthly Archives: June 2014

I Want To Live In Gotham City!

I love comics! Everything about them. From the art to the writing, from the covers to the staples. Hell! I love the smell of comics. The feel of a book in my hands is almost Nerdgasim inducing.

I got to thinking.. (Which is rare for me..) Why, DO!, I love comics so much? Then I simply look at the world around me, (the fucked up ghetto south Bronx) and I see all the fucking bull shit that goes on here.. Hell, even the craziness around the world is fucked up. I don’t know why I’m so socially conscious. I don’t know why the way the world is effects me so damn much… I really wish I knew WHY?!? Why the fuck do I care so fucking much?!

Then I realize, THATS why I love comics! It’s an escape! An escape, from all of this!! I want to live in Gotham City! Yeah, I know that’s a city of serious psychopaths, and lunacy.. But you know what!? At least I’ll know, there’s a Batman out there trying to make the city a better place for all of us! There’s also Metropolis! (Not the Man Of Steel movie Metropolis! That place is half waste land and rubble and that Superman doesn’t know how to take a fight to outer space!) Sure. Whether its metropolis, Gotham, Star City, Coast City, or Marvel’s version of Manhatten. The world is under constant threat of Annihilation! But no matter what. The good guys always win in the end, and the world is better for it.

Comics hold within them, world of endless possablities. The hold up a mirror to our society and show us what’s wrong with us and how we can somehow make it better! I love the heroes, the villians, the stories, the excitement! I LOVE COMICS!..

Shit! I wouldn’t mind being enslaved by Ultron!…. It’ll probably beat haveing to deal with all this bullshit!! HAIL ULTRON!!

Until next time folks… Peace out!

The Great Shame of Marvel/DC Comics..

imageMarvel and DC comics are Adored, admired, and respected through out the world! But the Big Two (as they are known) hold a (In my opinion) Great Shame within their respective histories.

To this day, there are many Writers and Artist, that built these companies up way back when they were known as Timely Comics(Marvel) and Atlas Comics(DC) That have still not been given compinsation for their successful creations! We all know of Bill Fingers’ GrandDaughter fighting for the rights for just recognition for His part in Creating Batman! But there are those who are still fighting for some compinsation. Most recently Jack ‘King’ Kirby!

Im nowhere near intelligent enough to go in to proper details of what’s going on. I don’t speak Legal-ese! But I can say this! Give them their fucking rights!! Compinsate them for their work, that continues to make you money! Sure. They were paid for the work they did at the time. But, seriously! Is it fair that you, Marvel/DC, are making a humongous shit load of money off of characters that these men created for you. And they still live off of… What exactly? Did they get a nice check in the mail when Captain America came out? Or how about when Avengers broke records!? Do I know for sure they weren’t compensated? No I don’t! If not though, Shame on them! Shame, Shame, Shame! These men made you what you are! If not for people like Simon and Shuster, or Kirby, or FINGER! Or Denny O’niel or STAN THE MAN LEE!! You would have nothing!! No Batman, no Spider-Man, no Superman! You really would have gone out of business way back in the 30’s and 40’s.

I’m just a simple guy who believes in common curtisie. Common sense. Fairness. These Writers and Artist are not asking for much but what is Fair! Give them what the deserve. Forget all the legalities of contracts and crap and do what is right, by the people who gave you everything you have.

But, this is just my thoughts an opinions on this situation. Probably not my strongest blog. But I reall wanted to address the unfairness that Marvel and DC is showing to The creators of our Heroes!

So, until next time folks… Peace out!


My Seven Most Anticipated Summer Movies!

MY SEVEN MOST ANTICIPATED SUMMER MOVIES!imageWhy only seven you ask?.. Well lets face it, Summers almost over(Thank GOD!!! I’ve been sweating in places I didn’t think had fucking sweat glands to begin with!!) In any event. These are the only movies that are coming out on these last few summer months that actually intrest me enough, for me to say, “I’m actually anticipating this movie!”

There is a difference in this list, compared to my previous lists. In my other lists, though things were in numerical order. Non of the subjects shared the value of the number of which it was placed. This time, I’m ranking these film accordingly! Now, on to the show!


7. Coming in at nĂºmero 7. Is Hercules! Starring Dwayne (the Rock) Johnson. The sole reason this movie appears on this list is because of Johnson. The reason it appears on the bottom of my list is because of a small, simple fact. I thoroughly enjoyed the trailer when it first came out. I was dragged in to the action and effects and whatever the premise seemed to be at the time. Then!…. He talked!.. It lost me the moment The Rock yelled out “I AM HERCULES!!!” I could not help myself, but laugh at this moment. I was like shit! There letting him talk in this movie?! Fuck! Now don’t get me wrong. I believe Dwayne can act. It’s just that, the kind of Hercules I could really picture him playing would be, The Strong, Silent Badass of all of Greece and stuff! My favorite Dwayne Johnson movie of all his films, is FASTER. A film that rested only on his growing acting talent and not his mouth! That, to me, has been his best work to date. Another hesitation I have toward this film is the director.. Brett Ratner..X-3… Nuff said… But dispite all that! I am looking forward to seeing this movie. And the newest trailer has further peeked my interest!


6. SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR falls at number six because I was waiting for this movie since last year! And since than several movies have come out to take its place in my list. But, none the less, it’s SIN CITY! I loved the first one. The style was revolutionary. And Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez are returning to helm this film. I’m on board. And the list of talent that’s in this movie is really awesome! I just can’t wait to see it.


5. Coming in the number five slot, is LUCY! Starring the oh so Talented and Beautiful Scarlett Johanson. I have heard of this movie but knew nothing about it until very recently, when I finally saw the trailer. I thought it was a straight up action film. Where Scarlett was gonna be kicking ass and taking names! Black Widow style! At the start of the trailer, I got the feeling that she was a spy playing the innocent girl role and it backfires on her. But then I realize, holy shit! This is coming and going somewhere very different.. I like it!! It borrows off a premise which was touched on in a film called LIMITLESS! Which starred Bradley Cooper as a hopeless writer who is given a drug that expands his mind (Meaning, instead of using 10% of his brain, he was able to use ALL of it!) it made him smart and shit! It really was a good movie and I highly recommended you folks see it. But this takes that idea, and totally takes it to the superhero max! I am looking forward to this not just because of Scarlett, or the action and badass SciFi tone it’s taking. But because, hopefully! This movie will show Marvel Studios, (that surprisingly three awesome turns as Black Widow hasn’t) That Scarlett is a very successful, talented, convincing leading action star, more then capable of carrying a film on her own and give her a fucking stand alone Black Widow Movie already!!


4.TRANSFORMERS 4:AGE OF EXTINCTION! The last two Transformers films, as enjoyable and awesome as they were, were still lacking in the awesome plot and premise department. This (possibly last installment of the franchise) holds alot of promise. With a new cast, lead by Marky Mark himself, Mark Whalberg. And a new set of Transformers( Both autobot and decepticon. Respectively) this is looking to be the best one yet. I mean, come on! OPTIMUS PRIME, WITH A SWORD, ON GRIMLOCKS FUCKING BACK!! It don’t get anymore Needgasmic then that!!



2!! Nah seriously. With the release of the latest trailer, I am even more excited for this movie. Then I have ever been. I was stoked when they even announced they were making this movie. Then I heard Micheal Bay was involved, I was like.. Okay that’s cool. I’m sure he’ll do a good job. Then the whole Aliens thing came out and I was like, “WHAT THE FUCK?? ALIENS!!?? MAN FUCK MICHEAL BAY!! WHO THE FUCK DOES HE THINK HE IS?” Clearly he heard all of us and that was quickly scrapped! (Thank The Lord!) Then I found out he was only producing, NOT directing! And then I was like hell fucking yeah! As the months progressed, and more and more was released about the film. My excitement ebbed and flowed from high to moderately intrested. This new trailer has completley renewed my faith and anticipation for this film! COWABUNGA DUDES!!


2. DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES! The original Planet of the Apes is truly a timeless classic that heralds from our Grandparents and Parents time. That alone spawned many sequels and (maybe a couple) of prequels. None of which I have seen. But now am very interested in doing so. I greatly enjoyed RISE OTPA! I am proud to call it “MY” POTA Movie and Hopefully the start of something great with equally great sequels to follow! I sense major franchise here! It was a great idea to start from the beginning, and hopefully we will have our own Planet Of The Apes film! Maybe that’s where it will end for this go around of Ape films. But, Damn I will be happy with that kind of Trilogy! The Final Trailer that was recently released blew my mind. This one is going to make RISE  pale in comparison. With talent like Andy Serkis and Gary Oldman! This movie is going to be so fucking awesome! I seriously can’t wait! APES ON FUCKING HORSES, PEOPLE!



NUMBER 1!!! GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY! From the moment they announced this movie I was already nerdgasiming all over the inside of my pants!! (TMI I know. But whatever!) In all honesty, I didn’t care for the very original team way back when I was a little kid! I didn’t grow to love them until way later and I picked up a graphic novel known as “THE THANOS IMPERITIVE” featuring the newer upto date Guardians we know now! It was love at first sight! And the fact that THIS team is going to be on the big screen! Is OMG awesome! Most are right when they say Marvel pulled this one out of nowhere! And they ARE right! Guardians was not their biggest seller until very recently. And mostly because of the team, that is the Guardians at this point. Trully a very diverse cast of characters. This is the biggest risk Marvel has and will ever take at this point.. (Look me up when Strange and AntMan come around) film wise. I am mega hyped for this movie and can’t wait for it to come out. Everything about it I absouloutly love. From the cast to the trailer I’m on board 99%…. But, Neo! What’s that One percent?!.. Well, my one and only concern right now is, the acting ability of a one Mr. Dave Batista.. Drax is a pretty important character in my book. I’ve grown up with Drax since “THE INFINITY WATCH” I’m just a little concerned with his casting and his role in this film. Really wished Jason Momoa had taken the role… But son of a bitch got offered AQUAMAN! (can’t blame him for taking that instead… Fucking DC…)

So! That’s it! My top seven! Hit me up on twitter @GonzoNeo or right here in the comment section below! Let me know your thoughts, if any! What movie are you hyped for?! Let me know!

And until next time folks…. Peace out!

Hollywoods Four Favorite R’s

Hollywoods Four Favorite R-Words..

1. ReMake: Why come up with anything original, when we can take something old and remake it again and make it better. More relevant, more hip, more happening and more up to date! Who gives a shit if its an all time classic.. If we can make money off it.. REMAKE IT!!

2. ReBoot: Lets take a dying or dead and buried franchise. And just start from scratch. Should we use the same formula that was established in the very first successful film? Or just shit all over it and do something else and just slap the name on it?!.. Lets see how I’m feeling after lunch!

3. ReImagine: hey! Remember that funny TV show? Lets put on the big screen and make it a drama!! Or that cartoon we grew up with, lets see what happens if we put the character in the real world?! Or how about that TV Drama.. Lets make it a comedy based on a TV show!

4. ReDo: okay, that last movie never happened. Lets wait a year or two and we’ll try that again! But make it less shitty!

God Bless America!

Until next time folks… Peace out!

Bill, Bob and the Bat!(Celebrating 75yrs of the BAT!)

(A reminder to you wonderful ladies and gentelnerds. The following blog, is formed from information that I have gotten one thousandth hand, and am recalling from memory. I was not around in the 1930’s.. I did not chill out with the following legends that appear in this blog…. Ok, I think I legally covered my ass enough with that…)

Way back, in 1939. A business man turned comic book writer/illustrator, named Bob Kane creates what was and still is considered the greatest modern Superhero of all time!!….. Or so we thought!

It has come to light over the past year and a half, that the man we thought had created our beloved Batman. Really didn’t do a damn thing other then come up with a form of the concept of a masked Vigilantie! It was all a lie… One, huge, big fat, dirty, rotten, underhanded, LIE!!

A comic book artist  named Bill Finger, was tasked by Bob Kane, who was in turn tasked by DC Comics to create a new hero. Bobs ideas of course fell short with the head honchos. So asked Bill Finger for some help. Bill asked, what ideas he had in mind. Basically every idea was nothing more then a rip off of previous characters that came before, Robin Hood, The Spirit, The Phantom, and The Shadow to name a few. Bill, I guess, got the idea of where Bob was trying to go. And so came up with a series of sketches, and ideas of a masked hero. They settled on the idea of a BATMAN! They both came up with their own designs and Bob took them to the head honchos of DC and showed them. They liked Bills version better then Bobs, unfortinutly, they didn’t know it was Bills designs. Bob Kane took the credit for it. And he took the credit for everything else that Bill had came up with. The BatMobile, The BatCave, Gotham City, Catwoman, Riddler, Joker, Penguin… Pretty much every damn thing we know and love about The Batman and Everything inside and out of his universe was created by BILL FINGER! The fact that he’s a billionaire, who witnessed his parents murder at a young age, and decided to dress up as a Bat to frighten his enemies. All of that! Was BILL FINGER!! And Bill Finger alone. And Mr. Kane “Wormed” himself a deal and contract with DC Comics that cemented his name in to anything and everything connected with Batman! If you even spoke the name batman, you had to throw in “Created by Bob Kane” (Now, in my not so humble opinion… THAT’S SOME REALLY FUCKED UP SHIT!!)

We all don’t like businessmen because of their, backstabby and underhanded tendencies.. And Bob Kane turned out to be just that kind of Businessman!! Bill Finger, was a man of his work, he was given a job and he did it. He may not have wanted the recognition per say, but what’s fair is fair. Understandably, it was the late 30’s and such and not alot of these guys were completley educated in the whole copyright laws. And I’m sure writers and artist, just counted their blessings for having paying jobs. They didn’t care for anything else only that they were putting food on the table.

I don’t want to spend this whole blog hating and bashing Bob Kane. I do give credit to Bob for one thing and one thing only. If not for him promoting Batman and shoving Batman down any persons throght that he could find. I don’t think Batman would have become so popular as fast as he did. First the seriels, then Batman ’66 and the rest is nerdgasmic history! If it was solely left in the hands of the not so business savy and quiet hands of Bill Finger, would it have turned out the same?… (Only an alternate universe from ours knows the truth to that Riddle!)

Today, we have folks like Kevin Smith, Marc Tyler Nobelmen and Bills Grand daughter (or great Granddaughter, not sure) Athena Finger, are fighting to get Bill the recognition he so desperately deserves!

I for one, am a firm believer, that “If not for Bill, there would be no Bat!”

Until next time folks… Peace out!

We The Meek!!

We the meek.. Have inherited the Earth!!.. Well, at least Hollywood and Social Media, and Games, and News, and… Fuck it! Yeah! We have inherited the earth motherfuckers! Deal with it!

It’s become more apparent then ever, Geek/Nerd Culture has truly become mainstream in all forms of Media. Most of all HollyWood. Never has it been more of a victory (for lack of a better word) to be a Nerd! (SPOILER ALERT: At the end of Captain America 2, Robert Redford says with his dying breath, “Hail Hydra!”.. Robert fucking Redford!!.. Face it folks. We won!) While there are those that still poke fun and ridicule our love for comics, cartoons, video games and the like. Everything is now catered to us. Studios, Companies, Vendors, advertisers all want to sell their stuff to us. You wanna know why? Because half of them are US! That’s right. We have infiltrated the system my brothers and sisters! We are no longer the minority. We are the Migority! No more are we the outcasts. It is the world that is the outcasts, that want to join in OUR fun. That wants to learn our ways and our culture. The Homosapiens may still seek to destroy us! But we, HomoSuperior, are more powerful then they! No more do we need to hide in the shadows in fear! It is time to to take our rightful place as KINGS AND QUEENS OF THIS WORLD!!!!!…. Uh… Ahem!..

Sorry.. Went a little Magneto there for a moment.. Sorry about that.

So, until next time folks.. Peace out!

FINALLY!!… Feat: X-Men Days of Future Past


Yeah, yeah I know I’m late! But dang it I have finally seen it an I’m ready to give my two cents about it! ( and no! That “Finally” is not a reference to the title of this blog.. I’ll let you know when we get there!)

Now where shall I begin?…. Hmm.. How about we start with a bit of a history on “Days of Future Past!” Written by Chris Claremont back in the mid 80’s. The story starts many years into the future. The Sentinels created by Boliver Trask have taken over the world and imprisiond the mutant and human race. Our last hope is the last remaining members of the X-Men. With the Sentinels hunting them down, they hatch a plan to send Kate Pride back in time (Telepathicly) in to her younger self, the X-Man ShadowCat! In doing this, she can prevent the assassination of Presidental Canadate Sentor Kelly. Stopping this future from ever happening.

Now, Fox of course took many liberties with this story. Instead of ShadowCat going back in time, our man Wolverine steps up to do the job. But instead of a Telepath sending his mind back. Some how, ShadowCat, played by Ellen Page once more, has developed the ability to accomplish this feat of mental time travel. (When the fuck does ShadowCat do that?!?)


Alright, I’m getting alittle ahead of myself. The film had me by the balls,at the very start. With the great Sir Patrick Stewart’s opening monoluge! And our look at the post-Apocolyptic future. (I think Bryan Singer has a thing for prison camps… Nah! That’s just wrong!) The film was action packed from the start. Like I had hoped, every character had their part to play and were given their appropriate story time. We start with our refugee/fugitive X-men. Blink, Warpath, Collosus, Sunspot, and Bishop.



Warpath sences the arrival of the Super “Nimrod-esque” Sentinels, and that’s when shit gets real. Whilst the team fends off the Sentinels, Shadowcat and Bishop, with a little help from a full Iced-up Ice-Man, get themselves to a safe room and Shadowcat works her newfound powers on Bishop. The Sentinels prove to be extremely enhanced. Morphing their bodies to counteract the powers of the mutants. In an incredibly ballsy move, Bryan Singer starts killing everybody off! Collosus’  powers are mimicked by the sentinel. And he gets his skull crushed with one punch, Sunspot gets his neck broken. Blink is impaled by the Sentinels arm blade in the middle of a portal jump. Booby gets his head literally melted off his neck and crushed under a Sentinels foot and Warpath gets blown to bits! Then! Just as the Sentinels get in to the room with Shadowcat and Bishop and suddenly turn in to the Destoryer from the Thor franchise, and open up its face to blast them with an energy beam. Everything vanishes! And the room is clean of everything! As if nothing ever happened there. And this is all in the first 15 or so minuets of the film!

We soon realize that Shadowcat had sent Bishop a few weeks in to the past, preventing them from ever being in that underground bunker and saving everybody’s life. So when the last remaining members of the original X-Men arrive. Storm, Wolverine, and Proffesser X  with Magneto in on toe, we find that the whole crew is alive and well. Prof. X relises the major potentiol from Shadowcats ability and figures it’s time to implement their grand plan. Kitty is afraid to do it with a powerful mind such as Xavier’s and is afraid the strain of going back several decades could kill him. In comes Wolverine, miraculously brandishing adamantium claws in this film, (a fact of which is not explained at all!!… Go figure!) with his healing factor his brain could heal fast enough to take the strain of being mentally transported back in time. (Before I continue… SHADOWCAT! CAN NOT, I REPEAT, CAN NOT TRANSPORT ANYTHING TELEPATHICLLY!! NOR DOES SHE HAVE ANY FORM OF TELEPATHIC POWERS AT ALL!! SHE PHAZES THROUGH SHIT! THAT’S IT!! SHE PHAZES THROUGH WALLS AND STUFF!! And she’s a very intellegent woman. Great with computer hacking and kicking ass! I would have much rather they had someone with actual telepathic abilities to do the job. But! Since Shadowcat does play a key role in the original story, they had to figure a way to keep her a key player! I get Fox and Bryan on this, but you know what?… FUCK YOU Fox and Bryan Singer on that stupid ass logic!!… Phew!! Needed to get that off my chest. Now back to the review!) Before Wolverine sets off on his quantum leap, Xavier gives some info about what he needs to prevent. According to Xavier, Mystique, who he grew up with and cared for deeply for so many years (“Oh, yea! Did I mention I grew up with mystique way back in the day!? I didn’t tell you back in the very first movie? Sorry. Must have slipped my mind!” I think he meant to say that in the movie.) Mystique assassinates a one Mr. Boliver Trask (played nicely by Game of Thrones favorite Peter Dinklage)image In doing so, she is then captured and Trask Industries scientist continue his work in the Sentinel program, and use her DNA to create the ‘Nimrod-Esque’ Sentinels.image Ones that can morph their entire physical structure an adapt to any situation.  With this information, Wolverine is ready to go. He then wakes up in his younger self in 1973, with a hot young lady on a water  bed( of all things) not exactly sure where he is at the moment, a group of thugs burst in and threaten him for sleeping with the bosses daughter! A funny moment happens, when he tells the men that thier guns weren’t going to hurt him as much as his claws were goin to hurt them. He pops them out, revealing his bone claws and the look of confussion and disappointment on his face was hilarious to say the least! During this time, we catch up with Mystique( Jennifer Lawerance returning and delivering yet another great performance) Whom we find in Vietnam rescuing Havok and his little mutant battalion from being taken by a young William Stryker and put underground back home for testing for Trask Industries. When Havok tells her to come with them, she says “Her war isn’t over.”

Wolverine, finds the Xavier mansion looking like crap and Xavier himself looking like the same. But surprise, surprise! Xavier is standing on his own two feet! (Can’t wait to hear the explanation for this!) Turns out, Beast ol’ blue boy, concocted a serum that graphs on to Xavier’s spine giving him the streangth to walk. (Ok… I’m cool with that!) only on draw back… It nulls his telepathic powers. Leaving him powerless. As Beast explains this to Wolverine, we are treated to a slightly disturbing scene of Xavier shooting up the serum like a junkie. (Wasn’t too comfortable with that image.) Apperently after Raven left (at the end of First Class) Things just went down hill for Xavier and the school ever since. And the Vietnam war didn’t make it any easier.  After some convincing, Wolverine gets Xavier to help him. But first they need to bust Magneto out of lock-up. “Where is Ol’ Bucket head anyway?!” Hundreds of feet below ground under the Pentagon. How could our little trio ever break into there?! No worries,  Wolvie knows just the guy. Thus we are introduced to Pitro ‘Peter’ Maximoff! (Like most of you. When I first saw the first released picture of Quicksilver, my first thought was… WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!? THAT’S NOT QUICKSILVER!! FUCKING FOX IS GONNA FUCK THIS UP SO BAD!! But then I saw the movie and I aye my words) Quicksilver scenes were not only really cool but very fun! Only two things wrong with his involvement within the plot. 1. Quicksilver is faster then the speed of sound which is pretty fucking fast. But they portrayed him to be more of a “FLASH” type of speed (which is, Flash is faster then the speed of light. That’s faster then the speed of sound. Quicksilver doesn’t go so fast that time almost seems to stand still. That’s Flash’s department) but in the climax of the prison break, which is probably one of the most entertaining parts of the film, Quiksilver saves everyone’s ass by running around the room and taking out every guard in the room. imageAnd 2. He was only there for that one scene.  I would personally would have liked it if Quicksilver was used more in the film then what he was. There was a nice nod to Quicksilvers parentage in a scene in an elevator. He had just busted Magneto out of his cell and in the ride up to meet up with Wolvie and Charles. He says “They say you can do stuff with metal! That’s funny. My mom knew a guy who could do that too!”imageNow that the small band is put together we sadly say goodbye to Quicksilver. Charles and Eric hash out some if their greviencses with each other. We learn that ALOT of First Class members died in between the time that we last left them. Among those names he yells out is surprisingly, Banshee. (So we won’t be seeing go again, along with some others.) We learn that, when Mystique sneaks in to Trask Offices as Trask himself. And finds his hidden room with his secret files. Inside are autopsy reports featuring pictures of Azazel, and Angel. Seeing them further fuels Mystiques need to kill Trask. With Wolverines future knowledge of what’s going to happen. The group heads to Paris to stop Mystique from assassinating Trask. Who is there to try and sell off his Sentinels to Vietnam Generals, who were there for a peace treaty summit. During his presentation his Mutant Gene detector goes off. Revealing Mystique as one of the generals. The guys arrive in time to stop her. But shit goes south. Wolverine starts flipping out when he sees the young William Stryker and starts getting visions of the Weapon X program which sends his mind bouncing around in time. Causing complications in the future. Shadowcat struggles to keep him in one place. While he starts flinging his claws around and slashes her. In the past, Magneto decides to change history in his own way. By killing Mystique. She escapes by jumping out a window and Beast kicking his ass. Wolverine soon comes back to his sences, Mystique gets out of dodge and now Mutants are once more in the lime light and human kind is pissing their pants out of fear and confusion. With both Mystique and Magneto on the loose, Beast, Charles and  wolverine get back to the mansion. The serum begins to wear off and Xavier’s legs start to go. But his powers are creeping back. Wolverine convinces him to hold on and not take the serum. That his powers were needed to help save the lives of everyone they cared for, past and present. He ops out of not taking the serum and hops back into his wheelchair, and dusts off old Cerebro. He struggles at first to find Mystique and blows out Cerebros motor. Feeling utterly hopeless and weak he literally gives up and says they sent back the wrong man. Wolverine agrees and tells him it was supposed to be him that was supposed to be sent back. But he could only do but so much. He told him to look into his mind and try to find the man who could help him find his way. At first Xavier sees all the turmoil Wolverine has been through (mainly scenes from the first three X-men films and Origins) Xavier is horrified by what he sees. Wolverine tells him don’t worry about what I’ve been through, look deeper. This brings us to the moment when Charles meets Charles. Past and future come face to face. It is the most, heart touching scene in the whole film. I seriously got tierie eyed during their exchange. It was quite literally the passing of the Xavier torch. A trully powerful scene, acted to the most extreme by such wonderful actors. I still get chills when I hear Patrick Stewart say “Charles, we need you to hope again.” (Awe man! Here come the water works!) After his little pep talk with himself Xavier’s ready to go.

Meanwhile! ( at the legion of doom!!… Sorry, always wanted to do that!) Magneto got his hands on some of Trasks  plans for his Sentinels and hatches his own plan. With President Nixon ready to back his Sentinel Program and wanting to present them at a huge celebration on the White House lawn. Trask packs them up and ships them on a train to Washington. Magneto hops on board and using the rail line themselves he injects them with some much needed metal!

Xavier finds out that Mystique is headed for Washington and the boys fly off to head her off. Magneto and his love for national landmarks, out does his future feat of moving the Golden Gate Bridge (X-3) and absconds with a whole baseball stadium ( minus the field of course)and heads to the White House. Xavier and friends arrive at the celebration. Xavier Telepathicly searches for Mystique as Magneto is in route. He finds her disguised as a secret service man ready to put a bullet in Trask. Mentally freezing her he sends Wolverine and Beast for her. Once he was within range, Magneto activated the Sentinels as soon as they were unveiled and sent them on the attack. Through the frenzy Xavier loses his hold over Mystique and she rushes off after the rest of the secret service that’s scurrying away with Trask and The President. Magneto finally arrives and crashes the stadium down, fencing in the White House. ( Now during this time, Bryan Singer masterfully juggles two climatic battles at the same time.) In the future. An armada of Sentinel ships are flying in. Warpath spots them ten miles out and everybody kicks in to action. Blink and her portal powers once more prove amazingly effective as well as Storms manipulation of the winds. Bishop, after being charged up by Storms lightning, was kicking ass. But Magneto put the cherry on top, by using the BlackBird as a Nuclear Missle, Storm lit it up and the blast takes out the whole fleet of ships. Before they can bask in any victory, Storm notices Magneto, who has a piece of shrapnel in his side. Then shit really hits the fan…imageStorm is the first to go. Then a whole ass load of Sentinels start popping up and it’s dĂ©jĂ  vu all over again. The Xmen start kicking ass, but the Sentinels adapt, and start killing them. Bishop gets blown up, Sunspot gets impaled, Collosus get ripped in two. Blink teleports Magneto back inside with Xavier, but then gets impaled, not once, not twice, but three times! (Wolverine better hurry the fuck up!)

Wolverine and Beast  take on a Sentinel that isn’t guarding the stadium perimeter. Xavier is trapped under a steel beam and Magneto rips out the metal underground bunker that President Nixon and his people were hiding in. Beast tells Logan he’s got the Sentinel and to go after Magneto. (Well, he doesn’t have his adamantium skeleton. So he should have no problem taking Magneto out.. Right?! Right?!?) Magneto sends a bunch of debrie flying at him. Then finally knocks him down from behind and starts snaking some metal bars in to his body. Lifting him up in an image very similar to a page in the now famous “Fatal Attractions” story line in which Magneto removes the adamantium from Wolverines body. (Look it up!) then sends him flying out of the stadium. (Well… there went any hope of Wolverine saving the day!) Wolverine lands in a freaking river and starts to drown.

Magneto ripped open the front of the Presidential Bunker like it was a can of sardines. He takes their guns from them (ala Xmen 1) Then focuses the Camras that surrounded the area on him. And makes a grand speech for the worlds mutants to no longer hide in the shadows in fear. “Nixon” had heard enough. Saying if you wanna make a statement, make it with him! (Meanwhile!) Beast is overpowered by the Sentinel and in desperation, injects a massive dose of his serum making him appear as human to the Sentinel. The Sentinel scans the area and spots Magneto and “Nixon” and Mutant comes up on its radar. Distracted by the charging Sentinel, Magneto turns away and “Nixon” pops a cap in his neck. Luckily missing any arteries. (Bet you guessed it was Mystique the whole time) She kicks him in the face and turns and aims for Trask. Xavier pleads with her one final time not to kill him, but ultimately leaves the decision up to her. In probably the most tension filled  moment in the film. We flash back and forward as the Sentinels close in on Xavier, Magneto, Shadowcat, and Wolverine. They open their heads ready to fire. Mystique struggles with her desire for revenge. And in the kind of moment you think the writer will say, “Fuck you we’re making this some dark shit” Mystique drops the gun and the future vanishes! (I’ll even admit I made a fist pump “Fuck Yeah!”)

In that one final moment, everything we have come to know within the X-Men film universe, is NO MORE! The slate has been wiped clean! (Thank Heavens!)

Magneto floats his ass out of town. Mystique, goes off once more. And everyone wonders, Where’s Logan?… He’s fucking drowning you dirt bags! Fade to white and Wolverine wakes up in bed. Groggy as hell, he wanders out of his room and finds himself, wizard of oz style, back at Xavier’s School! We see Ol’ Beast(Kealsy Grammer) Kitty and Collosus are teaching a class, Rouge and Bobby are together. Storm is alive… And wait! Who’s that beautiful Red head standing in the door way? JEAN!?? Holy fuck she’s back! (At this point I’m clasping my hands praying for Cyclops to show up) and Bam! Wouldn’t you know it, CYCLOPS!! (Another Fist Pump! “Fuck yeah!”) The gang was all there. It felt so good seeing them back. (Hated the shades they gave Cyclops though…they looked fucking stupid!) Wolverine goes to Xavier’s office and is told he is late for a  history class he has to teach. “I think I’m going to need a little help with that Proffesser. Can’t really remember anything past 1973!” (Great!! More fucking memory problems for Wolverine!) Xavier askes what’s the last thing he remembers… “Drowning” Flash back to Wolverine being fished out of the river by Police and Army Men. One says, “What should we do with him?” And there’s Major William Stryker! “I’ll take him from here.” As he turns away, his eyes turn Mystique yellow! (DA DA DAAAA!!!!)

And so we come to a close, on one hell of an extremely awesome X-Men Movie! “FINALLY!!!” (There it is..) FINALLY we get an all around great X-Men movie that. 1. Makes since, 2. FIXES! Key word FIXES! EVERYTHING wrong with the timeline, and Continuity! 3. I loved every single moment of this film, dispite all the little flubs and throw away things they put in it! And yeah, it is definitely my favorite X-Men film EVER! I love Wolverine, that movie should have been made instead of Origins! But! X-Men days of future past, is my Favorite Xmen out of all! I highly recommend you watch this film several times over!

Geez! This was a long ass blog! Sorry folks! Next one will be much shorter, promise! (Maybe)

So! Until next time folks… Peace out!


Where’s Ms. Marvel?!


I don’t plan on taking to much of you fine folks time.. But I just wanted to make a statement concerning the latest news of “SINESTER” Director Scott Derikson being announced as director of the upcoming “DR.STRANGE” film from Marvel Studios. To this, I have but one response… THE FUCK DO I CARE!!?!

Why is Marvel putting so much concern in getting a Doc Strange movie in to the works and not any focus on a Ms.Marvel movie?! Now is the time to start getting it done. DC and WB already have a Wonder Woman (although one with no known acting ability) Now, I’m not saying this is a competion.. OKAY! It is a competion, lets not kid ourselves! But Marvel has shown to always make the best choice in actors and stories and direction. So I KNOW, Marvel will and can do a Ms.Marvel movie, and do it right! But why aren’t they getting to it? Why are there no casting calls or any kind of news to even suggest that’s its in the works?!? Are they holding on to a wait and see approach? Are they waiting to see how WB does with Wonder Woman? Are they waiting to see how the audience is going to turn out for either Batman v Supreman or The Wonder Woman stand alone film?! Are they waiting to see if a female lead movie would make it big in the box office?…. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!

HUNGER GAMES, FROZEN, BRAVE, MALEFICENT, ALIENS, CHARLIE’S (FUCKING!) ANGELS!!! All female lead box office successes!! And I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting a couple. MALEFICENT being the most recent and HUNGER GAMES has two more films to be released. Both Marvel and WB can’t be seriously this fucking stupid to think, in this day and age, that nobody would want to see a Female SuperHero movie!

I guarantee Marvel can and will do a better job at presenting a female lead SuperHero movie, namely Ms.Marvel! With such a rich history and plenty of great stories to draw from for this character. They just need to get on the fucking ball!

Dont get me wrong.. I like Dr.Strange and I understand his possible importance to their “Infinity Gauntlet” movie plan.. But who gives a fuck!! GIVE US MS. MARVEL!!


If you need an actress, look no further then, Yvonne Strahovski! A real actress! She’s  got the look, the body the skill and the talent to play the part perfectly!

(SIGH!) thank you for your time folks! If you agree, hit me up on Twitter or Instagram. Or comment here on this blog. Thank you!

So, until next time folks.. Peace out!

What Can We Expect, From MK10!?

Above is a link to the recently released trailer to the upcoming MORTAL KOMBAT X! If you want. Watch it, then get your ass back to my blog an allow me to present my two cents!.. Don’t worry, I’ll wait right here…………….

…………….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! Huh?! Oh! Your back!?! AWESOME RIGHT!!? WHO’S NEXT!? Totally bad ass! Amazing graphics! Nice song to accompany the action. Sub-Zero and Scorpion look great.

(A QUICK HEADS UP!!! What I’m about to divolge in this blog, is completely my opinion! I DO NOT! Have no inside info on ANYTHING! I don’t know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a guy who knows a girl that’s seeing this guy who’s dating this dude behind her back who works at NetherRealm Studios! I didn’t interview anybody to get some answers. This is just some stuff that I got out if the trailer. So… Lets get to it!)

First, Not only do we find that the fighting style is advanced, but so is the blocking mechanics. Clearly they show case the advanced blocking moves and counter attacks.

Second, Clearly the folks at NetherRealm Studios have picked up a thing or two from their work on INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us! The part of the fight when Suby takes a tree branch and whacks Scorpy in the face with it. Is clearly a sign that the environment will play a part in the battles. Also they could also play a part in the combos, which is shown when Suby freezes Scorpy and throws him in to a tree. This feature looks like a bit of fresh air for this franchise.

X-Ray attacks are back. Which is pretty cool! Now, the way the trailer showed it in use does kind of make me think they may have switched up how the X-Ray feature works. It could be used within a combo in which you press a certain button to execute it. But it could probably still be a power meter feature, as it was in MK9!

New attacks and combos look like a big addition to the gamaplay (maybe!) new looks to classic moves are really emanate within this trailer. Also it would appear the use of weapons may have made a “Komback” in the gameplay. Then, When we finally get to the FINISH HIM! Part, it certainly looks like we may have some new fatalities to look forward to! The whole ripping off the head with the Kuni was really cool and the sword was a nice touch!

The trailer tells us jack shit about the story of the game. But I was wondering. “What the heck is Sub-Zero doing here?!” Granted, he could just be in the trailer because, when people think MK, they think Suby and Scorpy. He could just be there to get his ass handed to him by Scorpion.  Or! He’s Baaackk! We won’t know for sure until further info is realesed about the story.

Whats awesome is that they are sticking to the side scrolling fighter that they brought back for MK9. And what’s completly Nerdgasmic about this release, is that, come 2015. It’ll be out on all platforms (except the Wii…pussys!) which makes total business sence. Not everyone has the next gen consels, so WB and NRS are going to be racking it in next year!

Well… I think that should just about cover it! I’m super excited for this game and this franchise and I can’t wait to find out what else we can expect from MK10!

So, until next time folks… FIGHT!!!! MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!





Well, Ladies and Gentelnerds, we are mere days away from an announcement by Co Creator and President of MORTAL KOMBAT and NETHERREALM STUDIOS, Ed Boon. Concerning the realese of MORTAL KOMBAT 10 (or X! Supposedly) or at least that’s the rumor. That he himself is spreading all over social media!

So, being that I’m in to making list! Here’s some things I’m hoping to see in the next installment of MORTAL KOMBAT!



MK9 had by far the most intense, gore filled fatalities in any MK game , EVER! With the power of the PS3 engine and the tremendous graphics behind it. They were extremely beautiful in a very disturbing kind of way. But they were just the same damn moves they’ve always done. Just with better graphics. Lets have some more fresh moves and more imaginative in the presentation. Also keep the Stage Fatalities. They were some of the best parts. But MK9 had only a select few. Have every stage have a Fatality! Bring back FRIENDSHIPS! The babalities were so funny and cute. Keep those.



My absolute favorite part of MK:Armaggedon! Was creating my own fighter to go up against some of my favorite characters! (I even created a She-Hulk fighter.. Seriously!) building and managing their fighting moves and stances, was so awesome! With the amount of moves that are available now, And with an in game store.. The possablities are endless! Bring that back!


ARMAGGEDON had the largest fighter roster of any fighting game,(that I know of!) We don’t want a repeat of that! But, seeing that just about every damn hero was killed off in MK9! It does leave room for not only bringing in other characters from the MK universe. Like, FROST, MOVADO, LI MEI, BO RAI CHO, ASHRA and even another god FUJIN! But it gives NeatherRealm studios the chance to bring in totally new blood! A new direction to the mythos, (thx to the whole time travel aspect. Anything is possible!)


Lets admit it.. Those trophies are a pain in the ass to get!

6. THE KRYPT!…image

I loved the Krypt in MK9. But some… Ok ALOT!! Of the bonus stuff was completley unnecessary! We don’t need pictures of costumes we already see in action! We don’t need music from stages! UNLESS! Unless we can then download them with a speacial code and we ( I ) can have it in our mp3’s. Give us things we can actually use! PLEASE!


Having Freddy Kruger in MK9 was pretty awesome. I hate the nightmare on elm street films. But Freddy’s involvement in MK was pretty darn cool. He had cool moves and ORIGINAL Fatalities! And in some sence, refreshing! I would like to see another Horror Movie Baddie make an appearance in MK10. I vote for JASON VORHEES, of Friday the 13th fame! Can you imagine what he can do with that machete of his!?


The addition of KRATOS, in to the world of Mortal Kombat was… Spectacular! Here’s just a few ideas for who to put in this time around. ASSASSINS CREED fave ETZIO, SPAWN, LOBO (from INJUSTICE! LOBO, would be a great fit in to the MK world.) perhaps a RESIDENT EVIL CHARACTER! There are many to choose from. Also have someone pluasable not just there for kicks! My personal vote would be for either LOBO, and it ETZIO!


The great lure of next generation consoles is extremely enticing. But not everyone can afford a PS4 or XBOX ONE! Make the game available for everyone!! (Deep down I’m afraid MK10 will be only next gen.. But I can still hope!)


It was SOO great having TEST YOUR MIGHT back! And the additions of TEST YOUR LUCK, TEST YOUR SIGHT and TEST YOUR STRENGTH! Was really cool! All the challenges were.. Well CHALLENGES! But.. Uh…. DID REALLY NEED SUCH A SHIT LOAD OF THEM!?!? Each one more difficult then the last. And half of them were basically repeating each other. Bring the tower back.. But geez keep it fucking small!!

Finally, for something near and dear to my heart!


Scorpion is my all time fave. Though he sought only revenge in the last one. He was so close to doing the right thing. But fucking QUAN CHI and his bull shit fucked it all up for him! I hope MK10, makes Scorpion the hero he deserves to be! Have him redeem himself and his fallen clan. Let him learn the truth of QUAN Chi’s deception and finally have his revenge!

Well! That just about does it! If you folks have any hopes of your own for MORTAL KOMBAT X, Let me know in the comment section below. Or hit me up on Twitter @GonzoNeo or on Instagram phoinexdragon12!

So, untill next time… Peace out!